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Title: Chibi Harry! [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Chibi-Suiko
Uploaded On: Nov 10 15:20:27 2004
Charcters: Harry Potter
Description: I made this during Geometry class. Doesn't his kawaii, flustered expression just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? :)
Image Properties: 358x342 14.18 kb
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Title: Kero's Desserts! [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Chibi-Suiko
Uploaded On: Nov 10 15:17:33 2004
Charcters: Kero-chan
Description: A sketch I actually made for my mom on a "special holiday of her own". It took me forever to get that head of his right...
Image Properties: 645x712 46.43 kb
Title: legato [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: solo-angel
Uploaded On: Nov 9 17:21:07 2004
Charcters: Legato Bluesummers
Description: Legato, suggested by kawaii_neko_bakura. go see her fics, they cool. cheers for the help, i had no clue about legato before this...and no thanks to google, for thier lame search on legato... markers real size A3
Image Properties: 877x1135 152.07 kb
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Title: Mycene Sketch [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Pinku
Uploaded On: Nov 9 16:10:42 2004
Description: An original character of mine named Mycene; I just added shading to an older sketch of mine. Done in Painter 6.
Image Properties: 500x546 178.78 kb
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Title: Felicity Merry [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: yami no yvonne
Uploaded On: Nov 9 16:01:08 2004
Description: This is my original charcter, Felicity Merry.
Image Properties: 718x957 75.08 kb
Title: Chibi wing [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Dark Shinigami
Uploaded On: Nov 9 14:20:28 2004
Description: Egadz! if Heero saw what I did to Wing...>> he would have my head on a spike. XD He's so......cute. *Laughs*. I should have really done this one first and THEN Deathscythe Hell....but ah well. Who cares. Done in Photoshop and with a whole lotta time. read more
Image Properties: 1000x788 181.42 kb
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Title: Princess Person [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: TenshiEos
Uploaded On: Nov 9 14:08:13 2004
Description: Eh... was bored, do whatever you'd like... even flame it. But creative flaming.... is welcomed.
Image Properties: 300x441 57.81 kb
Title: Uniform Chibi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: TenshiEos
Uploaded On: Nov 9 14:05:19 2004
Description: Just something I made a long while ago. Check out my kid, and see what you think. Tell me on what I should improve on.
Image Properties: 300x614 49.52 kb
Title: Core Dump [ Miscellaneous :: Oekaki ] By: Pinku
Uploaded On: Nov 9 13:44:13 2004
Charcters: Tablet
Description: It's a couple of months old, but I'm still fond of it (shows how much time I have to draw >.>;;). Essentially, it's just a bunch of randomness that I was drawing while watching some horrible break dancing movie from the 80's. Done with ShiPainter.
Image Properties: 400x300 142.98 kb
Title: Raenef [ Anime/Manga :: Demon Diary ] By: solo-angel
Uploaded On: Nov 9 12:39:35 2004
Charcters: Raenef
Description: Sat out in the snow with his small fire burning, he stares into the snowflakes and up at Eclipse. such simplisity yet such pleasure within it. done with ink and markers, then the background added in photostudio.
Image Properties: 626x859 99.44 kb
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Title: Hayate Gekkou banner [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: Seann
Uploaded On: Nov 9 5:39:17 2004
Description: This is a banner of my favourite chracter, Hayate Gekkou from Naruto
Image Properties: 413x168 15.58 kb
Title: Suaki [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: NetealiaFoxwood
Uploaded On: Nov 8 21:02:13 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: This is not very good I know... but lets see how well you do with only focus pensils to draw with. So any way this is something I did today, it is going to end up going with my story 'Demon Wings' her name is Suaki (Sue_a_ki). It's not a main character but read more
Image Properties: 1088x1354 197.27 kb
Title: Cute little dragon [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: Link Master500
Uploaded On: Nov 8 19:27:42 2004
Charcters: Western Dragons
Description: This was just something I did using a program that I'm still getting used to. Anyways, this is a dragon drinking milk through a straw. I've added words to make it more interesting and cute. Hope you like it.
Image Properties: 400x400 97.69 kb
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Title: Crucified [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Mad_Pain
Uploaded On: Nov 8 5:13:36 2004
Charcters: Malik Ishtar
Description: I have a Malik obsession! This one was done with crayons and aqua crayons, and I have no idea what inspired it. It's Malik, crucified, with an inscription "Marik owns me" in blood, on his chest. Blood in the background was most difficult. N-joy!
Image Properties: 580x791 248.79 kb
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Title: Shioshiro [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Crimson
Uploaded On: Nov 7 17:31:10 2004
Charcters: Fan Created Characters
Description: Shioshiro is the son of Ran and Ken in my current fic at ff.net "Kind des Schicksal" (Child of Fate). Yes, Ran and Ken's son. I hope I did a good job having him look like them (Ran more so than Ken, but that is intentional). If you want to know more about read more
Image Properties: 560x840 55.96 kb
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