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"Cannot Be Broken" Reviews/Comments [ 117 ]
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 Reviewed By: leilachan [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2005 00:47 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i wanted to read and review sooner, but i was out of town 'till last night. i checked for your update as soon as i could and i am so glad that you've posted a new chap. EAP is right...the conversation between kik/kag helped explain alot and answered all of my questions. this story is simply AmAzing. i NEVER lie! @_@ (not about important stuff atleast) ;p this fic keeps getting better and better. i can't wait for the showdown with naraku. hells yeah! this writing thing must come very naturally to you cuz you put most of these other writers on this site to shame. updates r gooood.
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: July 23, 2005 03:08 EDT
That was amazingly written, as always. Kikyo Explaining about Kagome's powers really helped, it made everything crystal clear. And the make-out session...Interesting. Kind of bloody, but still really intense and passionate, and it was nice that Inuyasha's powers healed her. And Re-enter Miroku! I don't have the faintest idea what he could be doing, something lecherous, I'm sure. I look forward to your next update, I hope you can post it soon!
 Reviewed By: Akihana [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 23, 2005 01:19 EDT
Completely agreed. Miroku? I'm so happy they made up. Inuyasha being a cold jerk was bad. Poor Kagome though. I was almost crying at the beginning for her. I'm happy that she's happy and that they're happy.
 Reviewed By: ladyluck_015 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2005 23:22 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
as you can see- I LOVED THAT STORY!! pls hurry 4 the next chapter!!!! lol
 Title: hurry
Reviewed By: fudge  On: July 19, 2005 02:00 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
omg! I really hope you update really really soon! pwetty please! your story is good and is getting even better
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: July 16, 2005 23:05 EDT
That was intense! I loved this chapter, it was really well written, you did an excellent job. And Kagome said she loves him! I cannot wait to see more or Inuyahsa's reaction, please update again soon!
 Reviewed By: silversakurablossom  On: July 14, 2005 18:48 EDT
How could he be such a jerk!! I feel so bad for Kagome. It almost makes me wish she would find someone else.
 Reviewed By: leilachan [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 14, 2005 18:14 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ahhh. i wanted to read this last night, but it was already 4:00am. man, i loved this chapter. i think i understood what was said between sess and kag. i kinda had to read it a couple of times over, tho. i am so into the emotional turmoil between inu and kag. it is so heated and involved that they just have to work things out! i can't believe he would blame his feelings for her on manipulation or mind control. what an @ss. =p but thats why we luv him. as usual, please update when you can. i'll need my fix.
 Reviewed By: spookeymelichan nsi  On: July 14, 2005 17:04 EDT
Great chapter very intense poor kagome! Poor yasha! I feel sorry for both of them lol! Can't wait for your next chapter.
 Reviewed By: spookeymelichan [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2005 21:59 EDT
This is a nice tale I came accross it last night and had to force myself to go to bed so I could still be up on time for work came home and immediately went back to reading only paused long enough to eat. Anyway fun tale the angst is killing me though especially the most recent chapter Inuyasha is being such a jerk can't wait to see what other plans you have and were this story is going.
 Reviewed By: shatter the sky comes quietly  On: July 13, 2005 17:21 EDT
Wow, this is fantasmic. I can hear and see what's going on in this, a mark of a truly masterful author. This is such an unusual take on the series, I can't wait to see what happens next. Will any of the other villians make an appearance? The Thunder Bros, the Shinitachi--I know I spelled that wrong, or Tsubaki? What about that guy that created the fake Shikon? Keep up the good work, till next time.
 Title: :(
Reviewed By: azn_pride_rox  On: July 13, 2005 13:58 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aww, I almost cried! Please update soon! I have a few questions though. How could Inu start hating Kagome? Wasn't he all intent in making her love him? What about that tender moment they had in the cave?
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: July 10, 2005 06:28 EDT
Aw, that was sad! Inuyasha can't hate her...That would totally kill all the romance ;) . Anyway, I liked this chapter, I was a bit confused in the beginning, but it became more clear as I went along. Great job on explaining it so readers could understand it without it seeming dumbed-down (that can be hard), but you did it magnificently. Kudo on a job well done, I look forward to more chapters!
 Reviewed By: leilachan [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 10, 2005 00:52 EDT
oh no. i know... hope this will be a happily ever after, but man is inu an assh*le. i figure he feels pretty used about now and probably wants to hurt something, but kag was also a pawn, right? i feel for them both, but more for kag. i mean, feeling betrayed by her own father and finding out your powers that you didn't even know you had killed people. wow. there were alot of secrets revealed and questions answered in this chapter and i thoroughly enjoyed it! when you have a chance, please write more. !)
 Reviewed By: Sango's boomerang  On: July 10, 2005 00:04 EDT
Oh could someone please smack some sense into Inuyasha!! Oh just let him be smacked repeatedly! Poor Kagome
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