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"You Lose, Miko!" Reviews/Comments [ 54 ]
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 Reviewed By: Hawaiianhoney2030 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2009 20:54 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great update, it was awesome. I liked how Hiei actually thanked Kagome for making him realize that Yukina knew about him being her brother. great chapter and i seriously cant wait for your next update ^_^ lol i hate cliffys when they're in my favorite fics but i do it all the time in my fics too lol so i'm not gunna complain about the cliffy but i will say that i hope you update REALLY soon cause i just might die if i dont find out what happens next!!
 Reviewed By: madmiko, notsigned in  On: April 08, 2009 18:36 EDT
This chapter just has me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next one. ^_^ SO many good things in here. I love the small, subtle, but definite way you are showing that Kurama is expressing some interest in her. "You have no idea how beautiful and rare a creature you are." Smoooooooooth. Hehheh! I loved Hiei's VERY IC reaction to his realization that she might have actually been able to hurt him that first meeting after all: "NEVER apologize for strength, onna." You just summed Hiei up perfectly in that statement. It's a beautiful and concise view of who he is and what he values. Kagome's use of the pencil was cute--she actually won one of their encounters, for once. ^_^ You are still doing a marvelous job of moving the relationship along very realistically. I love it that neither of them noticed that he had started his attacks on her right after she left her friends and that they spent the rest of the time on her walk home just being companionable and learning more about each other. His irritation at her being late due to detention one day was very telling. AND when he attacked her again while she was talking to him, thereby breaking with their routine, he didn't like it when she dismissed him and stomped off. I thought it was very IC of Kagome not to hold a grudge, though, and to proceed as usual the next morning. However, Hiei learned a real lesson that afternoon when she didn't talk to him like she usually did because she was too busy being on guard against him. He didn't like that at all, and he offered a very Hiei-like apology in the form of his assurance that he wouldn't do it again because it wasn't honorable. I think this was a BIG step in their relationship. (And it made me smile. ^_^) I also loved it when she was telling him more of her adventures and he suddenly popped out with "You talk about that male too much." "Were there no females other than the taijiya and the old miko? *snicker snicker* I also loved Kagome's mother's interruption of their little talk. Moms DO have perfect (NOT!) timing sometimes. ^_~ But her warning to Kagome was very well-placed, I thought. "Don't forget, that youkai isn't Inuyasha." I liked the way you had her bring him a slice of carrot cake on her birthday. The point he made about knowing what a fork was and not needing her to tell him was well-done--however, I will say that his irritation was maybe just a tad misplaced considering he didn't seem to know about carrot cake. But I think her telling him she was 18 had hit a nerve with him and he needed a way to make it clear to her (and maybe to himself?) that she wasn't dealing with some wet-behind-the-ears hanyou this time. I think his growing attraction/fascination with her is starting to make him consider things and having her obvious youth, naivete, and innocence shoved in his face like that made him feel uncomfortable. So, he did what Hiei does and pointed out just who she WAS dealing with. I have to confess to a squealy moment when he grabbed her chin and held her in place up close while he told her just that. I think that moment gave them both a lot to think about. I'm not sure if he meant to scare her off or to test her or if he even KNEW what effect his words might have, and I think he could go two ways from here: try to ignore his growing feelings or start watching her reaction to him a lot more closely. I also think this is where Kurama is going to come into play by showing him that neither of those options is acceptable if there's a possibility that another male is in picture. Yes? Maybe? No matter how it plays out, I will be anxiously awaiting the promised "eye candy" in the next chapter. This is really a great story!
 Reviewed By: JaneyJane428  On: April 07, 2009 19:46 EDT
Awwww, and I thought Hiei was gonna kiss her...T_T Then again, that'd be somewhat OOC so early on. Still...it would've been nice to see. ^_^ Very nice story so far, and I hope you update soon. This is one of my favorite ones so far, so keep going! XD
 Reviewed By: Bloodcherry [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 07, 2009 17:04 EDT
This is amazingly made! I can't believe it turned out this way... *grins* I really like your story so far and I hope you update soon! Ja ne, Bloodcherry
 Reviewed By: ice vixen x  On: April 07, 2009 16:14 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay, another chapter. Keep up the good work. Man, kagome and the fork thing seems like something stupid i would do and get all rosey cheeked. Good for you to make hiei clear up that little yet deepeer mistake... ^_~
 Reviewed By: Hawaiianhoney2030 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2009 02:19 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i CANT wait for the next update... Seriously LOVE this damn fic!!! LOVE IT!!!
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 01, 2009 05:25 EDT
Chapter 5 was great! I am totally embarrassed to say I forgot I hadn't written out my review here. *headdesk* So, I re-read the chapter, which was a treat!, and jotted down fresh comments to go from. I really, really loved Mama going to meet Genkai to express her concerns about Kagome's training and about Hiei, in general. I think it was a very realistic thing for her to do. Her description of Inuyasha as being both happy and despairing as he left Kagome with her family after they defeated Naraku and Kagome got rid of the jewel just tugged at my heart. I really liked the way you had Mama explain her perception of their relationship. When Hiei arrived and smarted off and Mama stood up to him, I wanted to cheer. ^_^ She sure set him back on his heels. A person's physical strength or abilities is no measure of the strength of their heart or convictions. Mama showed him what true strength and courage are all about when they are fueled by love. He definitely learned something important there. And I love that he saw Kagome in her mother. Yukina's explanation about red eyes not being a common color even for youkai, unless they are jacked up on their youki was awesome! And her worry that Hiei didn't want to acknowledge her because she was weak really struck the right chord with me--it was a vbery reasonable assumption on her part. I liked the way Kagome assured her how strong she is and praised her healing abilities. That just seemed very "Kagome" to me to recognize a person's true strengths. I think this was an underlying theme running through this chapter and I really liked it. Yukina knows her brother well, and her telling Kagome that he had probably enticed youkai with his hiroseki stone simply to kill them for the pure joy of it showed her understanding of his character. Yet, she was completely non-judgmental, and so was Kagome. (Love that about her!) They both understood his need to control some aspect of his life. I think that also plays out in his plan to take over the Ningenkai and make all the humans zombie-like slaves. But, as Kagome very insightfully pointed out, he isn't one to suffer fools gladly and he would very quickly have grown bored, or more likely, irritated by the need to constantly control them. I love the progression you showed in their relationship with him starting to walk her home after attacking her. ^_^ You showed it again when he told the youkai who grabbed Souta that he doesn't let others have his possessions. He made a claim on her and her family as being under his protection by doing that. But he got the surprise of his life when he found how truly powerful Kagome is. I am curious about how the youkai had heard that she couldn't hurt him without a bow and arrow. The very fact that youkai have been talking about a powerful miko and that one came for her is worrisome. Further proof of the change in their relationship and his growing respect and feelings for her was the way he stayed at the shrine that night to guard them. You've got me so anxious for more! I'm loving it! ^_^
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2009 04:24 EDT
Chapter 4 is another wonderfully entertaining read. ^_^ I love how much Hiei is enjoying their skirmishes. "This was a good game. He wasn't bored." I think you really summed up a lot about the attraction of the deal, what will be his growing attraction to HER, and about his nature in those two sentences. Love it! I felt SO sorry for Grandpa when Kagome was telling him how ineffective his ofudas are. It was for his own good, but it just made me want to hug him. I enjoyed hearing Mama's thoughts about feeling better about Kagome's travels because Miroku and Sango were along. It makes sense she would have hoped for someone with more maturity to accompany her. (Heck, her young, unmmaried daughter was traveling with a young, unmarried half-dog boy. She would have been grateful for the chaperonage, if nothing else. LOL!) Heh heh! I giggled at Mama's first impression of Hiei. He is not going on the "prospective son-in-law" list. ^_~ That was a really nice way to work in Kagome's age for us--with her encounter with the bat youkai. And I loved the progression of the relationship you are already showing between them. It's very gradual, but his growing respect for her and her seeing how honorable he is and recognizing that for good when he kept her Grandpa from being seriously injured during their fight is very evident. (I also liked the slight progression you showed of her further encounters with Kurama, too. ^_~) You have set a wonderful pace in this and I am enjoying it immensely. ^_^
 Reviewed By: ice vixen x  On: March 19, 2009 18:06 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another great chapter. Nice how you are making hiei's growing relationship subtle in a hiei way. I believe it. Wonder what was with the attack... hm. Well keep up the great work and ttfn... ^_~
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2009 18:45 EDT
The third chapter is great! (Sorry I haven't reviewed this sooner. I don't know why I haven't been receiving alerts for this since the story and YOU are both on my faves lists.) The back-and-forth between Hiei and Kagome is so much fun in this. You've caught their characterizations just right. I really liked the part where Kurama was thinking about the fact that even though they had just attacked her, Kagome was sitting down with them socially and being friendly. The fact that she was not afraid of Hiei was not lost on him. I particularaly liked your description of the Tajiya as the "bogeymen of the Makai." That just seemed so perfectly appropriate. Lovely touch! And I was so impressed with the way you incorporated the canon story of Kagome's use of the hairspray early in her adventures. Genkai's amusement at her taking so many modern products back in time was great. ^_^ And you had me giggling over Hiei's satisfaction at his deduction that Kouga must have been one of the dozens of youkai she had killed. I could absolutely picture his astonishment when she told him no. And I loved the way you managed to bring Shippou into the story with Youko's connection to him. The idea of Shippou pursuing him for so long over that picture is very appealing. And you got me again when Kurama told Kagome that "Hiei doesn't usually play well with others." LOL! But, I think the thing I loved most in this chapter was the idea you introduced that Kagome's barriers being pink was "antiquated." It made perfect sense that in the day and time when Kaede was protecting her village, mikos might have intentionally tinted their barriers pink as a warning to youkai of their holy powers. It goes with the red and white miko outfit. I applaud you for that! And I am looking forward to Hiei "helping" Kagome in her training. I promise I will get those next two chapters read and reviewed very soon--I want to be sure I have time to write out all my thoughts about them. Great work!
 Reviewed By: Hawaiianhoney2030 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2009 04:43 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i am in LOVE with this fic. i cant wait to read the next chapter! i love the bickering between Kagome and Hiei lol. this has become one of my favorite fics. please update soon ^_^
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: March 15, 2009 02:45 EDT
I didn't honestly mean you were bringing Youko across as obnoxious, just simply some friendly advice XDDDD Hmm.. surprising how news travels so fast huh. Looks like everything has their work cut out for them. Heh, about Hiei saying her training is nothing, well I'm sure he knows but obviously wouldn't enlighten her that not everyone is fit for training meant for Yusuke (cos hes just one of those insane, super progress when there is extreme pressure types) or Youkai. Super!training can be rather unstable as well afterall. Nice chapter though
 Reviewed By: my3rdeyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2009 02:43 EDT
it's getting better every chapter.keep up the good work!!
 Title: coolio
Reviewed By: ice vixen x  On: March 13, 2009 01:09 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm lovin this story. Don't stop here. Keep up the good work and i'll review ya later... ^_~
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: March 09, 2009 02:10 EDT
Hmmm interesting.. honestly though I have to admit I wish Youko weren't quite so openly perverted enough to seem stupid when he backs down from arguments with Shuichi. I dunno, to me, I feel he needs to be a little more "elegant" In a way. But Nice to see such a quick update, Kagome is learning
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