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Title: Kitsune Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: MidNight-Kitsune
Uploaded On: Nov 24 20:05:09 2004
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: Kag as a kitsune is jest one of the best things that kag could be.
Image Properties: 956x1522 210.48 kb
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Title: No Reason [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Shinsei Kokoro
Uploaded On: Nov 24 20:03:08 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Just a screen cover for a fic I will be writing. The title is there for you guys. Hence, the similarity of Kagome towards Kikyo. It was originally hand drawn, scanned, and then filled in Windows Paint. I think it came out reasonable for my first fanart. Ya read more
Image Properties: 545x773 71.67 kb
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Title: Black Lace [ Anime/Manga :: Paradise Kiss ] By: SillyNiecy
Uploaded On: Nov 24 17:06:59 2004
Description: This is a new picture of Yukari... it looks less like her than the old one, but I still like it ^^'. I figured I could make the bg cheap cuz it is a modeling session ^_~. HAH HAH!
Image Properties: 390x513 44.09 kb
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Title: Beautiful Angel [ Mythological :: Angels ] By: SillyNiecy
Uploaded On: Nov 24 17:03:25 2004
Description: This is Kohaku from the Manga Wish, but the Wish in the manga section isn't the correct Wish (I believe). I wanted to put the image somewhere where more people would be able to see it and all that. I love this picture, it is one of my best (that's not sayi read more
Image Properties: 388x512 36.53 kb
Title: Umi and Ascot [ Anime/Manga :: Magic Knight Rayearth ] By: SillyNiecy
Uploaded On: Nov 24 17:00:44 2004
Charcters: Ascot, Umi Ryuuzaki
Description: So... a long time ago... like maybe a year, I did a picture of Umi and Guru Clef for someone as a request. I like Ascot better, so I did a different one with these two. The bg is from the castle entrance in Rayearth 2 (the bg doesn't matter anyways!). Sadl read more
Image Properties: 393x511 40.7 kb
Title: Flying Squirrel [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: Sarah_Kuramas_Girl
Uploaded On: Nov 24 15:46:44 2004
Charcters: Squirrel
Description: Well since I am known as the squirrel queen online, why not make a flying squirrel fan art? Its not to good cause I made it in like 30 seconds.
Image Properties: 814x1193 197.53 kb
Title: You Woke Me Up! *sniff* [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Sarah_Kuramas_Girl
Uploaded On: Nov 24 14:44:45 2004
Description: Waking up this poor girl? You should be ashamed! Haha any ways, constructive critisism wanted, flaming is not, compliments are. I didn't color it in because I want to practice my shading. I didn't put and type of backround, because A:)Media Miner would say read more
Image Properties: 1720x2733 36.27 kb
Title: Inuyasha and the Holy Grail...er...Shikon no Tama [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: FerFer
Uploaded On: Nov 24 14:00:25 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kouga, Miroku, Shippo
Description: This is my very first fanpic of Inuyasha. I drew this for my story 'Inuyasha and the Holy Gail...Er...Shikon no Tama.
Image Properties: 143x198 12.36 kb
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Title: Lea [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: MissyManda
Uploaded On: Nov 24 13:06:04 2004
Description: this is a picture of lea....shes mine and beccas best friend....only becca drew her anime style so ya another pic by Becca!
Image Properties: 328x360 16.18 kb
Title: eyes-by becca [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: MissyManda
Uploaded On: Nov 24 13:01:41 2004
Description: this drawing was done by my best friend Becca...and ya so i didnt draw them just so you know :P and i hope she has more drawing for me to post for you guys!
Image Properties: 404x245 12.75 kb
Title: Pharaoh Atem [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: _Teana
Uploaded On: Nov 24 11:12:12 2004
Charcters: Yami Yugi
Image Properties: 622x922 85.81 kb
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Title: Heero [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Star Opal
Uploaded On: Nov 24 11:03:57 2004
Charcters: Heero
Description: Heero sketch. It took forever to get his hand *just* right.
Image Properties: 1264x1664 163.53 kb
Title: I'm in the Shadow Realm [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Yenchna and Kentuski
Uploaded On: Nov 24 9:36:50 2004
Description: Ha, Ha! I'm in the shadow realm! Don't forget to read Yu-Gi-NO!
Image Properties: 300x300 34.88 kb
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Title: Vandala [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Queen Breeza
Uploaded On: Nov 24 8:51:27 2004
Description: One of my future characters for the Betrayal Sagas. It's Yoshi based of course, in pencil. Blended colors; very basic. Tell me what you think. I did it almost a year ago.
Image Properties: 525x630 117.23 kb
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Title: Just your friendly neighborhood chibi! [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Spiderman ] By: The Souija
Uploaded On: Nov 24 4:19:38 2004
Charcters: Spiderman
Description: Swinging through the air, saving the innocent, not a care in the world... lucky!
Image Properties: 357x338 61.42 kb
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