[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: zosocrowe Lives are going to change for the Kenshin-gumi when Karou and Kenshin recieve some suprising news. How will they cope with the coming changes?
This was a first fan fic- there are many mistakes and inconsisitancies that I am aware of. I have no intention of changing them or fixing them at this site, so you can point them out, but they will remain the same. I'd also like to point out that I am by no means a professional author, nor do I intend to be one anytime in the near future-the stories I write are fan-fiction, drawn from my perspective on a series, so please don't tell me I'm wrong in my perceptions and opinions, it's rude and ignorant. I write these stories simply under the assumption that others out there who love the series as much as I do will read them and smile. I happily accept constructive critisism, since it is the best way to improve one's writings but don't tell me the story is boring, if it's boring, why read it? I find many authors such as Stephen King and many of Anne Rice's books to be boring, but they are by no means bad authors...anyone who knows anything about writing or critiquing knows this, so save yourself the humility...
I apologize for the mispellings for japanese words, I know they are there...I'm happy to announce that I can now read japanese at a grade 1 level, so my spellings have improved much since the birth of this fic. LOL
Alas, due to my studies of the language (among other things), I will no longer be writing any fanfiction, but I'd rather read my manga than write stories about it!
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the story, even among its imperfections!