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"Redemption" Reviews/Comments [ 90 ]
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 Reviewed By: sglily [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 06, 2007 11:47 CDT
I am interested in learning just how Ryou fits into the picture between Bakura and Akeifa. Is Ryou somehow connected to Akeifa through spirit/soul? Even in his demonic form, Akeifa still holds dear to his angelic ways and is sought after by others as a companion for... perhaps his calming influence? Hmm... Whatever the connection is, it still must hurt both Bakura nad Akeifa in some respects - to have a hand in "setting up" one's lover with someone else must be hurtful to Akeifa. And, Ryou being so similiar in appearance to Akeifa not to mention the guilt that Bakura had felt earlier for being interested in Ryou. I still love the fact that Ryou is the one pursuing Bakura! So often the relationship between these two is written exactly the opposite so it is refreshing to see the one who is more shy taking the bold stand and initiating further contact. Ryou didn't waste any time, did he? ; ) It also further solidifies the fact that Ryou has more than a casual interest in Bakura if he is willing to go to a club - which he has admitted he is not overly fond of. And, Bakura playing hard to get? I LOVE it! He's such a big jerk but a lovable big jerk underneath that tough guy exterior. The meeting between Bakura and Ryou's friends was rather amusing. Bakura's dialogue throughout the encounter was hysterical. Swearing and Bakura go hand-in-hand! And next up... the big date! Can't wait to see what is in-store for the two! Will Ryou continue to surprise himself and be more forward around Bakura? Will he have the date all planned out? You know, a more aggressive Ryou with that patented bashful side backing him up is to die for! You manage to balance the two perfectly. I have to say that I am probably not as interested as some other readers when it comes to the side pairings. Not because of your story or anything! Chalk it up to personal preferences and all - I'm very guilty of being hardcore Bakura/Ryou. But, I like how you have depicted the others in your story. Mariku's hand in most of the run-ins between the lookalikes and the one set of oddballs has been rather funny... He's quite the Matchmaker from Hell! Maybe they should all run and hide!
 Title: long and rambly!
Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 06, 2007 09:40 CDT
*snicker* oh, your Marik is just priceless, wonderful *applauds*. So not only is he the devil, he also seems to have a free-lance job as cupid now. Ryou and Bakura's meeting was well done, with Ryou even managing to mildly shock and/or surprise Bakura. Also, Bakura's reaction to seeing Ryou's friends was quite priceless. If only he knew that Marik was behind the whole Seto/Joey thing, he wouldn't like that...I liked the meeting between Seto and Joey (partly because Marik is just so damn good :P) Seto's emotions were so in turmoil, it was cute. Then the meeting between Marik and Malik. Oh, they call that man the devil for a reason. I can just imagine those two, once they get to know eachother, plotting to get Ryou and Bakura together. They would make a...frightening duo, methinks. But an amusing one. Lastly, sweet Akeifa. Ah, I loved you portrayed him. Despite the laughs I get out of your angels and fallen ones Akeifa is one of the few who seems to not only care for Bakura's fate but also suffers with him (apart from his own additional punishment) but then again, Seto and Marik just like to give of that bad-ass image, they might have more in common then they are willing to admit too. A wonderful chapter as always, nice and long, whoo. One thing though, try proofreading your stories a bit more thorough, in every chapter you seem to have a few typo's and you sometimes will have a sentence like this "I was walked down the street" As though you changed your mind about what tense to use but then forgot to erase the 'was'. Watch those errors, don't worry though. Everybody gets assaulted by them. I look forward to discussing the chap over MSN again. I have a Marik to congratulate and a Seto to tease.
 Reviewed By: sglily [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 01, 2007 16:11 CDT
Marik as a fairy godmother... hm... there's a frightening thought! ; ) Once again, some of the best interaction taking place is between Marik and Bakura. Why is it that Bakura seems more... devilish?... than Marik does during their encounters? Bakura might just give Goat Boy a run for his job! And, You go, Ryou! I was so proud of him in this chapter! He dished it out to Duke and... Ryou was so bold! Asking Bakura out! How cute was that? I think it was great that it was Ryou who initiated any further contact between the two. Lord knows if had been up to Bakura... yeah... And, Bakura's response... priceless! It was almost a blowoff... but very Bakura, playing hard to get. Now Ryou has to do the chasing... Loved it! Another helping please! ; )
 Reviewed By: Black Angel Reaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2007 10:42 CDT
Y'know, I never did like Duke, cuz he's way too obsessed with dice and stuff. But it's nice that you have Ryou giving him the cold shoulder. ^_^ It's kinda funny to me that you have the only four female characters in the entire series hanging out together. And yay! More development between Bakura and Ryou! I'll let you know when I'd drawn any fanart... if I draw any fanart... >.> SAT's are coming up, so it might be a while...
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 27, 2007 15:13 CDT
Yeey, I liked the chapter. Lot's of new characters introduced. I like Ishizu's character, you got her character down well, methinks. Also I liked Mai's little interlude. ANd you threw in your first sort-of badguy. Very well portrayed. One can just feel Duke's not so clandestine intentions. He's creepy and arrogant and Ryou showed in his presence not to be a push-around. Also, then there's the Bakura-part of the story. The banter! Oh the banter, how I love it! ANd of course, the show-stopper, they met...and talked. And now Ryou's invited to visit the Ikona once more, I wonder what this will evolve in (short term, I mean) Their meeting was well written, good job. I eagerly await your next update!
 Reviewed By: Black Angel Reaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2007 17:34 CDT
Hey, nice chapter (Bakura got to talk to Ryou, yay!), and nice fanart (that's a LOT of detail in the wings). Sorry it took me a awhile to read; it's a terrible thing when you get separated from your computer for school projects XP. Anyway, I could draw fanart for you too if you want. I used to do it for this other author who wrote angel/demon fics of Ryou and Bakura on FF.Net. It would probably be infrequent fanart postings, but I'd be happy to do it.
 Reviewed By: sglily [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2007 20:28 CDT
I'm really glad that I found your story the other night. It is a delight to read... a well written story centered on Bakura, with an added bonus - The Dark One as an angel, a fallen one at that, AND a double bonus - he's to be paired with Ryou. So, yes, I'm happy! I thought you did an excellent job contrasting Bakura as the angel he had been vs. the attitude riddled, foul-mouthed, uncaring outcast he has become. He did give up hope. That had been made clear. It is also apparent that his "just fuck it" mentality has been cemented in place for quite some time and it would take no less than a miracle (or a slight push in the right direction!) to break through that exterior. The dialogue between Bakura and Marik is priceless! I really like Marik's characterization. And, Ryou... sweet and innocent with a strong streak that Bakura can't ignore. I loved how you ended the fifth chapter with both Ryou and Bakura thinking of the other. But, what struck me the most happened to be the last few lines explaining that Bakura hadn't bothered to pray in years because he had nothing to say - but he prayed that night anyway. And, naturally, God listened - and smiled. Look forward to more!
 Reviewed By: ahiru-san  On: April 23, 2007 06:06 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hello!! i quite liked this!! im glad that it got recommended this since i dont usually go on mediaminer.org :D it was really really cool, i can't believe how much i like it actually, do you write on fanfiction? cuz if you im probably gonna put you on alerts...anyway, have a good one, cheerio!!!
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 21, 2007 06:12 CDT
Ah, they met again and in what way! The setting was a bit...eh, predictable? shall we say but I liked the fact Bakura had to literally beat the air back into Ryou, it made a stronger connection I imagine. And now they are thinking of eachother, I can't wait how this turns out. I wonder how torn Bakura will end up between Akeifa and Ryou though. Anyway, cool chapter, I loved the talk between Yami and Marik, as usual, can't wait for more.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 17, 2007 10:04 CDT
*laughs* I just LOVE your portrayal of Marik. He's kind of the invisible hero of the story isn't he? I love the way how he wants to help Bakura but at the same time can't resist egging on him. Unfortunately our sweet fallen one doesn't take well to teasing (anymore). Ah, and the suggestion to Malik, I liked that a lot, sneaky bastard. Glad you managed to write 'non-corporeal' right after all. :P And then of course, the icing on the cake, the fated meeting! It was very well done! One of these days Bakura will have to let his pride go and apologize to Marik it seems. The only thing that disturbed that particular scene of Ryou and Bakura's meeting was that you wrote 'you' instead of 'youth'. I'm not usually one to pick on your spelling mistakes, as they are sporadic or not to noticable, but in this particular case it made me re-read the sentence three times before I got it. I can't wait for the next update!!!
 Reviewed By: Black Angel Reaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 16, 2007 20:06 CDT
^_^ I had a vague inkling you might do a Ryou/Bakura fic (one of my favorite pairings btw), but I couldn't be too sure. Too many people nowadays write Malik/Bakura fics or Marik/Bakura fics... And thanks for replying back to my last review, that was nice. Anyway, the new chapter was very good, keep it up!
 Reviewed By: Black Angel Reaper [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2007 21:46 CDT
Hm, not a bad story. I rather like the idea cuz I'm Christian too. I'm still trying to figure out who you're going to pair Bakura w/ though, and it's driving me crazy... don't worry, I like grumpy Bakura too. Ciao!
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2007 10:24 CDT
Yeey, new chapter. Thanks for all the 'background info' once again. It helps out. Oh, I feel so priviliged *snicker* Well, I don't have an awful lot to say. Marik is a jerk, but a sweet one. Heh, it almost makes one want to go to hell *snicker* ANd...Akeifa sure waited for a long time to help his lover out. I wonder if Bakura would ever be able become an angel again (not physically, but mentally) He's prototype, screwed up human right now. Well, I'll have to wait and see!
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2007 06:19 CDT
*giggle* What is God was one of uuuuuuuuus, just a slob like one of uuuuuuuuus...then he would destroy the woooooorld. That was just such a sad chapter, I'm getting bold and ask you if you, by any chance, do not like Christianity? I loved the portrayal of all the characters and I have to say that I almost cried at some places. Lol, your God is so...Devil-like. It's in a cruel way very amusing to see God portrayed as a vicious, cruel, demented dictator to whom mercy seems to be a foreign concept.
 Reviewed By: Paniwi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2007 10:04 CDT
whoo angel fic, yeey! (have a plot bunny for something like that myself too, lol) I like the prologue. I'm curious to the next chapter
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