"You Lose, Miko!" Reviews/Comments [ 54 ] | Pages (4): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 ›  » ] | Reviewed By: ktshabatie [MediaMiner Member] On: May 11, 2009 01:46 EDT Comment/Review: Congratulations, Dyquem! Your story You Lose, Miko! has been nominated by the Inuyasha FanGuild for Best Crossover for the first quarter of 2009. If you would like to track the progress of your story through the rest of the nominations, seconding, and voting process, or simply find out more about the IYFG and perhaps join yourself, you can find everything you need to know on our website: www.inuyashafanguild.com If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact our moderators at IYFGModerator@gmail.com. Congratulations again! -- IYFG Beta Group
| Reviewed By: Lizy On: April 29, 2009 00:17 EDT Comment/Review: Wow, I'm really glad you uploaded this. I'm always looking for new YuYu-Inuyasha crossovers, but I seldom find anything worth reading. This is (for a change) well writtten, and actually has a good plot. I really enjoyed it. Hope you update soon.
| Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member] On: April 27, 2009 18:41 EDT Comment/Review: This latest chapter was such a treat! I had to read it 3 times before writing up this review. ^_^ The humor throughout this just bubbled over and put me in a great mood. (And the eye candy was yummy, too. ^_~) I loved the way the cliffy played out. Hiei froze and Kagome felt strong youki at the shrine and just assumed the worst. Little did she know Hiei froze because he was puzzled/pissed to recognize Kurama there. And Kagome unintentionally stroked Kurama's ego when she mentioned his youki felt really strong. I could just see the smile spread across his face, while a frown creased Hiei's brow. LOL! Good for Mama for confronting Hiei! He gave her something to think about, though, didn't he? And I think you brought up a point that was true through the manga. "She's a powerful miko, onna. Youkai will always be drawn to her. She must train or you will lose her." Youkai ARE always drawn to her, and I don't think it's just for the Shikon no tama, either. Then when the flowers are pointed out to Kagome, Hiei was ON! He absolutely cracked me up. Don't touch those. Kurama's plants bite." He made Kagome and her Mama very cautious and a little suspicious. Kurama was able to reassure them, though--at least about the flowers. *snicker* THEN Hiei piped up with "It WAS considerate of Kurama to bring your mother flowers; very appropriate, too. He IS over 1,000 years old." LMAO! Now THAT gave both Kagome and her Mama cause for pause again. And it got even BETTER!! I never would have believed it, but it did! Trying to explain away his age, Kurama had to tell them what he really is and how he came to be an avatar. "He stole a body like he stole Shippou's picture?" Kagome was so horrified by the thought. ROFL!!! That whole part was just brilliantly done. Kurama's explanation was really good, too, btw. ^_~ He did manage to salvage a bit of the day with his smooth "Without Youko, I would never have met you." Kitsune through and through. ^_^ Then we get to encounter the eye candy with Kagome and her friends. Your descriptions of the guys were fabulous! And I loved the way you gave a cultural slant to their ogling with "prime Kobe beef on the hoof." LOL! I was just waiting for Yusuke to stick his foot in his mouth by spouting out something about demons or the Makai any minute. I think it is VERY likely that he would be the type to do something like that because he just doesn't think about the fact that everybody doesn't run in his circles. I also liked the way Kurama was affronted by Eri's assumption that they could call him "Kurama-kun," too. I really, really loved the way everything got quiet right when Kagome was asking them to stop talking about her non-existent love life. THAT was so real--how many times has something like that happened in real life? (Way too many!) I giggled at Kagome's musings about whether or not Hiei's pants would fall down if she used her miko energy to burn off those belts. Next time we chat, remind me to send you a link to a great pic. ^_~ I love it that Hiei didn't even acknowledge the other girls when he walked up to the table and Eri introduced herself. Very IC. "Your eyes--You have amazing colored eyes. Where did you get them?" "My mother." Kagome thought she hadn't realized he such a sense of humor, but I don't think he was joking. LOL! This chapter was just such a pleasure from beginning to end. Thank you so much for entertaining us!
| Reviewed By: my3rdeyes [MediaMiner Member] On: April 26, 2009 06:14 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: nice...but why i got this funny feeling about eri??it's seem like she become something,you know like rival or jealousy friend.are you planing something about eri character?wow...nice!me like iT!
| Reviewed By: ice vixen x (not signed in) On: April 26, 2009 01:21 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Great as always. Glad to she kag's friends got to see the beauts she gets to play with. lol. I was really glad to see hiei came for her too. it is funny that kagome got mad about the who spirit thing when kurama had gone there to get on her good side. keep up the great work... ^_~
| Reviewed By: ponygirl2112 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 26, 2009 00:21 EDT Comment/Review: I really like this, thanks for breaking the cliffy. Can hardly wait for the next chapter. Will we find out who the cringer in the restaurant is in the next chapter? Also just an FYI but I think honorifics are like name-chan, etc instead of name space chan, etc. like Genkai-sensei.
| Reviewed By: Sesshy81 Is not logged in On: April 25, 2009 18:45 EDT Comment/Review: Hmm still going strong, but I would like to make a small correction. Kurama attended Meiou Academy, not Sarayashiki, that was Yusuke and Kuwabara's school. Kurama's school uniform was pink (or red) while Sarayashiki's uniform was blue (even though Yusuke deliberately wore green just to piss off the teachers.)
| Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member] On: April 22, 2009 14:07 EDT Comment/Review: Darn it! I hate it when my review gets cut off. I never keep an eye on the counter because I just expect it to stop letting me type when I'm out of room. Let's see if I can re-write my last couple of sentences. I thought the way they talked after their skirmishing was very indicative of the level of maturity their relationship is on. She apologized and he thanked her. I know there will be a few people who will think that is OOC of him, but I don't. Hiei IS mature enough to acknowledge things like that. I really felt like this chapter gave them both some things to think about in terms of each other, (as well as Hiei having to deal with the sibling issue), and I think they moved to a new level in their relationship. Then you gave us that evil cliffhanger. *sigh* I am SO in love with those things! ^_^ I will be waiting on the edge of my seat for the next chapter.
| Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member] On: April 22, 2009 13:43 EDT Comment/Review: Even without the eye candy, chapter 7 gives us plenty to chew on. ^_~ I enjoyed the many thoughts about and references to age and maturity in this one. We saw different levels of it in different interactions, I think.I really liked Kagome's thoughts about Hiei's little warning about HIS age: "As if that had anything to do with anything." She isn't intimidated by his life experiences. I think that says a lot about her. I've always thought Kagome has a wonderful amount of self-confidence and a pretty level-headed attitude about her place in the world. She can cope and she can keep up with those around her. On the other hand, she DID take note of his point that he isn't emotionally immature like Inuyasha. I think this was a turning point for her in the way she thinks about Hiei. She knows if they have issues, she's going to have to deal with them differently. I think she also realized that if she develops feelings for him and if anything were to ever come of it, it would be serious and not just "puppy love." ^_~ Their new game of Hiei presenting himself as a moving target for her arrows is intriguing. I loved the way Hiei "preened" over her compliments on his speed. So typically male. LOL! I also liked the fact that while he was deliberately trying to antagonize her, she knew what he doing. I cackled when his continued assurances of his greatness and invulnerability got his head removed from her lap, where she had so graciously put it when she went to check his injuries. That was so funny! (And it served him right.) It seems I have read somewhere that sitting with someone's head in your lap is some kind of significant sign of affection/relationship in Japan. (Of course, with their aversion to PDAs in general, I suppose that was a silly statement I just made, but it's just on the edge of my memory that it is something particular. Darn it! May have to do some research to see if I can dig that up again. But, I think it's similar to the way that carrying someone on your back is more common there than carrying them in your arms.) I saw the big flashing "danger" sign when he cut her and she asked if he had the same healing powers as his sister. Man, did THAT ever blow up! Naturally, he went ballistic and then his reaction and demands made her really lose her temper. "Fireworks on aisle 3!" I really loved it when Kagome finally told him he didn't Yukina enough credit. I think most of fandom doesn't give Yukina enough credit. LOL! I have to confess, I was disappointed Mama didn't find out about the wound so she could rip Hiei a new one the next time she saw him. *snicker* But I know that would have diverted the focus of the action. Hiei disappearing for a few days made sense to me. 1. He had to come to terms with Yukina knowing. 2. He needed to see how things stood with Yukina. 3. He needed to GET OVER IT enough to be able to approach Kagome again--even though everything turned out to be okay, it had to be hard to face the fact that so many people, including this ningen, knew something he didn't that affected him so deeply. Hurt pride stings. Plus, I'm sure he realized his anger at her had been misplaced. So, he's taking care of business and licking his wounds a bit. I was glad to see you bring Kagome's school friends into the picture. I howled with laughter when Kagome pronounced that everything about Hiei was in perfect proportion after saying he was a bit short and Eri said that's too bad. Hee hee! Brilliant! (We'll have to make sure Kagome corrects that mistaken impression later. ^_~) I like the way Hiei just breezed back into her life with an attack, like nothing had changed. His declaration that he has been too predictable if she doesn't pay attention when she isn't expecting an attack sounded just like him to me and was a point well-taken. I liked the mental picture I had of her just sitting on the ground smiling up at him being happy to see him again, even though he had just "scored" against her. I thought the way they talked aft | Reviewed By: Minnie_2010 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 21, 2009 17:15 EDT Comment/Review: Awwww..... Here i am surfing through the fanfics on this site, and i come across one that i want to indulge in and it ends with a cliffy, aww... Well it happens, can't wait to read the next part im excited and can't wait to find out what happens, great job on this fic, hope you have many more people enjoy like the rest of the those who reviewed
| Reviewed By: Drachegirl14 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 21, 2009 11:35 EDT Comment/Review: Well done! I was just cruising the other fics one day and I found this! You definitely have something special here. I enjoy the interaction between characters, and I'm quite curious as to Kagome's past adventures-will they appear in the modern day (like Shippo appearing randomly out of nowhere?) or will they simply remain memories? And about Koenama letting her into the past-does he know or not? SO many questions! But that's the sign of a good story. And as I've said, I enjoy your characterization, it's fresh and not totally un-realistic, but with a hint of change because KAgome has done some maturing. I like it. PLease keep up the excellent work!
| Reviewed By: ice vixen x On: April 20, 2009 03:04 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: glad to see another chpter up. i love this story because it really seems believable., but any who. I loved the fight. Made them both do some thinking. hiei said Thank You! so holy crap! you know he's not mad at her. I just can't get over how you catch their characters just right. being somone who's tried this combo before in a story i can say how hard it is, but... sorry to say... you are doing much better than i did -_-, ;;;el tear;;; Keep up the great work and keep the chapters coming. And don't htink i'll forget you promised us eye candy next chapter. When it comes to hiei, he is the chocolate covered strawberry of the anime world, in my opinion, so make it juicey and ripe ;;;wink wink;;; lol. Review ya later... ^_~
| Reviewed By: Kurai-kitsune [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2009 01:40 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: OMBOB I really like this story plzzz update when you have the chance i really want to know what happens next it very great please update soon
| Reviewed By: loretta537 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2009 00:28 EDT Comment/Review: will it be a good youkai or a bad one? i'm voting for a good one like shippo, sessy, inuyasha, jinji, kouga, ect
| Reviewed By: Chrystal-Hearts [MediaMiner Member] On: April 19, 2009 21:31 EDT Comment/Review: This was a good chapter, and you have me wanting to know what is going to happen now. Please update again soon. Chrystal-Hearts
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