"Unexpeced Allies Part III: Trial of the Century" Reviews/Comments [ 239 ] |
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Reviewed By: sesshoumaru_lover200 On: February 09, 2004 23:59 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...im the first to read...and you better keep up or die evilly!!!!shipo:no just get really hurt:sess@sl200:be careful on feb.16 inu is off air
Title: woot!! Reviewed By: eViL kAgOmE [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 22:43 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: YAY!!!! ::does happy dance:: hes back im so happy. yay!!! finally my sexy sess-chan is back. im so happy!!! i just want to say ::breaths:: thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u, thank u, THANK U!!!!!!!!!! please update real soon or u shall feel MY RATH!!! hehe sorery got a little excited. well i love ur story and please please please please please please please update SOON. and by soon i mean like this week soon, darn it!!!
Reviewed By: Kitsune_Bi [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 20:20 CST Comment/Review: YEAH! SESSHOU'S BACK IN THE PICTURE!!!! YESSSS!! COOLIE! THIS IS THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY! (And that's saying something because it's my B-day and my dog died) YAY! Wah.
Reviewed By: lil-sesshi On: February 09, 2004 19:57 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: cant wait for you to update again. ITs one of my favorite storys, please update soon.
Title: trihn Reviewed By: strawberry shortcake [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 16:55 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Dark Princess (too lazy to log in) On: February 09, 2004 16:51 CST Comment/Review: YAY! sesshy ish back :D
Title: 2 Reviewed By: Striking Falcon [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 14:32 CST Comment/Review:
Reviewed By: Psycho Demoness (not logged in) On: February 09, 2004 12:14 CST Comment/Review: YAY UPDATE!! *does an Indian dance around the computer, chanting* update update update update update! waaaaah! cliffhanger!!noooooo!!O___O oh, you also made some spelling mistakes, like saying "crotch" when i think you mean "croutch"(when kagome was fighting sesshy). when that happened, i was laughing my head off. anyways, pleeeaaaase update soon. I died waiting for this chapter. i checked my computer every hour literally to see if you updated. ja ne!!
Reviewed By: battlewhore [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 11:15 CST Comment/Review: I've really enjoyed this story (even if some points were obvious, like it being Sesshoumaru on the bike in front of her) and I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. That said, you might be interested to know one small mistake in your Japanese. (If you're not, feel free to stop reading.... NOW.) "hahaue" and "chichiue" are never used when speaking TO your parents, or speaking about somebody else's parents. These words are only used when speaking to a friend about your own parents. "Okaasan" and "otoosan" should be used instead. Please don't take offense at my correction - I'm not a stickler for correctness, I just like to help clear up confusion if I possibly can, and if I'm absolutely positive of what I tell people. So again - good story, very entertaining, keep 'em coming.
Title: Random Comentary Reviewed By: Kix [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 10:13 CST Comment/Review: btw..anyone notice a similarity between Seshhomaru and Zechs Marqueesa(aka Milliardo Peacecraft, pardon my sucky spelling) from Gundam Wing?..and they're voices are similar too..*scratches chin and starts coming up with an idea for a fic* hmm...that would be interesting..yo...peps..leme know if any of you decide to write such a fic...or meby i'll have to write my self..though i know it'llbe sucky cuz i suck at writing and stuff..anyway..i better stop this befor it becomes a rant..rather then just a random comentary..*Hugs*
Reviewed By: Kix [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 10:11 CST Comment/Review: YEAY!! UPDATE!! *hugs* heay Sexyseshy..*winks* welcome back...*goes back to drooling at Seshy*
Reviewed By: DragonRae [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 09:37 CST Comment/Review: *owl blink* cool...I can picture Sesshoumaru taking off the helmet...hotness...*drool...*
Reviewed By: Corisu Li [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 05:56 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Yayness! He's back! *prances around, yelling 'Sesshou's back, Sesshou's back!'* Great chapter! I can't wait until the next one! *puts a gigantic concrete block on the ground that says 'HINT HINT'* ^_____^ Now, that's what I call dropping a hint! ^^;;;
Reviewed By: IsisTheEgyptianGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: February 09, 2004 05:10 CST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Isis: *clicking futility at the down button* There is no more?? *stares at the screen and then...* Wahhhhhh!!! *cries* Why SF?! WHY!!!!! *sniff* Sesshoumaru: *still reading* *nods* Exactly, never expect to beat your sensei. *looks over at Isis* What are you so upset about? Isis: *points at the end of the chapter with some tears still coming down* Sesshoumaru: *glares at the end* That's it?? *looks at Isis and sighs* Stop that. *takes a tissue and Isis so she can wipe her eyes* Isis: *sniff* I'm sorry, it was going so good, then Poof! The end till next time! Sesshou: Like you never do that. *hands her another tissue* Isis: *blows her nose* I do it a little, but this is just evil! Come on, this is the month for romance o.k. You see what I'm getting at? SF, please update soon! I have to know what happens!
Reviewed By: S1Cherry ^-^ On: February 09, 2004 00:36 CST Comment/Review: another good chapter ^-^ I'm reading fanfics, and writing pleas for money for my trip to China. I need to rais $1000 in 1 month. 1 month! I really want to go see the Great Wall though, so wish me luck in raising all that money. ^-^ *sigh* Kagome gets a motorcycle. I want a motorcycle, but they are totally impratical for Seattle weather. *otherwise known as rain, rain, and a bit more rain* *jumps up and down* I hope the next capter comes out soon! later ^-^
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