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Title: Mokuba Kaiba [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Kurama-no-Tenshi
Uploaded On: Nov 16 22:28:21 2004
Charcters: Mokuba Kaiba
Description: Got bored again and decided to draw Mokuba again. A lot of people whom I shown this to, say he's so totally hot. I think it's true actually. He so gets his looks from Seto-koi. Heehee Anyways yeah
Image Properties: 442x286 23.23 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kurama to Botan [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Son Christine
Uploaded On: Nov 16 16:19:04 2004
Charcters: Botan, Kurama
Description: This is my favorite pairing in YYH, even though they're not cannon. I hope you like it! ^_^
Image Properties: 409x500 207.55 kb
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Title: kagome_au [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kag-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 16 4:10:32 2004
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: ummm, honestly, i was surprised when i saw that there were actually four of you who have reviewed my fanart and i only found it out today, Nov 16,2004. hahahah i thought no one even bothered to look at it ahihihihih thanks pipz. this pic is kagome... errr read more
Image Properties: 325x500 66.95 kb
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Title: YokaiTenshi [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: HiTenshiAkachan16
Uploaded On: Nov 14 20:37:59 2004
Description: This is just the colored version of the Full Form picture, only with a few more added things in it ^-^U colored in MS Paint and Serif PhotoPlus 5.5
Image Properties: 864x692 368.39 kb
Title: Wes and Rui [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu
Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:19:42 2004
Description: Wes and Rui from Pokémon Colosseum (my all time favorite Pokémon game). Rui's feet look a little weird, but then, I'm not usually that good at drawing boots
Image Properties: 289x384 64.96 kb
Title: Omi and Bulbasaur [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu
Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:15:32 2004
Charcters: Bulbasaur
Description: This is a picture of Omi, from Pokémon LeafGreen, with the starting Pokémon, Bulbasaur.
Image Properties: 373x450 66.67 kb
Title: Link [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu
Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:11:23 2004
Charcters: Link
Description: This is the Link from A Link to the Past (yes, I play that game, no I haven't beaten it yet)
Image Properties: 292x387 65.88 kb
Title: Link, Aryll and Tetra [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu
Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:06:43 2004
Charcters: Aryll, Link, Tetra
Description: Just a picture I drew of Link, Aryll and Tetra from The Wind Waker together. No fancy backgrounds or anything
Image Properties: 379x479 74.8 kb
Title: Adult Link [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Hikari no Purinsesu
Uploaded On: Nov 14 15:00:28 2004
Charcters: Link
Description: Just a picture of Adult Link from Ocarina of Time. In the back is the Triforce, and the reason each piece is a different color is to correspond with the Goddesses' element.
Image Properties: 398x400 76.75 kb
Title: puzzle [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: _Teana
Uploaded On: Nov 14 10:46:19 2004
Charcters: Yami Yugi, Yuugi Mutou
Description: Yugi is teaching Yami to assemble the puzzle.
Image Properties: 806x588 68.72 kb
View (7) Visitor Reviews
Title: Forever and Always [ Anime/Manga :: Beyblade ] By: Tremora
Uploaded On: Nov 14 10:45:17 2004
Charcters: Fan Created Character, Tala/Yuri
Description: This was a pic I drew to go with a fanfic that i'm still workign on and out of bored em i would just liek to say it is my main OC Stokely and Tala when they final admit they love each other and she is not a Mary-Sue. Well i did this in MS paint and it's no read more
Image Properties: 414x305 22.43 kb
Title: Innocent's Lost [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: DreamVixen
Uploaded On: Nov 14 10:18:07 2004
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: My first non-OC piece. (That I put up on the internet, anyways) I'm really proud of how the wings turned out! Tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Image Properties: 248x320 35.98 kb
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Title: Ganko and Kireishi [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: DreamVixen
Uploaded On: Nov 14 10:12:58 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: DV- Ganko and Kireishi from 'Fight For Thy Heart. MUCH better picture of Ganko. I love the little pic in the corner. KAWAII!!!
Image Properties: 232x320 23.02 kb
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Title: Fallen Angel [ Mythological :: Angels ] By: sayian_princess
Uploaded On: Nov 14 9:30:56 2004
Description: Little pic i did the other day...
Image Properties: 557x634 44.37 kb
Title: You are not alone. [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Aewi
Uploaded On: Nov 14 7:11:24 2004
Description: This is my newest fanart. Actually, I finished it last month but didn't have time to scan and post it. ^_^
Image Properties: 610x459 100.13 kb
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