"Sachi" Reviews/Comments [ 535 ] |
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Reviewed By: Jewelbrat2 [MediaMiner Member] On: June 06, 2008 12:54 PDT Comment/Review: Thank you very much for the update, not to mention the introduction of new characters. Are they from kagome's past? Will they meet at the sachi? and if they do, how will inuyasha and the others react? Please answer they questions at the beginning of the next chapter. Thank you also for reassuring us that you will finish the story, it's my favorite one, but we would love you soooo much if you were to gift us all with a new chapter.(my B-day is june 19th. Gift... get it?)Pleeease, oh one who is brilliant in their writing style!
Reviewed By: kazumi1234 On: April 25, 2008 17:24 PDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I'm so happy that you updated! It's been a while and I was starting to thing that you had given up on this story, but I'm very pleased to know that you have not. I love the storyline, the mystery and suspense of the characters' pasts makes reading it so enjoyable and intense. Please update soon!
Reviewed By: Tueske [MediaMiner Member] On: April 23, 2008 23:34 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I've read every single word from beginning to end up to your latest update... and I must say... I have never been quite so taken as I am now with this fic. It's... it's absolutely...amazing. It has a splendiferous quality to it that I've never quite seen before. Any reader in their right mind can tell right away the intricate way in which each chapter has carefully been put together. And the time well spent in doing so. I get anxious everytime I move on to the next page. Your fic has really drawn me in... into the world in which The Sachi is located, and I must say that I regret having to leave that world until your next update. I am sorry for not having reviewed all of the past chapters. Though it would look so much better on your part for you review count, I believe it would be just tad bit redundant on my part for you to have to keep on reading a short little review from the same reader. So to save you time and effort in reading my lame and short reviews (though I usually don't leave short reviews) I thought it would be best for me to leave a long and highly detailed one. That shows my level of gratitude in your writing this fic. InuYasha and Kagome's characters in this fic have a quality about them that I am quite fond of. And Miroku's humorous sarcasm in which is unintentional yet natural for him, really livens up this story. Shippou's role in this fic plays a big part too in making this fic that much more desirable to read. And now at the end... when you go and add Souta and Rin! That really got me going! And I just know that the woman who broke Inu's poor heart all those years ago has GOT to be Kikyo. I'm just itching to know what happened between the two that has Inu acting the way he is. As for Sesshoumaru... I just know he has got to have an important role in this fic as well, right? If I have read correctly HE is the main reason why InuYasha and Miroku reside at The Sachi at all. Ah well I guess I will just have to wait for you next update then huh? Haha! I can't wait I really hope it will be soon. And I pray all is well with you, I seriously know how life can get in the way... and even bite you in the ass at times (I say this from present experience). I would just love to start on the second chapter of my newest fic... if I could just get passed the damned writers block and the frustrations my life has brought me thus far... *sigh* Oh well,we can't all win can we? But that doesn't mean I wou't put up a damned good fight! Until your next update that I eagerly await, Ja Ne ~Tusuke Kounami
Title: an update :O !YAY! Reviewed By: Kags- -dogboylover [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2008 14:06 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Oooh, i'm reeeeally delighted that you are writing again :D i had never lost hope that you'd continue the story hihi hope you update soon *protects herself from a flying shoe*
Title: GAH!! its a ghost Reviewed By: Miss_Marilyn69 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 20, 2008 01:03 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Weeehoo, it was just my grandma... More and more questions...I don't think that you'll have a problems getting people to read no matter how long it takes. Tell next time
Reviewed By: Teddy Bear [MediaMiner Member] On: April 16, 2008 15:38 PDT Comment/Review: Well, it's good to hear from you again Quillwing, and it's nice to see that even though you said that life and writer's block were your reasons for not posting updates it's really encouraging and refreshing to see that you still stick to your fans and fanfics. The chapter you posted was humorous and a teaser to me for bigger and better things to come. I hope that you find time to update again, as I crave your fics. It is great to hear from you and I pray whatever plagues you will be resolved. I liked the way you so eloquently portrayed both their sexual frustrations and showed a new side to Miroku. I hope the next chapter will be more detailed and maybe a new addtion to "Waiting on a Wish" as well. May GOD bless you in all your writing endeavours.
Reviewed By: alloreli [MediaMiner Member] On: April 15, 2008 16:24 PDT Comment/Review: Hey I'm a newcomer to this story and I have to say, I LOVE it! It's really amazing. You really have the suspense thing going for you. I really want to know who he is! Anyways, keep up the good work Oh, if I told you my b-day is in 10 days, would that make you update faster? (my b-day really is in 10 days, no joke)
Reviewed By: ArtemisMoon [MediaMiner Member] On: April 14, 2008 22:33 PDT Comment/Review: So you like giving late birthday gifts, huh? Lesse, mine was 15 days ago...lol...any tactics to get you to update either this story or wish work for me! It's great to see you writing again. It never fails. I might not be reading any other stories that are updated, but I will come back and read these. This was a great chapter by the way! Loved the awkwardness between Inuyasha and Kagome, and I couldn't help but laugh when she ended up at his room. Somewhere in that brain of hers, she has a perverted subconcious, I just know it! And that perverted part of her brain led her to Inuyasha's room! She pretends to be innocent, but we all know better...anyway, I'll stop messing with your poor characters and let you get back to work. I'm sure you must be working on the next chapter, right? *not-so-subtly prods you* I'll be waiting for it!
Title: YEAH!!!!! Reviewed By: Chase65 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 11, 2008 20:48 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Welcome back Quill! This was the first piece of fanfiction I ever read, and being a rather new InuYasha fan at the time, & having never read any of the manga, I had a hard time with a lot of the Japanese words(youkai, hanyou, etc.). Now, more than a year & a half and hundreds of fanfics later, I understand it all!! When the update email came in, I decided to start at the beginning and (not surprising) the story was more wonderful than the first time! So we've now got Souta, Rin & (Ko)Haku thrown in...more twistyness! I knew you would not give up & so waiting is not a problem! Many thanks to JRMaxwell to the prod work!
Reviewed By: rainydays (nsi) On: April 10, 2008 23:51 PDT Comment/Review: Oh my gosh! You just made my night! I am so glad that you updated :o) I was SO excited!! Thank you for such a long chapter... I am so intrigued now... especially the part where you introduced Souta and Rin... and what about Sango? I thought Miroku would have re-encountered her by now. Thank you for the Inuyasha/Kagome bit!! YAY!! I am glad they've made some progress. I also want to figure out Kagome's past... it's interesting she knew so much about Hanyous.. Well... I hope that you will update SOON (at least within a year) You're killin' me smalls...
Reviewed By: loulou4729 *nsi* On: April 10, 2008 14:22 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: *Squeals and gives you a big hug* ACK! I couldn't believe it when I saw it was actually a new chapter posted. You just made my day! And that was a pretty long chapter but I for one appreciate it. I know real life can come out of no where and rip all of your attention away from everything 'internet'. But I am glad your sticking it out. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. Inu can just be soooo stubborn sometimes can't he? Very nice chappy though. :)
Reviewed By: angelbabe17 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 08, 2008 19:07 PDT Comment/Review: this just made my week haha! i absolutely adore this story and ur writing is incredible. thanks for the update!
Reviewed By: blackberry [MediaMiner Member] On: April 08, 2008 17:44 PDT Comment/Review: Yay, a new Sachi chapter!!! Loved it--well paced, made progress in the story, great characterization. Also continued the aura of mystery and of secrets kept by all the characters. That last scene was intriguing too! And...update soon!! *ducks*
Reviewed By: Dragonflyhuntress [MediaMiner Member] On: April 08, 2008 17:07 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: i love your story!!! Please not make us wait another year hehe, if you do...i guess we'll just wait.
Reviewed By: Midoriko-sama [MediaMiner Member] On: April 08, 2008 14:55 PDT Comment/Review: You updated! *throws confetti* You updated! *throws some more! And a damn good chapter chock-full of tasty stuff and new information, too! And forgive me, but I'm abducting this chapter as a b-day present for me, too. Just cos I can! *takes it and runs*
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