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Title: Mirai Gohan [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Majin_Bulma
Uploaded On: Nov 26 5:11:21 2004
Charcters: Gohan
Description: ITS MIRAI Gohan! O_O! yayness! >_> yeah another old peice of crap XD!! lol
Image Properties: 300x241 19.46 kb
Title: TRUNKS [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Majin_Bulma
Uploaded On: Nov 26 5:09:37 2004
Description: It's TRunks. O_o; duh. one of my early work of arts, so its not that great X3!!!!!!! EHEHHE O_O; XD sorry, its crap
Image Properties: 246x480 25.27 kb
Title: Count D and... A Snowflakes [ Anime/Manga :: Pet Shop of Horrors ] By: spare
Uploaded On: Nov 26 2:28:51 2004
Description: This is a present for elana-chan's 18th birthday! Whee! How the blazes could Matsuri Akino-sama draw such beautiful characters, anyway! I distictly remember my right hand cramping up because the darn pen won't cooperate... ^o^
Image Properties: 504x655 233.31 kb
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Title: Leon Orcot's T-shirt [ Anime/Manga :: Pet Shop of Horrors ] By: spare
Uploaded On: Nov 26 2:22:57 2004
Description: I posted this piccie earlier in the Yahoo! PSoH groups. I'm posting this again just for laughs. Hehe... So, um, what do you think?
Image Properties: 504x418 202.82 kb
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Title: Shippo's new look [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Kaoskatkit
Uploaded On: Nov 25 20:45:17 2004
Charcters: Shippo
Description: This pic was made for . Amat on Nokihs by roxworld on FF.net. It's still only one chapter so far, but I like it.
Image Properties: 1509x1909 154.52 kb
Title: Song to the Storm [ Miscellaneous :: Nature ] By: Tori the Hanyou
Uploaded On: Nov 25 18:57:32 2004
Description: Inspired by a harsh thunderstorm one night. Tell me, is the wolf really there...or not?
Image Properties: 1200x1000 305.07 kb
Title: Thieves for Life [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Tori the Hanyou
Uploaded On: Nov 25 18:55:42 2004
Charcters: Kuronue, Youko Kurama
Description: Drawn after the viewing of a very sad AMV about Kuronue T.T
Image Properties: 638x636 67.37 kb
Title: Goku Holding Goten [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Gohans_Onna
Uploaded On: Nov 25 17:06:59 2004
Charcters: Goku, Goten
Description: Also another cute picture of Goku holding Goten before he leaves Earth and goes back to Other World. Goku looks kinda funny to me, but I guess that's what you get when you draw it off the computer! Also drawn with a drawing pencil and shading stick.
Image Properties: 232x279 12.63 kb
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Title: Goku at His Finest [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Gohans_Onna
Uploaded On: Nov 25 17:04:08 2004
Charcters: Goku
Description: The first DBZ picture I ever drew...sorry about the line down the middle! Scanner is kinda dookie...anyhow, this one holds special sentimental value, since it was my first. And of course, it was drawn with a drawing pencil and shading stick.
Image Properties: 254x377 23.55 kb
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Title: Me Fine Lookin' Gohan [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Gohans_Onna
Uploaded On: Nov 25 16:59:52 2004
Charcters: Gohan
Description: Very nice looking Gohan right here...I drew this picture while I was taking a final in high school, instead of actually working...teeheehee. This picture was drawn with a drawing pencil and shading stick.
Image Properties: 330x404 23.07 kb
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Title: Vegeti [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Sesshysdaughter
Uploaded On: Nov 25 16:54:03 2004
Charcters: Fan-created Characters
Description: I just sketched this also and outlined it in pen....aha....It is Vegeta's second daughter..and she is not girly even thought she is dressed like that....it's Marron's falt......and she fights and flies and stuff!!
Image Properties: 1275x1559 140.85 kb
Title: Innocent Gohan [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Gohans_Onna
Uploaded On: Nov 25 16:54:03 2004
Charcters: Gohan
Description: Just one of the few DBZ pictures I have drawn over the years...possibly the best, but definitely the most cute! Colored with a drawing pencil and a shading stick.
Image Properties: 436x312 28.94 kb
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Title: Super Sailorsun and Kakarotto [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Tenshi Taiyono
Uploaded On: Nov 25 12:24:22 2004
Charcters: Fan-Created Characters
Description: First attempt. They really should have a crossover catagory.
Image Properties: 1177x897 333.23 kb
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Title: The Worthless Humans [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Oreana Date
Uploaded On: Nov 24 22:11:12 2004
Charcters: Kurama Youko, Kuronue, Yomi, Youko Kurama
Description: cover art for my fic, "The Worthless Humans". i was bored and i had my mind set on this since i was on chapter 4 of my fic. this took me forever!! I had to shade every little tidbit on yoko's wild hair and not to mention kuronue. the background didn't take read more
Image Properties: 448x542 118.43 kb
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Title: Sesshomaru's Daughter(in the future that is...) [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Sesshysdaughter
Uploaded On: Nov 24 20:50:15 2004
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: I also sketched this in class...also not very nice..just a little thought comming through my head....hehe...O_o
Image Properties: 1275x1012 59.88 kb
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