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"A Saiyan For All Seasons" Reviews/Comments [ 209 ]
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 Reviewed By: TT  On: August 31, 2005 10:09 EDT
It is beautiful. Touched my heart and made me cry :.)
 Title: Chapter 15
Reviewed By: VenusLegacy (not logged in)  On: August 31, 2005 05:03 EDT
wow that was so magical and intense, I loved the confrontation between Bulma and Vegeta. The way you depict their emotions is so real and raw I felt the passion of Vegeta as he described his transformation, his pure excitement akin to that of a child, and the way the tension is built up when Bulma is asked to look directly into his eyes. I enjoyed how you portrayed the way they both come to terms with there relationship towards the end of that chapter, it doesn't end with a never but a hopeful maybe, which for some reason I don't fault Vegeta for. You portray his mindset so well that I think I understand him more especially from the previous chapter 'Afraid for Him'. In this story Bulma seems more self-sacrificial which although she displays this in the android saga, there does seem to be a slight bitterness there as well, for her and Vegeta do not seem to have parted on good terms in the anime. Nevertheless I am thoroughly enjoying your rich interpretation of this timeless tale and look forward to the next update
 Reviewed By: dbzfanjess  On: August 30, 2005 23:56 EDT
oh wow chapter 14 was awesome... that was such a touching scene and I could almost forsee what bulma's action was going to be. I can't wait for more of this story... Its so sweet that he wanted to tell her first. I like how you worked in that it was a one time thing with on continuance but that things changed. That was a great chapter on characterization and story line. I can't wait to see what you do next in your story. I'm waiting in anticipation; this story has been so good so far. ^_^ keep up the good work.
 Title: aaaaaarrrrrgggghh!
Reviewed By: free-sprit to lazy to log in...  On: August 06, 2005 06:48 EDT
AAAAAARGH! You can't do this to me! Have I done something to you in a passed life???!!??? Now I have to wait like months for the next chapter! *Cries* ... Ermm... I love the story. Really. I would belevie me if I where you, since I kinda freaked out because you end with such a cliffhanger, and I REALLY REALLY hope that you would just pleeeaaaaase would update very very very very soon!!! Love it. I'm from Denmark, so I'm just gonna curse alittle on danish, because I'm very very mad, and I wonøt insult anyone if I write in on danish. Unless you're danish. Wich you aren't... eehh. I dunno. Whatever... *Mega meget total lort og død røv, at den ikke bare kan blive færdig! uuuuuh, jeg hader dig virkleig. jeg elsker dig. du skrev den.* Cya later. :P Ich bin weird...
 Reviewed By: autumn [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2005 12:34 EDT
Glad to see an update! No need to apologize. Although, yes, that was an evil place to end it ;) Great chapter. I thought it was a nice transition, seeing how Yamcha is moving on and how B is keeping to herself. Hmmmm... I wonder what Vegeta will think when he sees her so pregnant! I mean, it's one thing to *know* she's carrying his child, but another to see the proof. Should be an interesting encounter regardless. GL with your art free-lancing. You really do some amazing stuff.
 Reviewed By: debbiechan [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2005 16:16 EDT
Yes, that was a wicked ending but it was wonderful. I love this fic so much and this was a beautiful, beautiful chapter, primo Ember and full of feeling. The details about the baby were awesome--we don't get much of that in BV fics and your descriptions just added to the authenticity of this fic. I've said it before and I'll say it again--it "feels real." And what's more amazing to me is that even when Vegeta's offscreen, I don't miss him that much because your attention to the other characters is so good. love you!!! debbie
 Reviewed By: PHANTOMSCRIBE72-not logged in  On: June 16, 2005 20:25 EDT
Yes, yes, I know I've been pathetic in my reviewing duties as your biggest fan and am about to lose that title to those who are more faithful, but I just wanted to say that this fic is a prime example as to why, IMHO, you are the premier B/V writer in fandom. You have an incredible gift and I'm so happy you've shared it with us.
 Reviewed By: Nintendocat  On: June 02, 2005 10:24 EDT
Sighs.... Wow, I've been reading this for sometime and I'm so glad that you've keep up the quality. This story is so bold and original, funny at times, deep at others. Not to mention very sexy. Keep up the good work.
 Title: ooh, very believable
Reviewed By: Dharmaserenity (jana)  On: May 15, 2005 23:21 EDT
That discussion between Vegeta and Bulma at the end was so believable, that I can completely see this as having been the discussion between them on the actual show. Amazing. And I love the little hints that Vegeta is more emotionally involved in the baby than he lets on. And I love his frank admission that he was affected by her, much to his consternation. I, like her, would also feel my stomach clench and heart skip a beat getting what little can be received from someone so closed off and brutally sexual and beautiful as he is. Whoot! Love it. jana (Dharmaserenity)
 Title: Holy Sh*t
Reviewed By: bura400 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 14, 2005 19:54 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
O_O! Oh my god Ember you have out done yourself on this one, I was racked between chills and fiery blushes. I have been reading lemons since the age of 15 and I have read many, but whoa! Beautifully written and gorgeous descriptions! The by-play between Vegeta and Bulma is HOT! You deserved every 10, hell Id give you all 100's if I could! EXCELLENT JOB! Bura
 Title: Confrontations
Reviewed By: MelizaMac [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 13, 2005 20:52 EDT
Isn't it amazing how great drowning your sorrows in a bottle sounds - until the next day? This was a rough time for Bulma. It was easy to make a snap decision, especially since nobody else knew. Funny how parents seem to find out things though... And like Mrs. B said, they weren't even trying. I like the insight you've given Dr. Briefs. He still can have his "absent-minded professor" moments, but when necessary, he's a decent father. He offered Bulma exactly what she needed - unconditional love. I'm sure even the knowledge that Vegeta was off planet didn't calm Bulma's fears prior to contacting him. Their conversation was encouraging, no matter how brutally honest Vegeta was about their future, or lack thereof. I'm glad Bulma was observant enough to catch his subtle reaction. Thanks for the update Kiddo!
 Reviewed By: dbzfanjess  On: May 12, 2005 17:04 EDT
oh that was really well done... I loved the emotions that Bulma went through... the conversation with her father had me in stitches... of course Dr. Briefs would know... and the convo with Vegeta was wonderful. I loved the characterization... very well done.
 Reviewed By: debbiechan [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 12, 2005 16:06 EDT
oooooooh, you updated and it was so worth it. I very much enjoyed the bit with the parents. It had a naturalness I just love and which abounds in this story, but then Vegeta appeared and ZAP--you always get that chemistry between those two so beautifully. How do you do it? I liked Vegeta's answer to the pregnancy--it was simple, quick to the point, and it settled everything. And the slight smile. :-) :-) :-) So happy you updated! No hurries for the next chapter! I'm going to read this one again now!
 Reviewed By: opinion  On: April 15, 2005 17:24 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow im really loving this fic right now. i mean its well written and you just make them so realistic. pls update whenever you can. oh and that lil episode between bulma and yamcha, i though it was necessary. well atleast now they got that out of the way. now its all about bulma and vegeta!! update updat update!
 Reviewed By: Just passing by  On: April 12, 2005 14:50 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am amazed at the quality of character development in this fic. This is my all time favorite B/V 3-years story. Please keep working on it! I must see how you bring it all in at the end! Keep it up!
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