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Title: "Ayakashi" [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: bo-c
Uploaded On: Mar 7 8:49:56 2003
Charcters: Youko Kurama
Description: Youko is standing Under the Cherry tree.
I desire to be "Youko Kurama" rather than for him to be "Shuichi Minamino".
Image Properties: 500x482 61.12 kb
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Title: Purple eyes [ Anime/Manga :: Ronin Warriors ] By: bo-c
Uploaded On: Mar 7 3:50:07 2003
Charcters: Sage
Description: He is beautiful always. However it is difficult to express the beauty.
Image Properties: 600x585 84.46 kb
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Title: water / air dragon [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: cryingPhoenix
Uploaded On: Mar 6 14:32:37 2003
Charcters: Serpent/Serpents
Description: yeah.. just a flying dragon sitting on some stone surrounded by crystal clear water
Image Properties: 1102x832 142.67 kb
Title: BlackShoppeShadow Dark Love [ Miscellaneous :: Yaoi ] By: Turin
Uploaded On: Mar 5 21:01:13 2003
Description: There's a Mag Format that comes into mind. BUt it's unintentional. My "friend" restricts shonen ai to hints only. So, I darkened their holding hands... sigh... just a hint of love, then...
Oh yeah, our manga's supposed to be for kids...
Image Properties: 412x500 34.79 kb
Title: Hidden Love [ Miscellaneous :: Yaoi ] By: Turin
Uploaded On: Mar 5 20:57:01 2003
Description: Everything's done in Photoshop! My first venture in coloring. It's still unfinished... The left one's name is "Koi" The right one's name is "I forgot!" They are from my series "Blackshoppe Shadow". If you want to read the manga, you have to review. I will read more
Image Properties: 610x740 86.63 kb
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Title: WELCOME to my Sanity, Love! [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Turin
Uploaded On: Mar 5 20:50:42 2003
Description: Yes, that is an unknown animal specie on top of his head. I like the warm colors. Linus (the guy) was done in color pencil. The background's from Photoshop... did this years ago... 2 years ago?
Okay? Do you think I have potential? ahahahah! Sugar hi read more
Image Properties: 1347x1855 237.91 kb
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Title: Eden's Fall or Rebirth Sunrise [ Mythological :: Other ] By: Turin
Uploaded On: Mar 5 20:39:45 2003
Description: Ah... my image of "The Tree of Knowledge and of Good and Evil"... it's my first venture in photoshop. The early version...
It's burning... a scene from my fic, Fallen which will soon be hopefully published... after college...
What can you say?
Image Properties: 1808x1504 297.98 kb
Title: Assassin Kouji, Priest Kouichi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Splash
Uploaded On: Mar 5 16:04:51 2003
Charcters: Kouji, Kouichi
Description: Ragnarok Online inspired, based on fic "Where Fate Turns" which can be located if you search Takouji in FF.N. =3
Image Properties: 500x500 255.98 kb
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Title: Anime-style Draco (and owl) [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: AvalonAuggie
Uploaded On: Mar 4 19:59:07 2003
Charcters: Draco
Description: trying a comletely different style..yeah, I've been looking at way too much Japanese fanart. I am also incapable of drawing owls that are not freakishly cute and cheerful. go figure. anyway. Draco, I'd guess around 2nd or 3rd year, done in Prismacolor mark read more
Image Properties: 606x800 52.26 kb
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Title: The Wish [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Beautiful-Wolf
Uploaded On: Mar 4 19:56:48 2003
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I initially wanted to call it 'Dog Demonic' but since...well the title somehow explains what is happening to Inuyasha, I stuck with it.
I used Amano's style but while he usually uses watercolor and ink, I used only white poster paint and guache coupl read more
Image Properties: 1275x1661 247.7 kb
View (42) Visitor Reviews
Title: Moon Goddess [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Ryoko-chan
Uploaded On: Mar 3 17:32:29 2003
Description: God, I hope this gets reviews... Anyway, I might do a comic series with this one, what do you think? I took a the pose from an Amy Brown fairy (the fairy chicks on the post cards at Hot Topic) and elements of the dress I took too and the flowers in the hai read more
Image Properties: 898x1020 67.36 kb
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Title: Lord Sesshoumaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Neoma
Uploaded On: Mar 2 16:53:54 2003
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: Just a sketch of Sesshoumaru I did because I was bored one day and wanted to draw him. Fluffy ^.^!
Image Properties: 571x712 34.91 kb
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Title: True Reason for Tenchi's Power [ Anime/Manga :: Tenchi Muyo ] By: Neoma
Uploaded On: Mar 2 16:33:05 2003
Charcters: Ryoko, Tenchi
Description: Title explains it. Ryoko is what draws out Tenchi's true power. Whenever Tenchi kicks butt, it's usually because Ryoko is in danger or got hurt.
Image Properties: 629x808 66.97 kb
Title: Prince Lyle [ Anime/Manga :: Ruin Explorers ] By: Neoma
Uploaded On: Mar 2 16:28:26 2003
Description: Another older picture I drew about the same time as Ihrie's picture about 2/3 years ago. Kinda sucky, but oh well.
Image Properties: 405x479 25.37 kb
Title: Kazuma for Kazuma [ Anime/Manga :: s-CRY-ed ] By: Neoma
Uploaded On: Mar 2 16:24:26 2003
Charcters: Kazuma
Description: A picture I drew of Kazuma for my friend Kazuma, yes his nickname is Kazuma. He likes him, so I drew it for his b-day back in January.
Image Properties: 544x803 33 kb
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