"Emergence" Reviews/Comments [ 87 ] |
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Title: ` Reviewed By: Sorceress Sarrkh On: October 28, 2004 14:24 CDT Comment/Review: God! I just keep rolling on the floor with laughter. And the scenes with jounouchi! I cna't believe he's learning to knit! :)(: That's ok about the update. I'm being really bad about my story as well (I haven't updated in months, but that's a whole different story because of circumstances and the fact that my computer now has a virus on it), but I'm looking forward to the tonedeaf singing yamis and further torture from one of my favorite authors. :)
Reviewed By: Stwabewwy Cotten Candy (NLI) On: October 20, 2004 21:26 CDT Comment/Review: Buuuh, end of the story-ness ;-; One question; the YamixYuugi pairing.. it won't have a girl added to it, will it? Noooo, please say no, it won't
Reviewed By: Amunra On: October 13, 2004 19:18 CDT Comment/Review: Yeah, I guess I'd probably run too in that situation... then again, maybe I'd be happy that there are TWO of my boyfriend instead of one... or maybe not. Poor confused souls... I swear you get a kick out of throwing them in these crazy situations. That's okay, because we all do too! The shadows thing with Yami freaked me out, and I have visions of multitude of shadow monsters flying through the forest after Yuai. Then again, that could just be my overactive imagination. Either way, I can't wait until the next chapter. Please pandon any and all spelling mistakes. It's been a long day... :o(
Reviewed By: Sorceress Sarrkh On: October 11, 2004 14:31 CDT Comment/Review: lol! Those new stories of yours sound great! Especially the Yami cliche fic of torture! :) Your story is getting really really interesting! I can't believe Yuai kicked Yami's arse in a dream! I'm wondering tho, about that connection of hers with the Dark Magician of Chaos. Is she it's reincarnation? Is he her version of Yami's Dark Magician? Do I have to wait 'til the next story arc? Argh! Hurry and update! THe suspense is killin' me!
Reviewed By: Velvetina [MediaMiner Member] On: October 11, 2004 11:26 CDT Comment/Review: OMG i'm sorry i missed a chapter! I've had so much work to do that i havn't been on mm.org for ages. I'm so happy that Yugi had his Yami back now. *sigh* they are so kawaii together but poor Yuai who can blame her for being totally freaked. I know i would. Lol the thing about Bakura not being able to sing is even more amusing my my twiste dhead because i can picture Ryou being a good singer, ah will the contrasts never stop! Byebye
Reviewed By: Sakiyama [MediaMiner Member] On: October 11, 2004 09:40 CDT Comment/Review: O.o aaah the chaos ensues. Hehe Yami mind-crushed him! Best thing i've seen all day. Anyways, I didn't think Yuai would be that scared of Yami..although seeing a transparent Yugi for the first time is kinda frightening. I hope they find her or she'll get really sick! I wonder what Bakura is going to do...O.o sounds cool XD. I can't wait to read more!!! I feel bad for Jou though T.T. Everyone is picking on him! Bad people!! Update soon!! ^^
Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: October 10, 2004 21:05 CDT Comment/Review: And Jame gets added into the mix. Nice. o_0 Chickens? Shadows have messed up Yuai's mind. Oh, and I gotta say, I love this line: "Last week, when a maître d' didn't seat us right away, he just settled for getting the man fired and having his car and house repossessed. See? He's improving." I love Kaiba and Jo's relationship. ^_^ Please update soon.
Reviewed By: Sorcerss Sarrkh On: October 02, 2004 23:59 CDT Comment/Review: More mahaado...? :) Sounds good to me! Man, you just keep sucking us further and further into this story of yours! I wonder what's gonna happen now that yami is here! I can't wait for you next udpate. :)
Reviewed By: Stwabewwy Cotten Candy [MediaMiner Member] On: October 02, 2004 20:36 CDT Comment/Review: Awwww, go Yami! Or is it really Yami? *So confused*
Reviewed By: Sakiyama [MediaMiner Member] On: October 01, 2004 21:41 CDT Comment/Review: Yay! Yami and Yugi-ness!!! I'm so glad. I wanna see singing yami's! That would be hilarious..like they'd all do a show and get kicked out because they sucked. I wonder if the gang will find Yugi and Yami and Yuai. And what about what Yuai thinks about Yami!? Oooh so interesting I can't wait to read more! Update soooooon!
Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: October 01, 2004 16:32 CDT Comment/Review: All right, no worrying aout Honda/Ribbon. That's ok, since WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! *clutches head* Yugi...Yuai...Yami... GAH! And what's with the glitch in the system? Kaiba-boy's(uh-oh, sounding like Pegasus) gonna be mad... there were also a couple of typos you might want to fix as well. Please update soon, so I don't go insane.
Reviewed By: `DaeBird On: October 01, 2004 15:54 CDT Comment/Review: Very nice additions. ^-^. Everyone seems to be in somekind of problematic position right now. I can't wait for the Yamis' chorus triplet. I hope Yugi and Yuai will get out alright, they should now that Yami's here. And Mokuba still hasn't returned from Sri Lanka...sorry, I just randomly missed him. Oh and the names for Jame's friends look familiar. They look like they were taken out of Disney and Shakespeare...were they? *shrug* Keep writing!
Reviewed By: The Panasonic Princess (I have an account, I swear!) On: October 01, 2004 13:07 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Yay! Yami's back! Er... threesome? ^.^ Possibly? I can't believe how much I'm into this story... You're something else, you know that? ::grins:: Now, I must go, because I'm in school, and I really shouldn't be reading this... ::guilty grin::
Title: So La De...Yami? Reviewed By: Yami no Jean On: October 01, 2004 06:59 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 9 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: When are they gonna sing?!?!? I gotta see that...well you knkow what I mean ^^ heee.... So...has everyone regained their senses yet of who they are and whatnot? I'm still a little in the dark about who the true enemy is here though. That I'm still mystified about... And what the hell happened to Otogi? Is he ok?
Reviewed By: Amunra On: September 30, 2004 22:57 CDT Comment/Review: Yay, Yami is back in the picture... there was just something about Yuai and everyone else thinking Yugi was crazy that rubbed me the wrong way. I can't wait to see how Yuai reacts to them. I have a feeling that Anzu and the rest are bound to do more damage than help. Then again, I could be wrong. I'm intrigued about the hacking going on at Kaiba Corp. I can't wait to see how that turns out. Until next time.
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