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Love At Christmas [P] by: ShirouKamui
Anime/Manga: Fruits Basket Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: January 13, 2006 06:10 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 16Kb | Visits: 688
Summary: When Christmas rolls about for Yuki, Kyou and Tohru, what surprises are in store?
Review(s): 1 Reviews
: Sonic Series Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Comedy / Action | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: October 18, 2008 13:53 PDT | Pages: 47 | Size: 496Kb | Visits: 11621
Summary: Tails and his cousin are workign at G.U.N. till he meets the gilr of his dreams as luck would have it she gives her # to him on her own now Amy and Sonic help him get on the perfect date as well as gettign Knuckles a girl lots of cute couples
Sonic read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews
Love at First Sight [P] by: Veggie Briefs
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Adventure / Action | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: December 26, 2004 19:56 PST | Pages: 17 | Size: 94Kb | Visits: 10539
Summary: Love at first sight really true?! Serena/Gohan and Mina/Trunks fic
Note: 12-26-04
Review(s): 8 Reviews
Love at first sight [P] by: Moo Moo Hendi

Genre(s): Romance | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: June 17, 2003 13:38 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 1Kb | Visits: 214
Review(s): 2 Reviews
Love at First Sight [Y] by: Kagamiko
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Hentai | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: July 01, 2004 15:53 PDT | Pages: 7 | Size: 29Kb | Visits: 3957
Summary: Pairings: Inu/Kag

The title tells everything, what's more to say, other than it's Love at first sight. Please read, appreciate it!
Review(s): 12 Reviews
Love at First Sight [P] by: Kagamiko
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: July 01, 2004 15:51 PDT | Pages: 4 | Size: 14Kb | Visits: 848
Summary: Love at First sight only happens in Fairy Tales . . . so I guess this is a fairy tale, huh? Well read and review because I'd really appreciate them! Inu/Kag . . . what else?
Love at first sight [X] by: stryderf0
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Hentai / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: June 28, 2005 10:09 PDT | Pages: 5 | Size: 24Kb | Visits: 3337
Summary: The story of trunks and pans relationship.Getting together is hard enough,but with a father like Vegeta ,and a dad like Gohan,its pure insanity.It's set a year after dragonball gt
Review(s): 14 Reviews
Love At First Sight [T] by: SaiyanPassion
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: May 11, 2005 16:07 PDT | Pages: 27 | Size: 200Kb | Visits: 2470
Summary: Do you believe in Love at first sight? no? Goku didn't either until an encounter at his Bachelor's Party. yes, Goku's engaged, and it's not to Chi-Chi. B/V, G/CC, K/18. ^.~ Click on this, trust me, it's worth it!
Love at First Sight [A] by: Kiros_angel
: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Angst / Romance | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: January 26, 2007 20:16 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 12Kb | Visits: 2307
Summary: Do you believe in love at first sight?

One-shot Song-fic Yus/Kag Drabble!
Review(s): 18 Reviews
Love at First Sight [Y] by: Kiarene
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Angst | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: February 13, 2006 19:13 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 12Kb | Visits: 459
Summary: Love at first sight doesn’t happen, does it? A little drabble.
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Love at first sight [P] by: kiako-wolfyokai
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: June 19, 2006 21:16 PDT | Pages: 52 | Size: 244Kb | Visits: 15730
Summary: Rin, Kagome, and Sango go to a club. Guess who they meet? Who else but Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Miroku.Usual pairings. Hope you like!
Review(s): 49 Reviews
Love at first sight [T] by: Lady Miaka Yuuki
: Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: Fanfiction Sequel
Latest Revision: August 07, 2009 08:59 PDT | Pages: 4 | Size: 23Kb | Visits: 1235
Summary: Miaka Yuki was only sixteen years old and was turning seventeen when she met Tamahome. but then Tamahome asked he if she would like to go out with him on a date, she was shocked to hear that.but what will happen if they got separeted from each other. Will read more
Love at first sight? [X] by: Atropa
: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Hentai | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: February 27, 2006 13:06 PST | Pages: 12 | Size: 73Kb | Visits: 1302
Summary: Temari had known that there was something special about Uchiha, Sasuke. And Sasuke knew that there was something about that blonde girl. Sasuke/Temari-fic
Review(s): 3 Reviews
Love At First Sight? Well, Anything's Possible With These Two... [T] by: Fireserpent14
: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Fantasy / Romance / Shounen / Comedy | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: February 17, 2010 20:59 PST | Pages: 26 | Size: 162Kb | Visits: 811
Summary: If Id known Itachi would use my sexuality as blackmail, I would've kept that confidential, but no, so I'm following him into a gay bar, blackmail hanging over my head. Wow, blond hair, blue eyes, he's cute. I'll have to come back without Itachi to see him.
Review(s): 2 Reviews
Love At First Type [X] by: Camaro-2000
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: June 13, 2004 20:40 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 6Kb | Visits: 842
Summary: What happens when Kagome meets the love of her life over the net and who is this guy is it true love or just a fantasy shes made up or some guy playing with her mind read and find out
Review(s): 6 Reviews
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