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"Sloppy Seconds" Reviews/Comments [ 198 ]
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 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2004 23:19 CDT
Instead, he found Kikyo resting on a log in a clearing and rushed into her waiting arms. WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING?!?!?! GGGRRRR!!!!! Damn him!!!! He is such a Baka, Baka, BAKA!!! I know he has to talk to her to get her help with naraku but does he have to RUSH INTO HER ARMS?!?! Stupid hanyou. Poor Kagome it would actually be pretty cool if Sessy showed up and Kagome talked to him while Inuyasha was off 'rushing into some dead womans arms'. The way it is going she is never ever going to believe he loves her or that she would be 'first'. Kagome will always be comparing herself and if it gets too bad she will might even start acting like Kikyo if Inuyasha chooses Kagome then Kagome might think she has to be more like Kikyo to keep him or something. You never know how somone's mind works. Anyway great story!!! Can't wait for the next update
Reviewed By: Obese_a_tron5000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2004 22:52 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awww, damn Kikyo. ALways being in the way. But I must say, way to leave a cliffhanger. *nudges elbows* eh eh. That sounded wrong. Anyway, liek I said last time. REALLY great story, I keep getting updated and your story is just the one I keep wanting. Oh, and by the way, TAHT WAS SO COOL! You put me in your chapter. Plus, you are needed, just Like I needd your story and you story needs you. HAR! I am confusing myself. GREAT STORY!
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2004 09:47 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*Chuckles* who would believe it, our hanyou is a lecher, albeit a discreet one, but still a closet hentai!!! The ol' ice-cream seduction technique, lol, and Sango having her own hentai thoughts lol, i loved that bit! *Groans* Houjo means well, i am not a fan of him, but damn does he ever take the hint! God, even someone as dense as Inuyasha figured out Kagome was uninterested in his advances! lol, hell now that is a scary revelation!!!!! Great update, nice knowing he hasn't reverted to cold hanyou attitude toward her, but surprised us all (including her) that he has lightened up more so and we discover his secret lecherous ways! Look forward to more!
 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2004 01:42 CDT
great chapter! Inuyasha is cute being a discreet lecher *LOL* I liked the scene with Hojo and glad Inuyasha finally figured out she doesn't have interest in someone that 'fawn' over her. She would probably like someone that was nice/polite but not 'afraid' to speak their mind, etc. and still a bit rough around the edges. Update soon this is good BTW: loved the ice cream!!! I am surprised Kagome didn't melt hers HA!!
 Title: Hentai Sango
Reviewed By: OhJoy [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2004 01:13 CDT
I love it! \'Bad Sango, bad, bad, bad!\' Let the girl get some action too!
 Reviewed By: essie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2004 00:07 CDT
this is a great fanfic please update soon
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 08, 2004 09:12 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
My.. Oh... My! It was well worth the wait, i tell ya ^_~ I loved Sango's reactions to everything, lol, the skirts being drafty made me chuckle... but, if she would have worn the jeans Miroku may not have been so enthusiastic, ne? *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* The interaction between Inuyasha and Kagome was perfectly done, and hot, and now he knows all about these so-called "releases" i bet he'd be more than willing to help as noted in the job description he has no excuses lol. I loved the energy flex you described, i imagined it perfectly. By the sounds of it, leaving it even one week can cause her involuntary pain.... i know i can't wait for another update!!! Will she get her way with him sometime soon too? The noble pup he is and so sexy too!!!
 Reviewed By: essie [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 08, 2004 00:13 CDT
this is a great fanfic please update soon
 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 07, 2004 23:33 CDT
Hot!!! Fans self .... nice chapter. I loved Sango's reaction to Kagome's era. Her comment about the skirt being drafty was funny it is one of the reasons I don't wear dresses/skirts that often. I liked that Inuyasha didn't loose control that will go a long way towards he and Kagome's "realationship" Update soon I really like this story. Now that Inuyasha knows that Kagome need to 'release her energy' do you think he will volenteer to help her more often. He was so sweet worrying about her and then heling her and not being concerned about his own pleasure.
 Title: aweosme
Reviewed By: Obese_a_tron5000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 07, 2004 23:21 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I feel all needy now. Yeesh! Anyway, really great story so far, I hope you update soon!
 Title: HOT! HOT! HOT!
Reviewed By: OhJoy [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 07, 2004 23:20 CDT
WOW! That lemon was sooooo HOT! I just love this story... when will Kagome "take care of" InuYasha?!
 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 20:45 CDT
Nice update I am glad they all got through the well. I liked the idea of the scrolls and Sango & Miroku are Kagome's ancestors that is interesting. Update again soon.
 Title: Yo
Reviewed By: Spaz913 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 18:22 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
hmm... did I already reveiw today? ^-^ hehe, I have no problem reviewing again! And no, I did not see that one coming at all *nods* in the description of the chapter I thought Kagome's mom was going to pull out the The Kama Sutra... hehe lol Good chappie!
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 16:27 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Sugoi! No i never did see that coming, nor did i put much thought into something like Sango and Miroku as decedents of the higrushi's, though i have read (including my own fic) plots that follow the idea of Miroku as the first of shrine monks... not family related, so this was a refreshing twist! Lol, i loved the "fleabag" comment though, and works well, i can just imagine Kagome not even realising she called him it, as though it came second nature heehee wonderful update, i really enjoyed this chp. The scroll with the legend of the Shinkon no Tama story would explain Mama and why she is so understanding, shame it was damaged, but guess its a good thing! Now the Present/Past won't be damaged in any way... so their futures are still unsure. Loving this even more so now!
 Title: Yo
Reviewed By: Spaz [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 12:35 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Hi there ^-^ This is becoming a daily routine *smiles* which is a very very good thing! hehe, nice chappie! Can't wait for the next one!
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