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"Chained" Reviews/Comments [ 145 ]
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 Title: WOW!
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 16, 2006 16:10 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So many chapters! I was so glad that you got Kagome out too. Sango is such a loyal friend. That was a neat idea having Amaya create clones. Who is she going back to see? Naraku? *shudders* I am so glad that you gave some explanation of Sesshoumaru's change of heart. I've learned that I don't do that near as often as I should which makes my characters seem OOC. The reunion was so terribly sweet. And Inu and Kag's kissed! Oh yeah! And Inuyasha is no longer confused about Kikyou--bitch. Sesshoumaru's amusement was cute. Hehe. I'm sure that I've missed reviewing things, but I was just so excited at the progress of the fic. I can't believe that you put up so many chapters. I haven't been able to write hardly anything lately. Well, I hope that you have fun with whatever it is that you are doing. Snowfall
 Title: Fire
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2006 01:59 CDT
Oh, I had been wanting to mention a little known fact. You had said that fire brought nothing back to life, however, there are certain plant seeds that will only sprout if first scorched by fire or heated by high temperatures. There is a little purple flower whose name I cannot remember. I saw a ton of them shoot up after a fire burned off the grass in a yard in my neighborhood. The same thing happened when Mount St. Helen's erupted. Some of the plant seeds that we buy in stores have been subjected to high temperatures so that they will sprout when we plant them. Pretty cool, huh? ^_^ Maybe Inuyasha will learn about that later, ne? The phoenix shall rise from the flames and our little hanyou will be stronger than ever! Erm, sorry, got a little excited there. LOL---Snow
 Title: Chapter 52
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2006 01:40 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Okay, I admit it, I've been a bad, bad reader for not reviewing more often. I'm drowning in a sea of angst and I love it. The whole scenario with Naraku with a tamed Inuyasha was very...titillating. Hehe. Call me a perv. You'd probably be right. Then there was Inuyasha's uncertainty after being rescued. You made me sympathize with him. I don't know how many characters are original or from further on in the series, but I like the sorceress all the same. I especially love the firehorses. Sesshoumaru is falling quickly to Inuyasha's vulnerability. Wow. So, was Inuyasha ordered to torture his friends and companions? Was that why he was so worried about their reactions toward him? Uh oh. Naraku is starting to worry which means that he will be on his guard and looking for anything out of place. Our sorceress better take care. I hope she is rewarded for all of her efforts though. I would hate for her to be killed off. She would be a great ally in battle. Perhaps her spells could throw the minions of the enemy into confusion. This is well written and has me intrigued. I don't usually begin to review a fic until I am certain that it will hold my interest. Your's has. I didn't get the last notify on an update or perhaps I missed it, but I decided to check and voila! There was another. I'm anxious to see what you will show us next. Great work.--Snow
 Reviewed By: inuyasha_cute_doggy_ears [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2006 22:14 CDT
I love this story! it is sooooooo awesome! Im glad miroku was saved from certain death! thats a good thing. Kirara is so cute! I don't think i could picture Inuyasha singing ... but after what hes been through i can probably understand it. Naraku has becomed paranoid! Yay! I hope he dies b/c he's an evil meanie! lol. Well i think everyone hopes for his demise unless they are just weird like that and want him to live ... but ive yet to meet someone like that as of now. Well, just want to say that i love your story and to update soon!
 Title: elenacala
Reviewed By: elenacala [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2006 18:07 CDT
OHHH! A peek into the mind of Naraku!!! A very rare view indeed!! Guess what totally off subject but eh! I bought my ticket for anime expo 2006!!! YAY! anyway great chapter, wish it was longer but then agian i am so busy i ma sorta glad its short cause then i know i have time to read it!
 Title: Hehehe. New chapter?
Reviewed By: Punishment of the Inu/Tryst  On: April 12, 2006 22:16 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well, I'm a bit behind. Sorry. But I loved these last few chapters. Update again soon. Please.
 Title: Yo!!
Reviewed By: HigherBeing [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2006 20:47 CDT
oh no way!!! YOU'RE THE 'CHAINED'?! hahaha, *slaps forehead* silly me... I just left a review for 'Subjection, Subjugation'. Jeez, how lame can I get. I feel so incredibly stupid right now... I had no idea it was the same author... I saw "Chained" and I says to myself, "... oh c'mon..." But anybob: I still love this story and It seems like i haven't reviewed to it in a while! ^_^ LOVE IT! Though it's driving me insane that Kagome and InuYasha haven't met yet! And that Sesshoumaru too, kind of very OOC... but's that to be expected, it's your story right? You can do whatever you want with Sesshy! hahaha. If Amaya returned Miroku first(seeing as how he was a bit under-the-weather), and now she's planning on Sango too, meaning Shippou and Kirara might come along too... meaning after all of that, then maybe Kagome will come for the ride on them flaming demon horses Amaya seems so fond of?? Bah, who knows now though, right.... I mean, it's just a theory.
 Title: elenacala
Reviewed By: elenacala [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 11, 2006 18:55 CDT
good chapter. Its interesting to see the friendship between miroku and inuyahsa, b/c in the series and even other fan fics its there but never in any great detail its jsut assumed. Its nice ot see the effort behind it! Good job and please do write about kagome and sango soon i am fearful for them.. hurry and rescue them (if thats your intention) *trys really hard not to be impatient*
 Title: elenacala
Reviewed By: elenacala [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 09, 2006 20:57 CDT
another awesome chapter!!! so much seems to hapen in so little chapter, but i like them jam packed full of good stuff!
 Title: elenacala
Reviewed By: elenacala [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 07, 2006 21:11 CDT
wow no matter how hard i try to make the chapters last they just fly by!!! Great chapters as always.. but i ma curious, what was that thing that naraku promised to destroy should amaya betray him.. some orb if i remeber correctly... anway update soon! it will be my only sanity come finals in a month.
 Reviewed By: inuyasha_cute_doggy_ears [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 07, 2006 20:50 CDT
Sorry i haven't reviewed in a while ... but i am still reading your story just to let you know. It is like a bar of chocolate that i cant put down until i've finished it ... or something to that affect. (i like chocolate, but i also like cats too ... but thats beside the point. Now where was i, oh yeah) There are tons of other similes i could have used, but that was the most appealing to me. What i am trying to say is that i really love your story and can't wait for more updates and chapters and stuff like that. (i apologize for the stuff about the chocolate and cats ... i don't know where that came from ...) Well, just update soon. bye
 Reviewed By: Lady Orange  On: April 06, 2006 23:18 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AWWWWWWWWWWWW that was so cute an satisfying. I do not think they're gay! I think it was just a bunch of satisfying, brotherly bonding moments, so there! Thank you again for updating.......-Lady Orange P.S I think Kohaku will talk when he sees Sango!
 Reviewed By: candace  On: April 05, 2006 16:21 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
another great chapter *has to peel her face off the screen* I am ecited, i don't know what's going ot happen next but i can feel something big brewing and i love it! The jail break woot!! Inuyasha and kagome reunited at last, but then again you could always throw a loop in there so maybe they won't be lol i will just have to keep reading to find out.
 Title: Tryst/Punishment of the Inu
Reviewed By: Punishment of the Inu [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2006 03:01 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hehehe. Cool. Now, what can I say... Hmm. I know. What's Kagura's perspective on all this? And where did the sorceress go? Hehehe. Naraku is close on his heels. But Sess is there to protect him. That's good. So, I'll be looking for more. And thanks. I should update sooner myself very soon. Though which one I'm not sure. Tryst.
 Reviewed By: candace  On: April 04, 2006 21:58 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Great chapter! You are na excellent writer. A sign of a godo writer is one that evokes emotions and strong imagesthrough their words and you do it so well! Write more soon cause ya know i can't have a good day unless I get a frix from my fav. fan-fin authoress!!!
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