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"Sloppy Seconds" Reviews/Comments [ 198 ]
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 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 10:19 CDT
great update I like how you had them approach Kouga glad it worked. I wonder if they will be able to get through the well ok. Update soon
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 09:57 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
lol! I can't believe Kagome called Kouga "Fleabag" haaahaa i was in shock at the slip, but to call it to his face?!?! Inuyasha is rubbing off on her, though i am wondering how the news of dropping out of school will do to her family... I can't wait to find out more!
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 05, 2004 09:43 CDT
Was it just me, or did i read that right... Inuyasha... thinking of strategy before heading into a fight?!?! Will wonders ever cease?! Loving the tension and the small hints of angst... poor Kagome, Kikyou really still has one up on her... and i thought he said he wouldn't hurt her again!? HA! Knew he'd *bleep* that one up!!! Moving onto the next chapter!!! ^.^
 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2004 21:47 CDT
Cool update very good. I liked it. As far as updating I would be ok whenever you update I have this story in my favs so I get a notice when it is updated. Yay me!!!! Anyway I liked the 'cool thinking' Inuyasha alot of people think he is stupid but he isn't really only when it comes to 'personal stuff' is he a bit of a baka. But he never had anyone to really 'teach' he that stuff. He parents died when he was a pup and then he was shunned by so many no wonder he has trouble with emotional stuff for so long all he had was probably anger and digust/hate directed at him so that is all he knew except love from his mother and that was his mother he didn't have anything from anyone else until Kikyo. Ok am done babbling update when you can!!!
 Reviewed By: Spazzah [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2004 17:05 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
CUTENESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... and... hot. ^-^ Well, you sure know how to leave a reader very very very hot and bothered. hehe. Nice chappie, update ASAP. Thankies
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2004 16:03 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Once again that Enjoyment Factor is pushing past the # 10 mark for sure! What more can i say, i never knew he had it in him, to actually ask her to return is one thing, but to do that to her first?!? Holy crap, what a horny puppy, but i love it soooo much *fangirl squeals* great chapter update, least they might be on some sort of understanding/talking terms, but still... wonder if Inuyasha will break that there promise? Heh, i still see this plot as more than just an Inu/Kag make out PWP. So i have no worries over there being no real plot and just pointless smut. He has to reassure her still and like you said, there will be more developments and flaring emotions in future chaps!!! I look forward to reading more!
 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 23:12 CDT
Cool update so maybe they made a bit of progress. But they do need to talk more as much as I like fluff 'hottness' going on they still need to descuss (sp?) things. Making out is good but can be bad if someone gets it into their head the only reason they want they other is for the 'making out/ sex'. Update again soon
 Reviewed By: DarkAngel69 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 22:57 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
that was a really good story/chapter!!! i hope that you update soon!!
 Title: Looking forward to it too!
Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 18:52 CDT
Sugoi! Sugoi! Least it's the weekend now and I am safe at home on my laptop and so patiently awaiting your newest chapters! I, hands down, am a Kikyou fan, BUT not a KikxInu supporter, so here, here for the InuxKag romance and so glad to hear it's siding that way and not shock the hell out of us, that this might turn out all angstie and giving the 'omg factor' a run for its money. I shall retire to more reading and hope I stay awake long enough (Brit time) to catch another update!
 Title: Meow
Reviewed By: Spaz913 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 12:03 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Hehe ^-^ I love you. ^-^ heheh
 Title: continued...
Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 10:33 CDT
Our pure, innocent Kagome has found her #1, her first I bet Inuyasha NEVER tossed off while in the presence of the almighty Kikyou!? Hell did he even lust after her? Go girly, get that hanyou all hot and bothered!!
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 10:30 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
No make that enjoyment factor more than 10! I'd say that was pushing the 10 factor just a tad! 0.o; I opened my inbox this morning and found this alert, but I had to get to work, so I thought "hmm, maybe lunch time I'll have a read..." thank god I thought better of it! HOLY CRAP! I would have died if I read this in the company of others and especially at work no less!!!! Damn, that was so hot; I was panting just reading that final scene! Wow, now that was well worth the wait and did it come fast (that was a bad pun) lol. Sugoi! I am thoroughly enjoying this; even recommended it to my other Inu-hentai fangirls. I'm sure they'll be drooling much the same way as I did while reading this chapter! I think self-gratification with another watching is much more erotic, heh, hence my last one-shot... damn, I'm so looking forward to reading more, 'cause we still got to resolve this issue of misunderstandings and of course find out if Inuyasha will admit any kind of feelings. He should use his head and at least talk to her about it and explain why they have to wait! Just like a bloody male to leave a girl hanging.... there is only so many times one can break a heart before that heart breaks more than a little at a time. I doubt Kagome will ever really give up on her love for Inuyasha, but there is only so much one can take and when your competition is a dead girl, then hell only knows, there is only one other way to get to that puppy... beside food... seduction! Our pure,
 Reviewed By: szmadad [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 08:54 CDT
I love your mix of hentai and romance b/w Inu-Kag. Kagome is wrong...she's been Inu's "first" for many things...she is the first to accept him in his human/hanyou/youkai forms ; I think she's also the first woman who has made him feel such strong desire/lust....Inu might've cared about Kikyo...might've even kissed her ....but in my mind, I don't think he thought of becoming mates or intimate with her as a hanyou. I think Inu and Kikyo both knew that she wouldn't accept him unless he turned human. But with Kags...it's different...right from the moment she woke him, he's been captivated by her scent....I think she's the only one he's ever lusted after.... Of course, what sucks is that while Inu realizes this, he hasn't let his words or actions towards her hint at his feelings. So you can't blame her for feeling like she's "sloppy seconds." The thing is, Inu needs to realize that he's going to have to come clean about what he thinks about her NOW instead of putting it off for when "everything is over"...a girl can only have her heart broken so many times...after a while, even if she wants to believe him, she won't be able to...
 Reviewed By: jammies2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2004 03:08 CDT
*fanning self* hot chapter!!! Well you did great it was longer then the other chapters and I really liked way Keade explained about releasing tension. I wonder what the clay woman does or even did to release her tension. With Kagome being in heat that could be why she only lasted 2day before she was all tense again. So she got 'training equipment' I wonder if her mothre knows. *LOL* naughty girl. It was funny about Inuyasha knowing and doing the same thing. But they still have alot to resolve even if they fantise about each other. Update soon
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 02, 2004 07:10 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Wow, fast update and well worth the read too! Though he has common sense, what happens if the well has been sealed? Eh, he should have tried it first... if Kags was strong enough to seal them in the hut.. then the well could also be sealed. Silly boy, and we all know he doesn't use his head and mouth at the same time, but i have to admit, Kagome allows him to hurt her, there is no conflict of trust between her and Inuyasha, but why does he insist on rubbing it in about Kikyou. Hard choice in the end, but obviously one he has already decided upon, but first he has to convince Kagome to come back, and to forgive him... hey, i agree with jammies2000, she has been his 'first' for a lot of things too... ok maybe not the most important thing such as she already mentioned, but still she is a lot of 1st's in his life... and beside, Kikyou and his mother, Kagome could count as something more than a first. After all, she is his life-line and Kikyou may think his life belonged to her first; well Kagome beat her to it! I look forward to reading the next chapter!
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