"Transformations" Reviews/Comments [ 409 ] |
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Reviewed By: Hououza On: March 14, 2005 18:44 EST Comment/Review: Excellent chapter. I think the longer chapter worked superbly, the trial played out nicely with those *insert profanity of choice here* getting what they deserve...or at least the first stage of it. Looking forwards to the next chapter when you return, have fun. Good luck & best wishes, Hououza
Reviewed By: Sesshy81 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 14, 2005 11:31 EST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: Trying to imitate Kenshin are we? Cool beans. not much to say, other than "great chapter" soo I'll let you go.
Title: great Reviewed By: usmcbrat04 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 13, 2005 19:50 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: OMG!! THAT IS SOO WONDERFUL I LOVE IT. I REALY LOVE THE CAR SHOOTER SCEEN.
Reviewed By: SilverShadowKitsune [MediaMiner Member] On: March 13, 2005 18:24 EST Comment/Review: Good. Definently a different twist from the actual ending of the story. It's hard to imagine Kikyo backing down that easily, at least for me. Update ASAP and make me a happy reviewer! Lady Hikage of the Northwestern Lands
Title: AE41 Reviewed By: Anonomonomys [MediaMiner Member] On: March 13, 2005 17:52 EST Comment/Review: Fweee! Fluff fluff fluff! *runs around in squares* Huzzah! Can't wait for the next chappie. Torturing....yesh.... kukukukuku! xDD
Title: Get 'em, Yasha!! Reviewed By: INU-KAGLOVER, On: March 13, 2005 17:42 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: That was SO SWEET! Go Inu! And I SO appreciate that you combined the whole trial scene into just one long chappie!! Cause I would have gone insane if only reading a quarter of a way through it and have to stop and wait for the next one to come out. So ... THANKS! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Title: AE: 40 Reviewed By: Anonomonomys On: March 10, 2005 23:29 EST Comment/Review: We standz correctededed... The hamsters wuz not that of dancing, but remote control! Huzzah! The error hash been correctededed! We can sleep through ze night now.... wif shmelly kittehs...mmmm....shmelleh... Toodleydoo! ~Anonomonomys
Title: AE: 40 Reviewed By: Anonomonomys On: March 10, 2005 22:54 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: We likies. We likies a lot, yesh we do...pretties... We alsho be ones who giveses out dancing hamsters! xDD Kukukuku! But we hases NEW weeaponz, yesh we dooo.... Our new weapons be...shmelly kitty hairballs....smellshes like fishesh...tunazz...mmmm....tunazz... We alsho hases peeanut buttereded sammichezz.....wifout the milk....peeanut buttereded stucked to rooof of mouvess...causes much diztrezz to us...we needs our milk....mmmmm....millllkk..... o-O *drooldrool* Yesh, our weeaponz are good to us...and you....but mostly us... Kukukukuku! xDD We hopez you hash fun wif zem!
Title: weapon contest Reviewed By: lonely_girl [MediaMiner Member] On: March 08, 2005 04:41 EST Comment/Review: soooooo.........weapons contest, well i shall tell you the secret perfect weapon, the perfect weapon is right underneath your hand: The computer mouse, use it as a mace (the medievil weapons thet were a big spiked ball on the end of a chain) very, very effective. Gaurd this secret well or THEY will use it against all good readers. Now i must be gone before THEY come to get me, farewell, and a wonderful story ::vanishes into fog::
Reviewed By: celtic_hanyou [MediaMiner Member] On: March 05, 2005 22:51 EST Comment/Review: I think this might be my favorite inuyasha fanfic. I've mentioned this before, but I love the creativeness that you put into making the first part a story that kagome wrote. I hope inuyasha gets revenge but doesn't get in trouble for it! Also, p.s., a herring is a type of fish.
Title: Chapter 71 Reviewed By: Hououza On: March 04, 2005 21:26 EST Comment/Review: Fantastic chapter. Now, all we can do is hope that they are dealt with accordingly...by both the law of the court and the laws of vengance. With regards to a herring, it's a type of fish. often refeered to in the phrase 'a red herring'. Ok, now lets go maim some bad people! Good luck & best wishes, Hououza
Title: didn't sign in, sorry Reviewed By: zirranova On: March 04, 2005 13:04 EST Comment/Review: awsome, i cna't wait till inuyasha's able to kill those f***ing a**holes but I bet it will be good >D anyways great chapter, love the review you got, it was the funnyest. see ya Zirra
Reviewed By: WoodShop2300 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 03, 2005 21:15 EST Comment/Review: Nice way to end a chapter!/ I'm not sure if i want to thankyou or kick you but i do know i better not have to read 6 different chapters to know the whole trial. 1 looooonnnnggg chapter would be much perfered. :)
Title: Agreement Reviewed By: Stacy On: March 03, 2005 20:22 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Stacy: *stares at sesshoumaru slightly drooling* MINE!!! *lunges and attaches self to sesshoumaru* Sesshoumaru: O_O NOOOOOOO!!!!! Stacy: *sticks a sock in sesshoumaru's mouth* shh my love, there will plenty of time for screaming later tonight! Sesshoumaru: *eyes bug out* Ward Nurses: GUD GAWD!!! SHE'S OUT!!!!!! AND SHE HAS A PRISONER!!!! Stacy: *armed with other half of carrot and left sock* YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!! *sits on sesshoumaru's head* WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!!! I do not fear Naraku for her is someone's play-thing now! BUWAHA! Ward Nurse: We're gonna need a swat team... she's armed and dangerous... Sesshoumaru: *sweatdrop* Stacy: MUHUHAHAHA!!! YESH!!! AND YOU NASTY REVIEWERS WHO READ AND FLEE!!! *waggles carrot* BEWARE DA STACY AND HER SESSHOUMARU! *cue maniacal laughter*
Title: Secret Weapon Reviewed By: Stacy On: February 22, 2005 16:37 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Stacy: *hair is unkept and very 8cough* "wild", wearing what appears to be a straight jacket* *slowly approaches you looking around, eyeing everything* yesh, secret weapon... i will gives it to you... if you promise me something... MAKE SESSHOUMARU MARRY ME!!! BUWAHA!!! *scoots closer to you* here you go *straight jacket covered hands pass you an old sock* use it wisely, and forget not our agreement BUWAHA! and if those nasty reviewers aren't nice, use htis, the ULTIMATE WEAPON!!! *DUN DUN DUN* *giggles and hands you half a carrot* yesh, it will distroy all!!! *ward nurses appear* Ward man: THERE SHE IS!!! HOW DOES SHE KEEP GETTING OUT!!! Stacy: O_O NARAKU HAS SENT HIS PUPPETS AFTER ME!!! HE DOES NOT WANT ME TO MARRY SESSHOUMARU, FOR HE LOVES HIM!!! AHHHH!!!!... *hugs towel and carresses it with her cheek lovingly* but sesshoumaru and i are meant to be together... yesh... *orderlyes begin to drag her away* Ward man: I'm so sorry ma'am... but we don't know how she keeps getting out... *scratches head and continues dragging me away* Stacy: BUWAHA!!! YOU WILL NOT WIN NARAKU!!! NEVA!!! *yells in distance* I WUB UR STOOOOOOOORY!!!!
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