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Title: Mitsuki under the moonlight [ Anime/Manga :: Full Moon Wo Sagashite ] By: nikkou_chan
Uploaded On: Nov 14 5:32:34 2004
Description: Mitsuki from Full Moon wo Sagashite. It's the first time I try a nocturnal pic.^^; Colored with Photoshop
Image Properties: 600x788 93.39 kb
View (7) Visitor Reviews
Title: Not So Tought Now [ Anime/Manga :: Fruits Basket ] By: Runic
Uploaded On: Nov 13 22:23:28 2004
Charcters: Arisa Uotani, Kyo Soma
Description: Uotani Arisa looks down upon Sohma Kyou. Kyou's pose and chibi-style is based on a Furuba keychain I have. This was my first attempt at inking and CG, so please don't judge harshly.
Image Properties: 644x482 159.44 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Kera [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Sol_Soldier
Uploaded On: Nov 13 21:26:32 2004
Description: err..yes, long time no see mediaminers. lol new art by me yep. took me about 3 hours in total to do it. first hand drawn, then scanned, then coloured on photoshop. xD it's an OC her name is Kera idea came from the game Disgaea the Hour of Darkness. enjoy!^ read more
Image Properties: 465x595 39.23 kb
Title: Teen Savanah [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: KawaiiGogeta
Uploaded On: Nov 13 21:11:12 2004
Charcters: Fan-created Characters
Description: My first pic of Savanah from my fic, Staying Here! I think it's pretty good... except I used thing markers! lol
Image Properties: 372x600 62.21 kb
Title: Miroku and Sango: Untitled [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Becca Stareyes
Uploaded On: Nov 13 18:35:39 2004
Charcters: Miroku, Sango
Description: A gift to my friend Cassie for her birthday. Anyone want to guess her Inuyasha ship of choice? I worked very hard on that background -- heck, it threw Photoshop into several fits.
Image Properties: 600x480 102.44 kb
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Title: Fan-Service For Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: LuClipse85
Uploaded On: Nov 13 16:09:04 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Once again, I've worked my magic with the Prismacolor colored pencils. Only in this one, there's a tiny trace of silver ink on the necklace. *^-^* I can't believe I giggled after looking at the scanned results! This is not hentai or anything, okay? I wante read more
Image Properties: 765x945 129.82 kb
View (9) Visitor Reviews
Title: Baka no Kira! [ Anime/Manga :: Angel Sanctuary ] By: koga711
Uploaded On: Nov 13 13:09:55 2004
Charcters: Sakuya Kirai/ Kira Sakuya
Description: I was going to draw Setsuna but I couldn't stop getting how idiotic Kira was being out of my head, I mean, we all KNOW he loves Setsuna, yet he's being so stubborn about it!
Image Properties: 529x712 50.62 kb
Title: Kaze [ Anime/Manga :: Final Fantasy: Unlimited ] By: koga711
Uploaded On: Nov 13 13:07:55 2004
Description: This is a drawing of Kaze, I just saw FF:Unlimited, I'm actually quite proud of this drawing. It's entirely pastel pencils & I actually cleaned it up on my computer. ^^
Image Properties: 638x712 89.67 kb
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Title: Scottish Wild Cat [ Mythological :: Furries ] By: Hazel-rah
Uploaded On: Nov 13 8:15:13 2004
Description: This is inspired by the Wild Cats I saw at Wild Wood in Kent. I've wanted to do a Scottish Wild Cat furry for ages, and finaly got round to it! He's rather perdy, no? Doesn't look so much like a wild cat, but I haven't drawn any cats for a while, so wacha read more
Image Properties: 300x455 26.51 kb
Title: Very Cute Genet Boy [ Mythological :: Furries ] By: Hazel-rah
Uploaded On: Nov 13 8:10:26 2004
Description: Ok, I was going to do an anthro Stoat, but next to the picture of a stoat that i was gonna use as refrence was a Genet, and it just looked to pretty not to draw. So I did a Genet boy insted^^ Ok, I redrew this three times, casue it kept going wrong. THREE! read more
Image Properties: 300x484 23.55 kb
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Title: Shuichi [ Anime/Manga :: Gravitation ] By: LadyLuck1006
Uploaded On: Nov 12 23:00:32 2004
Charcters: Shuichi
Description: Mein erster Shuichi*ganz stolz is*
Image Properties: 878x720 133.76 kb
Title: a cute guy [ Miscellaneous :: Computer / Concept Art ] By: elva_yami
Uploaded On: Nov 12 17:59:50 2004
Description: This just a sketch I using ms paint. I thought it looked really cool.
Image Properties: 200x396 37.24 kb
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Title: Edward! [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: koga711
Uploaded On: Nov 12 14:56:38 2004
Description: This is the first (successful) fan art I have ever drawn, and I'm rather proud of it. It's done with pastel pencils, but the hair and eyes are oil pastel. please, I'd really like some feedback on how people view this! ^^ nya?
Image Properties: 412x669 65.21 kb
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Title: Astalder [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: koga711
Uploaded On: Nov 12 0:21:09 2004
Charcters: Wood Elf/ Elves
Description: This is a pic I'm rather proud of, it's rare that I draw a full body on my characters, even rarer that I actually plan out the design somewhat & get it even remotely close to my original idea. Yes, it's on yellow lined paper....please forgive me, it's read more
Image Properties: 785x766 85.41 kb
Title: Man in my dreams [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Fasha-chan
Uploaded On: Nov 11 23:09:49 2004
Description: yah...... he was in one of my normal what most ppl would call crazy ass dreams...... i'll write a story on it.....
Image Properties: 479x1563 130.01 kb
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