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"A Balm for Social Failure" Reviews/Comments [ 68 ]
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 Reviewed By: Event Horizon [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 06, 2009 07:51 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG, first review of new chap! I must say, I've developed an unhealthy and crippling obsession with this story. :D I love Mikami and Light's interaction in this chap, the wit and the plotting and the hot tense scenes very much make up for the lack of L. But I really liked the worry you painted going on in L's head. I'm so excited for the next chapter that I can't sit still!
 Title: I play Sim2 too :p
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: June 01, 2009 19:44 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The Sims2 is a great game to play when one is bored and has no ultimate goals to reach within a certian time period hehe. I merly play it b/c they look pritty when you get the downloads, XM sims or something, very nice XD I have no idea where were headed now, I was starting to think L and Light would come to some sort of comprimise that would lead to them joining up ^^' ....They still have to eventually right?.... Anywho, loved the chapter, sorry about the last review, my dads birthday was last weekend :p I hope you have fun at your con! and dont let the writers block eat yooouuu! D:
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: May 27, 2009 21:38 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
We finally got internet today and as soon as I was done with work this was the first fic I checked on! *sqwees excitedly* Thank you very much for the mental preperation notice, and thankfully It was not as bad as I thought it would be and added a whole new bout of angust to your story which was both wildly fasinating and mildly depressing haha ^^'. I noticed that someone has also bummed my name too, it's the last review on may 4th. I suppose that I will probibly have to get an account on here, just incase more people do this and say not so nice things ^^' I will definatly let you know if I do so though ;p (I wonder if thats a weird thing to do...?) I can't wait to see how this ends, though I have to wonder how your going to do this without it turning into one giant death trap lol. I also can't wait to see the new Naruto and Deathnot fics your making (I think I just about died from suffication via: surpression of girly annoying fan-girl squeals) I do belive that you have made me your own personal review whore (But not in that weird, slightly scarey, kinky way ahaha ^^') As for me I'm finally moved in and can now read at my leasure, yaay for me :D Here's waiting for the next chapter; and is very excited to see it XD
 Reviewed By: Event Horizon [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 21, 2009 23:00 CDT
High five! :) Woot! I love the turn of events, good on you for pulling out the stops. I also really like the way you really injected some good power-struggle L/Light into this chapter. I love seeing L in detective mode, but even more when their logic and anger is evenly matched. I wonder if that detailed room service breakfast is going to come into play in the next chapter? ;) Mwhaha! I only have one small note, and this is just the way I see it in my head (and who am I, after all), but when Teru is speaking of God, I always picture the pronouns in caps. Like "he was stunned by His brilliant radiance and His voice was the melody of justice." :P I don't know, I just like seeing adoration in capital letters. Bring on chap 29!!
 Reviewed By: Event Horizon [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 21, 2009 22:07 CDT
OMG! This isn't a review, just me going crazy because I checked on aBfSF cause I'm a crack-head, no updates, went to check out your awesome RoxasXAxel fanart (which is superb, by the way), came back and BAM! UPDATE! asdfjkwlerjkf U ROX! ^_~ Give me 25 minutes, I'll have a decent review for ya.
 Reviewed By: Event Horizon [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 21, 2009 01:08 CDT
Oh thank god he finally "said" it. ;( I'm filled with a terrible mix of emotions, joy and grief and awe (again! at your terrific writing!). I absolutely cannot wait for the next chapter and for hopefully :D a short but sugary sweet respite from all the gloom and doom. Wait, what am I saying? Bring on the gloom, bring on the doom! Just keep giving us luscious and wickedly witty interactions between our two fav geniuses. ^_^
 Title: :)
Reviewed By: immecya  On: May 16, 2009 14:22 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
love light/l. good story. throw misa off the roof of the tallest building weeeeeeeeee
 Title: You had me at jail cell...
Reviewed By: Ki de Lioncourt(not signed in)  On: May 15, 2009 12:46 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ok, so Im on ch.16 and I have to say, you had me with Amelia. I caught all the allusions to Light, but I figured it couldn't really have been him, since your story had thus far challenged all my trains of thought to within an inch of my sanity. I guess when I really had caught on, I just couldn't believe it. But it truly does make sense to keep light in the picture, afterall I still have to make it ch. 26. Ten more chapters of a yaoi without the other leading boy? Umm, no. And furthermore, killing himm would make a better tragic ending than a milestone for the middle of any tale, to be sure. Not to say that it couldn't be done, but perhaps it's that it's simply too daunting a task to try and fullfill? I want you to know that your story is engaging, thrilling and a challenge for me to guess what's going to be coming up next. I only hope you continue to put out works as grand as this one. I look forward to reading them all. ~Ki de Lioncourt
 Reviewed By: Event Horizon [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 12, 2009 22:08 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMFG. You completely had me. That was such a mindf**k when Emelia's voice transforms into Light's. I read that paragraph about 15 times, waiting for my brain to catch up. Then I went back and read the beginning, the hints at Emelia's broad shoulders at the bus stop, the whiskey in the restaurant (I saw the connection there, but didn't know where it was going). BUT, my biggest applause is for the awkward conversation in the restaurant and this line from L: "There are so many other ways it could have ended..." I took that 3 different ways and once I finally understood I was just tickled with your cleverness. 1) He's thinking on the inside that he and Light could have been together, and telling Emelia to drop the convo because he could have been dead 2) He's talking to Light/Emelia and saying that they could have been together without the charade if not for Kira and 3) he's talking to Light and saying that he could have been dead, but thinking on the inside that he could have killed Light. WOWOWOW The brilliance of your writing is BLINDING.
 Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: May 04, 2009 16:20 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is getting complicated. It's interesting that you bring in Mikami in the same way he entered the manga, over the phone. He sure has the hots for Light...Light's not going to cheat on L, will he? Misa gets more and more annoying, of course. Ew Misa. L is sure a snide little bastard, leaving Light and Misa alone together. Btw, I say LightxL.
 Title: My last few days of internet...
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: May 01, 2009 22:08 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thank you so much for the good luck, I'm going to need it for tommorow; we're putting up fence D: I hate putting up fence *grimences* Plus the state I live in has an abundace of ticks and I hate them even more *shudders* Yeah I'm a girly girl, so sue me :p So we've hit L's and Lights first 'relationship' fight? Are they tecnically in a relationship lol? It's sad that I gotta ask, but I'm sure L would stand by me on this one and ask the same question; put Light on the spot a little heheh >:) This new character (I dubb him who-da-ma-what-it b/c if you mentioned his name I can't remember it :p) Gives me the hebijibies! He's not gonna rape Light is he? Hearing or even reading about rape generally makes me nausious, (not that I woulden't try to get by that in your story!), but if such a thing was to happen (though I really couldn't picture it and so far have no reason to really anticipate it ^^') if you would please forwarn me so that I may skip/mentally prepair I would be forever greatful :p Just in case, I don't think my lab top would survive the experiance if I lost my lunch on it ahahah ^^' Thank you so much for posting! Brilliantly written as always! I like that L and Light's relationship (or not relationship whichever since there is no technical going out process, though I suppose that's hard to do when not only are you a criminal, but a supposed to be dead one to boot ^^') isn't without a few rocky patches. It makes it more believable. *Inhailes* I can't wait for the next chapter, and if I don't review immediatly I'm packing/unpacking ;p Sorry for any spelling/grammer errors, I gotta get up with the sun tommorow *yaay* and am just too lazy to look all the words up since my student trial thingy expired. D:
 Title: Die Misa!
Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: April 28, 2009 22:54 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Updated on my birthday and of course Misa had to be the staring role of the chapter. Just my luck. I have no clue as to where we are going next, but I eagerly look forward to it. Particularly if Misa dies lol. Im sorry, I bash her alot but after reading this, I can't quite contain myself. Let there be much Misa hate mail! ~Passing Reader P.S I'm moving this upcoming monday so I may not be able to review, and/or read, until we get internet at our new place. Just letting you know so you don't this you've lost a reviewer, till next time!
 Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: April 27, 2009 20:34 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
All I have to say is every time you update, I get almost irrationally excited and make an event of reading each new chapter. Your writing is that awesome. I don't think you get enough credit. I love how you switch flawlessly between L and Light's perspectives, and even Misa (who I also dislike passionately), all while keeping everyone perfectly in character and twisting them into your crazy unpredictable plot. I absolutely love this story. Keep it up!!! =))) And I agree, having no internet is pretty much living hell.
 Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: April 20, 2009 15:57 CDT
Everyone else has said this, but in case you need more confirmation, you are brilliant. How do you manage to keep everybody in character and make them do such scandalous things? (By 'them' I mean Light and L). When I read your story I slip right into their world without being conscious that I am reading a MM fanfic. I can practically see it playing out in anime in my mind. Seriously, you should write books. And, how the hell is Light going to survive this? I just don't see a way, yet I'm thrilled because you say everyone's gonna live. But still, I'm stressed out for Light. And I severely dislike Ryuuk. Annoying much? I freakin love this story.
 Reviewed By: Passing Reader  On: April 19, 2009 21:35 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story has become a drug. A very addictave one. I couldn't stop reading if I wanted to and I have this constant craving for MORE! I think I now know how Ryuuk feels about apples lol.
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