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"Redemption" Reviews/Comments [ 90 ]
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 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 11:33 CDT
Great chapter! And no, I'm not just saying that because of the sex. As usual you have managed to create a wonderful balance between the physical and the emotional stuff, well done! The initial part of how they were both feeling in the wake of their little scene was nice, a good intro that led the reader into the chapter. Than the phone call, that was very nice. You got a good mix of drama and humour going. I know the real drama hasn't even started yet but I'd advise you not to drop all hints of humour as things progress. Then of course the scene itself. It's very like Bakura to let his lover take him first. And yes, that is against the grain for sure. I loved how you mixed the physical and the emotional aspect. And the aura's certainly give another dimension to it all, no pun intended. Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 17, 2008 17:38 CDT
ohoh, Ryou lost his temper and stormed out...again. That's the second time. I love it, he can be so fierce, I know we went over this time and time again but I do love it that you're Ryou isn't made out of wax. *snigger* they ought to put you in the guinnes book of records for creating the feistiest Ryou ever, love *chuckle* loved the chapter. I wonder if they'll make up soon or if something will be...standing in their way. I can only wait it seems.
 Reviewed By: sglily - nli  On: March 17, 2008 08:42 CDT
It's very interesting how even characters in stories say and/or do things that we as readers gobble up in the storytelling and judge as either right or wrong, perhaps wishing that a character had made a different choice, or even used different words. I really enjoyed the first sort of fluffy scene with Ryou and Bakura that eventually led up to the big blowout. I even quite enjoyed the verbal fight scene for the most part. However there was something that really bothered me, something that felt off - Ryou's solution to the problem that he feels Bakura got himself into by standing up to Duke and busting the jerk's nose. It was a very difficult pill to swallow that Ryou would even think to suggest that Bakura go and "grovel" at Duke's feet - even if he did it with Bakura's best interests in mind - as in fear/concern for his boyfriend's life. I understand Ryou's anger and it was fine until that one line - at least for me. Ryou certainly didn't kiss Duke's ass when he broke it off with the ex and it just seemed to me to be a contradication in terms. In fact, Bakura's comeback to that was pretty blunt, direct, and to the point (however poorly and hurtful as it was said) but it also illustrated perfectly the outcome of taking that particular course of action. Wow. Ryou was pissed! Gotta love heated arguments and that one was up there on the hotness scale! Yeah, Bakura's got some major sucking up to do but, I also believe Ryou needs to calm down and really think about what he said too. Ryou may not have busted Duke's nose, he might have missed hitting Duke with the vase, but he still wounded the jerk's pride and therefore is still a target whether he wants to admit it or not. I hardly think Bakura would ever dream of telling him to go grovel for Duke's forgiveness. Your story continues to intrigue... it keeps me coming back for more. You know what's going on behind the scenes, you're the one channeling the characters. That's what makes a story unique. And, I appreciate that. Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: sglily [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2008 07:26 CST
Let's hope a second attempt at posting a review "sticks" this time... Well, this was the long awaited confrontation chapter. I had to laugh at Duke's tactics... as if he could intimidate Bakura! He's the typical snake in the grass... that's what I thought of as he was lurking off in the shadows at the club waiting to strike... even if only to strike a deal of sorts. What a moron! Egotistical doesn't even begin to describe how much of a flaming idiot this guy truly is. Yeah, it wouldn't be difficult for Bakura to figure out just what their little talk was to be about. I got great amusement out of Bakura's in-your-face attitude. I especially liked when he had finally had enough of Duke's crap and began shoving him... a show of iritation that should have made the other backdown immediately and completely. But no, Duke had to get the last few words in... and boy were they the wrong words to say! I especially loved that character deformation line... so Ryou is not only a rat but a sloth! Wow. So, yeah, Bakura's rage was justifiable... Now, if Bakura had decided to hunt Duke down on his own and beat the snot out of Ryou's ex just for kicks... I'm sure Ryou would have a problem with that. I'm also sure that Ryou would be horrified to know that there had been a confrontation/fight to begin with but he would have to know that it was Duke who initiated the meeting and then provoked Bakura and the ultimate outcome of that meeting even before he'd be made aware of the gory details - which I'm not sure that Bakura would even get into. I think Ryou would be more upset that he wasn't the one to haul off and slug Duke in the face. The ending was tantalizing... Duke needs a face-to-face with Marik... seeing as that's whose domain he's destined for... to spend eternity in... if he pulls the trigger and does what I think he's going to do...
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 04, 2008 04:20 CST
Whoo, an update, and such a great one too. Yes, things are moving now, the drama coming ever closer *snigger* knowing you that will be your drive to keep writing. Right, anyway, the chapter. Loved it, I liked the part where Bakura used whatever powers remained to him to seek out Otogi's aura. Too bad his good mood of the day didn't carry him past his shift in the Ikona. The showdown was great, Bakura so pissed of and all that. But now Otogi is going to attempt to kill a guy who is immortal, oh boy. I wonder how Bakura, heaven and hell will like that development. Nice chapter, more meat, more meat!
 Reviewed By: sglily - nli - naturally - it's been a while  On: February 01, 2008 08:52 CST
The most recent update was a good chapter, filling in the missing pieces of why Seto has to walk around with three "legs"... and it's not what one might think I mean either. No, he has to accommodate that self-righteous pole shoved up his behind. That part that I loved the most about this entire chapter was when Seto flat-out admitted to Bakura that he hated the wingless angel, that he was basically jealous that Bakura had the ability to walk away from the fight between God and His angels where Seto had no such liberties. And, even though Bakura was hurt by his own actions/refusal to fight, it is unfair to try to compare the two (Seto vs. Bakura) as to who perhaps suffered worse in the long run. In a way, it was also rather big of Seto to admit that Bakura is stronger than him, that if Seto had been in the same position as Bakura had been thrust into, Seto would have perished long ago. Ah, but what if it had been Bakura charged with keeping order, wielding the Big Sword? Would Bakura have survived "as well" as Seto? Hm... I like the Seto character a lot. In fact, in the YGO series, I simply adore him. I find him fascinating and funny as hell. He's driven if anything! There is a heart there underneath all that posturing... yes, there is. Anyway, I look forward to finding out what is going on with Bakura and Ryou! Get crackin'! ; )
 Reviewed By: Alex J.  On: January 13, 2008 11:23 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The way you are developing the characters is highly enjoyable and I love the way your making everything snap into place. The way that Ryou and Bakura are connecting is fabulous and I can't wait to get onto the next chapter! I find myself having to reread paragraphs because they are just so well written! You are an excellent writter and you have done an excellent job with this story!!! I've been holding off commenting for so long because I just wanted so much to read the next chapter! I am enchanted by this story and I believe this is the best fanfiction I've read in a while. You are so creative and I find myself full of envy the way you write! Oh well on to the next chapter! :)
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 01, 2008 15:34 CST
Heh, pretty sweet chapter though. Neh, keeping updating, this story rocks HARD. Anyway, I need a nap, the day after New Years is exhausting, ja ne.
 Reviewed By: paniwi (nli)  On: January 01, 2008 14:53 CST
A good chapter my sweet, I think every emotion that was bold and italic passed through me in this chapter as well, with some added humour between those two that seems to become their trademark. YEs, the picture of a hung-over Seto sure is funny and I shall not lie, you once again managed to bring tears to my eyes. It was a touching story all told and for all they are different Bakrua and Seto are seeing how much they have in common. I wonder how Yami is faring after that blow to his chin and more importantly pride. So now I can only wait Dice-boy to unfold his evil plot and destroy toad-man once and for all *cough* I mean, for a human to try and bribe an (earthbound) angel. I foresee drama and humour all at the same time.
 Reviewed By: sglily [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 07, 2007 19:41 CST
The Long Island Iced Tea was a classic! Here, Seto... have some more tea... The whole scheme to get Seto drunk was a riot! I could actually see the lightbulb blink on with a loud ding! above Bakura's head - by Ryou's suggestion to take Seto out, no less. Yami's acceptance to go along once he realized where Bakura was going with the plan was quite hilarious, too! However, the drunken episode didn't quite pan out the way that the Earth-bound angel and demon had forseen it. Seto has been existing with that weight on his shoulders for some time. It was noble of Bakura to take care of the Avenger afterward. I wouldn't have expected anything less from him.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2007 14:20 CST
Another great post as I am used for you. As a side note, I'm glad to hear your mother's doing ok. Anyway, on to the chapter. The little exchanges between the friends are always a nice part, not my favourite ones, except if Ryou gets pissed that is, but good to see you give that insight anyway. Only Ryou could worry about cutting time with Bakura indeed, he's too sweet for his own good. I loved the part where Bakura and Yami argued to get Seto to the bar. I liked the way you wrote it down, telling what they did rather then the whole dialogue. I think it was a good choice and as usual you managed to get the funniest of insults in again. And ah, finally it came, drunk Seto. I think we've both been anxiously waiting for it. The big 'secret' didn't surprise me much, but you wrote it nicely regardless. And yes indeed, him falling of his stool was priceless. Where's a blonde with a photo-camera when you really need her, eh? Anyway, keep doing what you're doing babes, and I will now go back to chatting with you
 Reviewed By: sglily [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 19:07 CDT
I had to laugh at Marik and Yami's exchange over the phone... a demonic ass chewing via Verizon (Can you hear me now?) or whatever the chosen wireless plan! I liked that Yami was bold enough and confident enough to dish it back to Marik to some degree - Yami "wasn't in the mood" for Marik's crap... Too funny! And what's this? I thought demons liked the chase... Yami pulled a Bakura and gave Yugi his number... perhaps Yami likes to be chased, too? Heh. Ryou and Bakura's little walk was sugary and fun. Oh, God... Duke "approaching" Bakura... why do I see blood, violence, and broken bones and/or cartlidge in Duke's future? What a fool.
 Reviewed By: paniwi (nli)  On: October 20, 2007 15:48 CDT
An update, yeey! Well, not that I didn't know it was coming or anything, but anyway. I am amused by the Yugi and Yami interaction. God, Yami can be so impossible. I want to hit him with a dead fish and give him a friendly hug all at the same time. I shouldn't be surprised, you and obsession for characters that have a dark and a light side of them, for lack of a better word. I believe I have the same feelings about a certain green eyed vamp, but alas, that's something else entirely. The part where Marik more or less scolded him was fun. It had me laughing at points and the walk and talk thing was nice. Of course, than there is Ryou and Bakura goodness in there and it seems your plot is really starting to move now. *jumps in excitement*
 Reviewed By: sglily [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2007 18:59 CDT
Your chapter title wasn't quite the saying verbatum but it naturally popped out of my head, "It's all fun and games... until somebody gets hurt". Are you trying to hurt me? There was NO Bakura and Ryou! Quite honestly, I have no interest in the Seto/Jou hook-up. And, Yami/Yugi... gah. Ditto. I say that and yet mean no offense by it to you or your story personally for I do like your characterization of all four as supporting cast. I just don't care to read about them on their own building relationships with each other. The little section in there with the secret meeting between demon and angel was very interesting... Mariku doesn't like being kept in the dark, does he? I hope that when Mariku finds out what Akeifa has been up to (for it is only a matter of time, right?) it doesn't affect their relationship in a negative way.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 29, 2007 16:08 CDT
Ah, another nice chapter *edges away from Yami* nice creatures, those deamons, but sometimes...I wonder how Yugi and Malik will take to it when they find out just what it is their lovers (potential crush) do when they're on earth...and what would Malik think if he was to find out he was actually meant to be a victim in that department. I loved the Seto part, the whole 'conquer modern technology' was great (you still promised me a finishing school picture). And then there is Akeifa now being tracked, nope, privacy isn't very highly valued there, is it? Anyway, as much as I loved the chapter, I miss my helping of tendershipping. I do hope there'll be a fine helping of that next time.
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