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Title: Hayden Christensen [ TV Series/Movie :: Star Wars ] By: shufong
Uploaded On: Mar 10 7:50:24 2003
Charcters: Anakin Skywalker
Description: It's a pencil sketch of Hayden Christensen or also known as Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars: The Attack of the Clones.
Image Properties: 600x570 70.81 kb
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Title: Harry Potter - Daniel Radcliffe [ TV Series/Movie :: n/a ] By: shufong
Uploaded On: Mar 10 7:48:42 2003
Charcters: Harry Potter
Description: Just a pencil sketch of Harry Potter!
Image Properties: 500x627 82.75 kb
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Title: Moonfire (Emiko) [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Princess Aymei
Uploaded On: Mar 10 1:28:11 2003
Description: Um...nothing much to say except that this was rushed. Couldn't save or anything. I was so scared I would either lose it or run out of my alloted time.
Anyway it is a chapter cover image for my original manga and it features Emiko.
Also known a read more
Image Properties: 356x424 108.67 kb
Title: Saionji's Teddybear [ Anime/Manga :: Utena, Revolutionary Girl ] By: NekoNoSei
Uploaded On: Mar 9 21:05:54 2003
Charcters: Touga
Description: Joking around with my best friend one night about 'Utena', we mentioned how we thought Saionji's teddybear would be one of Touga. The next day--BAM--there he was in my sketchbook. It's so cute I have cavities... I don't think I'll ever draw something this read more
Image Properties: 441x421 99.82 kb
Title: "Hiei" [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: bo-c
Uploaded On: Mar 9 9:16:48 2003
Charcters: Jaganshi Hiei, Hiei
Description: The black dragon lives in his right arm.
Image Properties: 250x300 28.01 kb
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Title: Upper grade angel [ Computer/Video Game :: Other ] By: bo-c
Uploaded On: Mar 9 8:13:50 2003
Description: It is the characters the "upper grade angel" of the game the "baroque".
Image Properties: 200x300 22.53 kb
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Title: "Rajura" [ Anime/Manga :: Ronin Warriors ] By: bo-c
Uploaded On: Mar 9 7:27:25 2003
Charcters: Dais
Description: A samurai and a kimono. The heart of Japan.
Image Properties: 600x600 65.36 kb
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Title: Cursed [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Knights ] By: Hiso-chan
Uploaded On: Mar 9 4:07:06 2003
Description: This is Tyr, my OC (original character). The poor thing, that tattoo on her back is actually a curse that binds her to a demon. (It's all in my fic called Wind Wisps if you were wondering.)
Image Properties: 414x513 140.2 kb
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Title: Want to play? [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Knights ] By: Hiso-chan
Uploaded On: Mar 9 4:04:01 2003
Charcters: Rath
Description: Whooooo boy, I didn't think I would draw anything like this but here it is.
Sorry if the picture may look a little off but it scanned strangely and I had to improvize.
Image Properties: 408x484 152.53 kb
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Title: Alfeegi [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Knights ] By: Hiso-chan
Uploaded On: Mar 9 4:00:40 2003
Charcters: Alfaege
Description: I know Alfeegi is supposed to have aqua colored hair but I personally think he looks more like a strawberry blond. Tell me what you think people! *huggles Alfeegi* Please, for Alfeegi's sake?
Image Properties: 580x533 161.42 kb
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Title: Arabian Stallion [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: MiniMorr
Uploaded On: Mar 9 3:49:56 2003
Description: This was a comission done for a friend from another friend's photographs. I've never had the opportunity to see this stallion in real life, but from the pics I've seen of him he's gorgeous! :)
Done in September/October 2002 - took me somewhere betwee read more
Image Properties: 1083x630 178.69 kb
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Title: Pirate's Booty [ Anime/Manga :: One Piece ] By: ellysketchit
Uploaded On: Mar 8 10:43:31 2003
Charcters: Monkey D. Rufi
Description: I'd found a bag of these puffed corn things and thought of Luffy immediately...LOL!!! This screamed to be drawn. ^^;
Image Properties: 534x625 52.58 kb
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Title: Sanctus Dominus [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Pyrite
Uploaded On: Mar 8 2:29:53 2003
Charcters: Integra Wingates Hellsing, Alucard
Description: The line between Angels and Devils is thin indeed, for were not Devil once Angels?
Image Properties: 411x576 190.75 kb
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Title: The Dragon and the Half-Elf [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: DeeChan
Uploaded On: Mar 7 18:21:47 2003
Charcters: High Elves, Wood Elf/ Elves
Description: No the roman skeleton isn't suppossed to be Russell Crowe from his Gladiator roll..someone asked me that o.0;;
Image Properties: 526x708 107.56 kb
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Title: Animamates: Sailor Aluminium Siren [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: El Chupacabras
Uploaded On: Mar 7 13:03:24 2003
Description: Hey... it's the clumsiest and cutest of the Animamates... at least of those portraited in the anime... the way they did her in the manga...
I like her a lot... she and Lead Crow are quite a bit like Usagi/Sailormoon and Rei/Sailor Mars ^^;;;
D read more
Image Properties: 542x471 71.68 kb
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