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"A Balm for Social Failure" Reviews/Comments [ 68 ]
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 Title: Here it is...aaand there it went...
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: January 20, 2010 23:51 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I shall forever love and rec this story even though I find that the ending a bit loose, which I strangly both like and dislike. Like b/c I as the reader can assume my own ending, L dosen't die prematurly, and we were finally heading twords some sense of normalcy. Dislike b/c I wanted so much more, like for all the loose ends to be tied up and somehow resolved into one pretty bow, but then realize that that is completly unrealistic and possibly impossible for this duo lol. I think it was the unresolved yet resolved conflic with L and Watari...Urrg I dunno I'm so torn. :( Don't get me wrong, I don't think you could have ended this any other way (at least not without making a novel...ooops too late ha! XD) Perhaps someday WAAAY AWAY in the future you might be inclined to write a sort of epiloge letting us see a glipse into where the charactors are in 5 months or 5years in the future. I'm not asking for anything more as I feel that perhaps you've grown a little tired of this fic and wish to move on to bigger better things (which I can't blame you for after 39 chapters lol), but it is a thought that may tickle your facy on some blue moon. You know what, I think I am happy with this ending after all. ~Passing Reader P.s. Your authors Note was hilarious, I can relate, and don't let your fans bombard you too much eh? Just point them in the direction of other fandom *wink* ;p
 Title: humans are so...interesting
Reviewed By: LisaKallaum  On: January 18, 2010 13:22 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ive just discovered your fanfic in the last 3 days and have not been able to tear my eyes away! im so pleased that some one can twist the story to this point without ruining the characters. I do hope you continue this story and ill be waiting to see the end. Ryuuk needs to be loved aswell lol my little sister adores him and im so glad you killed misa... she annoys me lol I love lawliet and like your twist of putting him into kiras boots heh, the irony.... any ways cant wait till you continue
 Title: Gaah!
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: January 10, 2010 00:33 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Tired...sick....my cats missing..... I'll admit it, I'm a horrible reader whose been meaning (and is going to) re-read this entire fic so that I may capture it in all it's brilliance and quit mixing it up with PITCH -___- I'm kinda sad that it's going to end soon, I really thought that L was going to break and get his own split personality there for a bit, haha ^^; Can say I'd blame him though, poor L Which makes me think that it would be really interesting to see L phyciatrist and crazy Light in an insain asylem setting *wriggles eyebrows* I'm kidding of course, please forgive the spelling and grammer, I just don't feel up to staying up later (it's 12:30 am here) While I'm still trying to recover from this bug :( Loved this chapter, was not expecting another time skip; I assume all loose ends will be tied up in the next chapter so I'll try to be pationt. Till next time! ~Passing Reader
 Reviewed By: Miss You  On: December 05, 2009 22:09 CST
Are you still alive? We miss you!! This story is so excellent, please come back! You are a great, hilarious, intelligent writer. I am sending you good story writing juju now so please stop the waiting! It's killin meh!
 Title: He loves him, he loves him not...
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: September 08, 2009 22:28 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ah, young masochistic love. Yup I think that about sums it up. XD I havta get up early, so this review won't be as long as the one I sent for PITCH. Brillient as always, I had thoughts of DeathNote all day after reading, not so good for my classes, but hey, every girl needs here boy p0rn :D ~Passing Reader
 Title: Last Try...
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: August 12, 2009 20:10 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I hope it was just the face I was trying to put in there, this is going to be my last attempt, if it dosen't make it I'm sorry! :( house. I'm excited, and can't help but wonder what Light's part in that will be, should he have one. It's also good to see Mello, Near, and Matt joining the band wagon XD All in all, we're really getting to (or is it through?) the meat of the story *sqwee*. I look forward to 'Operation: Take down Wammy house' (or is it whammy?....dammit!) Here's going to look up the damned name for that house... ~Passing Reader
 Title: What the F*ck?!?
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: August 12, 2009 20:07 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I hope this other half makes it through, I dunno why it's not letting me post it... I think my review only went in 1/2 way, heres reposting it ^^' (Thank GOD for copy and paste) (Wammy? I can never remember how to spell it >-
 Title: It only went half way?!
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: August 12, 2009 20:04 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I think my review only went in 1/2 way, heres reposting it ^^' (Thank GOD for copy and paste) love the thought of L being able to threaten Light with Ryuk. "Be nicer to me or I'll leave for Bermuda..." lolz! It just tickles me pink :p I must have been blessed with a vivid imagination, b/c Light's face after that sentance is pricless! Colledge is creeping up soon, and I just got done filling out the paper work *sighs* I hate paper work... Im glad to see that you've updated and mentioned the Whammy (Wammy? I can never remember how to spell it >-
 Title: Bermuda....lol
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: August 12, 2009 19:59 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love the thought of L being able to threaten Light with Ryuk. "Be nicer to me or I'll leave for Bermuda..." lolz! It just tickles me pink :p I must have been blessed with a vivid imagination, b/c Light's face after that sentance is pricless! Colledge is creeping up soon, and I just got done filling out the paper work *sighs* I hate paper work... Im glad to see that you've updated and mentioned the Whammy (Wammy? I can never remember how to spell it >-
 Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: July 21, 2009 09:40 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's kinda funny, but I was actually going to review today if you haden't updated. I came by every day to make sure I haden't missed your update, and now I learn that you were in a slump D: I suppose that makes me late, but as they say 'better late than never' :p I love devoted L, it tickles me pink. I also still have some remaining curiosity about (I think it was WAMMY? I can't remember now, it was a few chapters ago and I havent seen the series in a while ^^') whatever that company/project thing that Watari donated to that L was in. It was mentioned that the program was becoming corrupted but no mention as to why (other than a breif mention of fear). I was wondering if that would come up again or if this was the last we were going to hear of it? Anywho I gotta run to work, here's waiting for the next chapter! ~Passing Reader
 Title: ... I think i may have just suffered a minor heartattack... O.O
Reviewed By: Apari  On: July 03, 2009 22:11 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
O.O Just... Wow ... I dont know what to say... I have just sat here... glued to my computer screen (Very much like L i might add ^^') And read this entire fic thus-far... This is one hell of a rollarcoaster of a story... if it can be called that XD I would go back and review every chapter... but... that would take me hours XD so i'll just try to cram every thing in here with my limit of 4000 characters (< note i just wasted space by writing that...and this ¬¬') ______________________________________________ I can honestly say that this is the most gripping, inticing Death Note fic i have ever had the pleasure to read O.O Not only do you convey your characters emotions and dilemmas so realistically, you also have that ability to keep almost anyone completely absorbed in the story as a whole, (2 days, and sleep and hunger still have not prevailed ^^') ________________________________________________ I am surprissed i havent suffered a heart-attack from the constant Adrenaline-Rush i have been subjected too XD Never knowing what happens next... (oh how evil an author you can be T_T)tears streaming down my face in an effort to hold in the fangirl squeals when something good happens... And resisting the Strong (Oh sooo strongg T_T) Urge to face-palm or slam my head against the computer desk when Light did something stupid (lol (: gotta blame light :D ) _______________________________________________ Definetly rated 10 in all feilds :D And i just LOVE how you have portrayed L ^-^ He so cute XD Light too XD he's just so... unstable XD yet... completely in control at the same time (Not including the times when he was Kira and tried to kill L... because that cant really be counted as control... O.O') Lol XD ... i shall get to the point (i hope O.O') This chapter was such a great turn of events XD i had almost abandoned all hope for Light O.O ... just the thought of him 'becoming the submissive' makes me shudder - but thats only because LxLight always seems wrong to me... i suppose i find it hard to believe someone *ex-mass murderer, mass murderer... or with a severe God Complex* such as Light being submissive ... and someone *socially inept, weird and frail looking, and with an extreme sweet tooth* such as L being dominant XD *LightxL all the way *^-^* * The way you portrayed the relationship between them was great XD with the constant power struggle between them, each always trying to get the upper hand - and i just love how L tends to lose :D ... seems i got of-topic again O.O' - back to the chapter! i loved how Light became some-what back to normal by the end of this chapter (: i was like... yay ^^ - i really cant wait until the next chapter XD. Howevever its sad its almost completed XD *Alas - Good things never last T-T* But i admit i am interested in how your gonna manage to wrap this all up XD *hopes there are still at least a couple more chapters to come* ____________________________________________ Lol ... Teru creeped me out... So weird... stalkerish *Hits Teru with his tennis racket: Light is L's!!* ^-^' Ok - i'm sure i have now bored you enough with this extra LONG review (: The time is approximately 04:04 AM ... and i am wide awake... T-T. Hope to see an update sometime soon (: Much Love xx ___________________________________________ The suspense is killing me... T-T i think i have already gone into withdrawel... its only been 10 minutes since i finished... dammmmmmnnn *twists up like Ryuuk*
 Title: I'm Cooked! D:
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: June 27, 2009 23:55 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First of all thank you so much for responding to my review! I know how busy you are and that it's difficult to type so many responses so I wanted to thank you properly :p Second: I'm going to die laughing if you keep this up! The irony of the story is killing me; You swiched L and Lights situations like one would spin a chess board. Now not only are they playing with each others pices, but they're using the same tactics too! (Referring to when L injected a bit of truth into his sentances as Light had done) I now have to wonder when or if he realized that was happening? __________________In other news, I have burnt myself to a crisp while swimming..... I wish to die right now. So while very much in pain, I was overjoyed to see that you had updated, It gave me something to do while I tried to de-bake myself ^^' I'm proud to say that I am at least a shade darker, hurray for the white team lol! I'll probibly still be here in this same spot by the time you update, so until then here's trying not to move ^^; ~Passing Reader
 Title: Happy Fathers Day!
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: June 21, 2009 22:55 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loved this chapter, nuff said :D It always seems like Light ends up hurting L in some way shape or form, even as he's giving him what he wants lol ^^' (I wonder if it makes me sick and sadistic to be laughing at that?) _________________________________________________ I'm so happy to hear that this is going to continue on for a while longer!!! This is one of the few (and I do mean FEW) fics that I would go back and read over and over again. I adore this story in it's entirety and simply can't get enough! It makes me wish that life would slow down a bit and alow me to read more ^^' I love how you make these two GROW as characters in your story, and the irony of the situation makes it that much easier to relate to them. Also, I discoverd not too long ago that my sister reads your storys as well! *insert surprise* Spacificly this fic and your Kingdom Hearts series, (she keept ranting and raving about the one staring Hayner & Seifer lolz) I haven't gotten around to playing Kindom Hearts 2 yet, but do plan to eventually. I did defeat 1 though so go me! ahaha ^^' Here's waiting for the next chapter, post it soon ne? ~Passing Reader & my admiring sister ;p
 Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: June 17, 2009 18:17 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I thought the story was going to end with these two chapters! Imagion, to my happy surprize, when it didn't :p Despite Mikami creeping me out on so many levels, I actually found myself sad at his demise :o I think I may have an 'utter devotion' fetish lol I can't wait for the next chapter, but at the same time I don't want the story to be any closer to its end D: Maybe the other fanfic with these 2 will cheer me up. I do wonder what you've come up with (I keep picturing L and Light in space and I can't stop laughing; 'Who will win the right to captin the ship? Stay tuned' :p) Gah, I'm a nerd. Don't mind me, I was sick today I'm going to blame my sillyness on that ^^' ......But it IS a neast idea, 'L and Light in space' *cackles* 'Garunteed, you've never read another fic like it' ;p Untill next time! ~Passing Reader
 Title: Excitment! XD
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: June 06, 2009 09:45 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm both, regarding your Mikami poll (I hope I spelled his name right). I really liked him in the anime, but at the same time I sensed his inner "nutty-ness" so to speak. I'm both excited and sad, it's almost over! I'm glad your making another DN fic, if I had nothing to look forward to I might go into a mini reader depression ^^' Thank you so much for all your hard work! I eagerly await the next chapter, see you soon! :D
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