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"Purity 4: Justification" Reviews/Comments [ 2208 ]
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 Reviewed By: Inu-Kag15 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2005 16:51 EDT
this story is awesome so far, i can't wait, though, for you to finish purity 3....i love all your stories, i'm your bigest fan, ol update soon!
 Reviewed By: BAgent007  On: April 23, 2005 02:42 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i LOVE this story a lot so far, I can't wait to see how all of this starts to get going.... I am really interested in Cain's character thus far ... How old is he? and how did he become the tai-youkai of the U.S.? I am really interested in his past. Also, I wanted to mention some of the people who have left reveiws harping on the possibily of Cain and Gin being together and having an age problem. He seems like he is older, maybe not as old as Sesshoumaru (i may be totally off base here just let me know), but why would people have such issues... youkai and hanyous age differently... also there are a TON of Sesshoumaru/Rin pairings out there and he is at least 200-300 years older than her ... and he helped raise her, which makes the relationship even more sketch... but i totally don't see anything sketch between Cain and Gin. Also, what is Cain's main focus as an artist? is it just sculpting or other mediums as well? Well, i think i have said everything i wanted to say... thank you for updating this story and i look foward to the chapters in the future ... have a wonderful day .... JOO RAWKS!
 Reviewed By: WoodShop2300 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2005 01:33 EDT
I just can't help but think that Cain is like almost as old as Sess.... and with me thinking as i do about where this is going... I can't help but shudder.. I really hope i'm wrong on this... It's nice to see that ryo got over the cat though.
 Title: hanyou?
Reviewed By: spider9843 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 23:28 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hey sueric, I love your story! I have read all of them-amazing. I have a question. Is Belle all human? Or is she inuhanyou like K.?h
 Reviewed By: LavenderRose [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 23:16 EDT
Another interesting chapter. Just wondering though: If, in P-2, Toga nearly died just from being separated from Sierra, why isn't Cain suffering more (physically) than he is, given the fact that his mate died 18 years ago? Or did his youkai blood maybe not pick her as his true mate? HMMMM. Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: devildice708 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 23:04 EDT
Been a while since this once has been updated. I've been checking on this one from time-to-time along with Purity 3 and I was glad to see that you updated this. And talk about overprotective!Gin is twenty-four and is still living with her parents! But then again, Inuyasha just wants only the best for Gin--like all fathers with daughters. But it's kinda unfair for him to expect a guy to beat him in order to date his daughter...not many can do that. Well then, I'll be waiting for another update. Until that time, later...
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 17:52 EDT
Hehe, looks like Tokyo has a new river running through it; the river of De-Nile. And Cain has just bought a ticket for the boat tour of Gin-land. His inner-discussion was very amusing. And Gin is moving out?!?! No surprise that that went over like a ton of bricks with her Daddy! -LOL- Between Kagome and Gin, InuYasha doesn't stand a chance. And now Kichiro is going to have the beauteous Belle underfoot...My, how we love to vex those Inutaisho men! --- Thanks for the laugh!
 Reviewed By: Zirra Nova [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 17:39 EDT
Great chapter, update asap. can't wait for more from any of your fics. bye, Zirra
 Reviewed By: futekioosha [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 17:38 EDT
*turns wide eyes on sueric..............and pounces* Nice chappie, the poor Hawtness, his longing to join his mate tugged at meh heart, and made meh wanna cry. I really can't wait until this story unfolds and you let us get to know the awesome characters that you so vividly create. Thank you for continuing to share your wonderful gift. ~~futekioosha~~ founder of SAR card carrying member of MRL
 Reviewed By: trinigirl524 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 17:21 EDT
i like the update! ahaha i like the reaction from inuyasha on kagome wunting a baby and gin wanting the apartment lol it was nice to see how the whole family changes on the new moon to a human just as inuyasha does and i see that belle took that job and cain will be staying a bit longer as a teacher of GINs it was really interesting to see that he was thinking of his past mate but yet also thinking of gin? hmmm well im loving the story so far!
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 14:59 EDT
A BABY!!!!!!!!!! HEEHEHEHEHEHHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Kagome is such a tricky girl and has our favorite dog boy wrapped around her little finger. Gah, the dynamics you write between them, just wonderful! I can't wait to see how much trouble this innundation of pheromones in the inu youkai population of Tokyo will stir up! WOOO for P4!
 Title: yay!
Reviewed By: psyco_chick32 (just not signed in right now)  On: April 22, 2005 14:37 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*cracks up* I LOVE Kagome and Inuyasha's reaction about having another baby :)! Awww, another little terror running around... oh it'd be sooo cute! Now we just need drawings of them as wee ones... but you do a GREAT job of describing, so the image is implanted in my head of the most adorablest little thing you can imagine (sorry, was reading through the other Puritys today). Thanks for the update on 4! I really love Gin, she's probably one of my favorite original characters out there (of course, Toga and Ryo fall RIGHT in there as well... maybe it's a family thing. Or it's a your-writing thing. Either or, you know) :)
 Reviewed By: foamyfan15010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 14:35 EDT
Yeah! I'm so happy you updated this story. :o) Great chapter. You're so good at unfolding a story. Can't wait to see what happens next...
 Reviewed By: Jesachi  On: April 21, 2005 08:51 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
When... WHEN will I stop being addicted to your work? Never I hope... it's a positive drug... Out of mere curiosity, (and that there were no new P3 chappie up) I checked out this story... I had a feeling that you would write one about Gin... she needed a story... maybe a Purity 5 will come out about Kichiro? Or... ooohhh... he's gonna hook up with Belle... and I checked out those pictures on that site... SO AWESOME!!! EVERYONE: you have to see those pictures!!! I love Nez!!! And Gin is too cute! I now have a better picture in my head of both those characters!!! Thanks alot!!! WHEEE!!!! So, quick question... are you going to write this AND Purity 3 or are you going to ignore this one for the moment and work on P3? Hmmm... I thought about posting my stories up here...recieved too many flamers for my liking... it got pretty good raves on AScom... ummm... I know you loe writing Fanfics... but umm... if you want, you can check out mine too... not for a while though... I need to edit my work and write some more chappies... probably won't be til summer... yeah... ANYWAY... great stroy and AWESOME PICCIES!!! Looking forward to an update!!! ~Jesachi
 Reviewed By: kaneasami  On: April 17, 2005 22:02 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You are postively wonderful. Every character is dear. Do keep on writing. Screw all those who oppose you or dare to hold your works in less than high regards. They are fools.
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