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"Stream of Consciousness: A LiveJournal Collection" Reviews/Comments [ 95 ]
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 Title: Best Oneshot - Congrats!
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 06, 2012 00:02 EDT
For Inner Strength - Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the July 2012 term! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/ Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ This terms' Fiction/Artwork Winners List can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/winners/2012-2/july-2012-2/ Fiction Awards for this term, July 2012, may be found here. http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=105 All awards, past or present, can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/gallery/index.php **You may receive this notice more than once if you've won multiple awards. Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~The Feudal Association
 Title: Congrats!!!
Reviewed By: jaimed1968 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2012 23:23 EDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/nominations/sample-page/ Check them out to see what you were nominated for! Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ **Please note that FA membership is closed during voting. Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~ The Feudal Association **Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2012 20:49 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Lovely new updates! LOL, "Swish and Thud" is hilarious, of course, but I think my favorite from this latest grouping is "Throw a Dog a Bone". I love that it's post-manga with a married Inu and Kag. 'First time' sex is certainly a wonderful subject matter, and I guess my specialty of sorts, but there's just something to be said for a nice established relationship and 'first time after a necessary dry spell' sex for a married man, LOL. It's gotta be so much more alluring when you know what you've been missing out on. Good job, as always. :-)
 Title: Friendship
Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2012 16:59 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awwww...that was sweet. I could totally see something like this happening on all counts. Early Inu in his grumpiness, especially since they'd had a fight before she left, probably never would have even thought about warning Kagome about the rain. It wasn't that he'd done it on purpose, but thinking of others wasn't something that came naturally to him in the beginning. And I think Kagome's reactions to everything were spot-on, too, including her covering for him at the end there. Even if a little baby part of her had thought that it would be unwise to get her mother angry with Inuyasha lest she be reluctant to allow her to continue traveling through the well, the biggest part of that decision, I'm sure, was simply because she considers Inuyasha a friend, and it would probably take something like this before that fact truly sank into that extra thick canine skull of his. Nice job! :-)
 Title: The Spider Commeth
Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 28, 2012 16:46 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Oh man *wipes tear* I'm so glad you decided to write for LJ again, since it made you think of this beauty! I love Kagome yanking her hand away like it was going to burn her, but even better than that was when she said Inuyasha would explain it to Shippou! OMG...brilliant! I would love to see that conversation. Not Inuyasha explaining it to Shippou, but Kagome telling Inuyasha that he will be explaining it to Shippou, LOL. I would probably be mad at him too if I were Kagome, not for doing what he did, but for doing it obviously too close by to the others where Shippou saw, which resulted in her almost touching it! That's just plain carelessness on his part. "Go further away next time!" I would yell at him, LOL. Good job!
 Title: Congrats!!!
Reviewed By: jaimed1968 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2011 04:35 EDT
Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the June 2011 term! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Our website is located here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/ This terms' fiction winners list can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/winners/2011-2/june-2011/ Authors, you may retrieve your awards here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=98 Links to all of the awards, past or present, can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/gallery/index.php Please pick up "site only" awards here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=98 Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~The Feudal Association
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 04, 2011 23:50 EDT
Whoops, hope you weren't disqualified because of posting it early. I still love Defiance; it's an awesome piece and totally canon.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 26, 2011 22:21 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Congrats on your nom, and as for these two new additions, fabulous! "Defiance" would be a good opener into a full-blown Sess/Rin fic, or at least a longer Sess/Rin one-shot. I wonder just how long he'd tell her 'do as you will' before he finally tells her no...or if he'd tell her no at all, hehehe. And "Alive Again" just made me want to go awwwwwwww... It's always cute to see tender Inu/Ship moments where they're actually doing something nice for each other; I like how he took Shippou's illusion the way the kit had meant it instead of getting pissed and bopping him on the head. Sometimes, when there's a long wait ahead of us for something, we have to be reminded of what we're hanging in there for. Nicely done! :-)
 Title: Congrats!
Reviewed By: jaimed1968 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2011 13:50 EDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/feudal/nominations/sample-page/ Check them out to see what you were nominated for! Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ **Please note that FA membership is closed during voting. Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~ The Feudal Association **Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 10, 2011 18:56 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Two really good updates. "The First Fanfiction" make me smirk, I could just totally see Inuyasha being into a story Souta wrote about himself, and that line about 'well that's what happens everyday in real life' was just too rich. Ha! "Shared Pain" is sad, obviously, but kind of in a good way. They did indeed raise a smart son. Well done! Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 26, 2011 19:50 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow...I couldn't decide if I should open with Awww... for "The Little Things" or Hahahahaha! for "That's Right", so I decided to open with this comment instead, LOL. Two new wonderful additions. Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2011 11:48 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
A Fruitful Palm made me chuckle; it's easy to guess who Inuyasha glanced towards for a moment. I agree, it works well either way with Miroku, whether he truly can or cannot read palms. I remember him doing it in the canon, but I can't remember if he ever actually admitted that he could or could not really do it. As for Together, what can I say? Except, awwwwwwwwww! A truly touching moment. Two wonderful new additions to this ever growing collection of wonderfulness! Keep it up! :-)
 Reviewed By: jaimed1968 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 01, 2011 17:04 EDT
Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the March 2011 term! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Our website is located here: http://feudal.animara.org/ This terms' fiction winners list can be found here: http://feudal-association.deviantart.com/blog/40025885/ Authors, you may retrieve your awards here: http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll109/FeudalAssociation/FanFic%20March%2 02011/ Links to all of the awards, past or present, can be found here: http://feudal.animara.org/ Please pick up "site only" awards here: http://feudal.animara.org/pickup_site.php Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~The Feudal Association
 Title: Protectiveness
Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 27, 2011 10:38 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awww...how cute! I never really thought about the soul piper making an appearance, but it certainly stands to reason that he could have already been on his way before Sesshoumaru revived her. I'm a little confused by the mythology involved in the series, since those paulbearers are there to take the soul to hell yet the soul piper is introduced as a creature who guides the souls of children into heaven. Perhaps the paulbearers were to take her soul from her body and down to judgement, but it was obvious she was pure so the soul piper knew she would be his? Ah well...I'm thinking too deeply on things, I think, LOL. I LOVE Jaken's perspective in this, and how he changed his attitude when she called out for him, something Sesshoumaru most certainly would not ever do. And he does like being called Jaken-sama... *wink* Wonderful job! Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 18, 2011 23:24 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! Two new updates! I really liked the introspective of Veiled. It would be neat if it turned out to be a log in her diary that Sesshoumaru could then stumble upon, though I doubt that was really your intention. Rin was merely talking to herself. Still, for her sake, I do hope everything eventually works out. As for Arboreal Reflections, it made me 'awwwwww' and 'LOL' at the same time. Well, not the exact same time or I probably would have choked, but you know what I mean! Keep up the great work!
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