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"Violation of Honor" Reviews/Comments [ 497 ]
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 Reviewed By: Dragon Dagger [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2008 22:21 PDT
Lather rinse repeat! Another badassed chapter from my favorite writer, and just in time for my birthday. Maybe the next chapter will come out in time for my birthday too? nah. 11 days isn't enough time for you two write something completely incredible for the next chapter as you have been for these last few chapters. I hope that Kagome wants in on the "fun" with Iku. I can just see her purifying his dick and balls off one pain-filled centimeter at a time, stripping his balls with her powers before purifying them one at a time, then going for the dick.... Oh my. I think my mind got away from me there. Hope I gave you ideas LOL. DD
 Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2008 21:43 PDT
i am so glad kagome helped sesshomaru get over his trauma and sesshomaru letting out his fears, he was very brave. as for his former rapist, the bastard deserves everything that the guards can dish out. as for the orphan, i knew sango wouldn't turn them away, especially since they are going through some changes due to the red dust from the amulet that was destoryed. update soon. i would like to know more.
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2008 21:33 PDT
Ewwwwww! Blech! Cough! Gag! I guess he deserved it though. Did Uchuu lie? I don't remember. Maybe he told them to do it because he knew Sesshoumaru wouldn't. Uchuu knew what had happened to Sesshoumaru. I think he did lie! Still...blech, shudders, shivers. Heheh. Awwww, Kagome is helping Sesshoumaru recover and he offered her marriage. Squeeee! And the twins are so cute! Miroku's argument for not having children yet was very sound and I'm glad that Sango agreed. Wow, seven all at once. *backs away waving hands* Whew! Aw, Sesshoumaru allowed Inuyasha and Kagome to hug. And the lemons? You wonderfully naughty girl! I love toe-sucking. LOL A girl after my own heart. If he weren't a dog, I would be 'Ew'ing Sesshoumaru's idea of a treat. For a dog, the smellier the better. Nevertheless, you somehow made it sound romantic. How the heck did you do that? You took something that I would have wrinkled my nose at and turned it to the scent of tea roses. That's a true feat! Aw, is Inu getting a pair of blue balls. LOL Poor guy! Now, hear me out. It was dangerous enough when Sesshoumaru started thinking 'prey' while Kagome was having her way with him. Think about how much Inuyasha will have to struggle. Saya doesn't have Kagome's miko abilities and may not be able to keep Inu in control. I think some big brotherly advice would be a lot more helpful than anything Kagome could come up with. Also, consider allowing Sesshoumaru to redeem himself a bit by helping out his little brother. He may not see it as necessary, but he has done a lot of damage and Kagome cares deeply about Inuyasha. She wouldn't want something bad to happen to Inuyasha just because Sesshoumaru doesn't have his head on straight when it comes to his half-breed brother. That just won't cut it anymore because his own children will be half-breeds. Okies, done trying to convince you. ^_^ This was a wonderful chapter. Worth the wait. Can't wait to see how Sesshoumaru plans to approach Iku. Getting the heebee-jeebee's just thinking about it. Eh, this review is getting too long for me to conjecture about the next chapter. Thanks bunches! ^_^ Snow
 Reviewed By: brainshake [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2008 12:10 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ah crap. I wrote a long nice review, but accidentally clicked on the back-button on my browser and the review was gone. :( But to sum it all up, WOW, that was a hot reunion scene! I'm eagerly waiting for more of that, and I'm also very interested in seeing what's up with all the others. You make such interesting side-characters. I want more Shin! :D
 Title: CHAPTER 34
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2008 17:18 PDT
OMG! I forgot to tell you how much I love the scene where Sesshoumaru goes to Edo to get Kagome. When Inuyasha asks what the hell he wants, his single word answer was awesome! He was distressed not to the find only one who could chase away his nightmares and he fought to find her! He overcame his own personality to admit his feelings for her in able to find her. That was just...I can't tell you how great! ^_^ Snow
 Title: side-note critique
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 02, 2008 22:08 PDT
On a side note, and here is where you won't like me very much, but I like to pass on what others have taught me. There is a place were you used the word 'corroboration' where it should have been 'collaboration'. I think that was in the meeting in YoKaishi. Also, there were a couple of places where 'anticipation' would have been more appropriate than 'expectation'. That one is more a matter of choice, but I think that the nuance makes 'anticipation' more appropriate. I know that when typing rapidly, it is easy to make mistakes. So, no biggie on all of the following. There were the errors that I've started making where words sound the same, but have different meanings and different spellings, i.e., peak/peek. No biggies. Those are hard to catch and with a fic written as well as this one, I'm not complaining, just pointing them out in case you want to have a look. One last thing. Where you have an adverb ending in 'ly' it needs to be put before the main action verb. There was one other, but I don't know how to explain it. I don't know the terms. If I see one again, I'll put the sentence in a review and put it in proper order. That's how I learned, people telling me what needed fixed. Hope you don't mind. You put your chapters out so quickly that I can see how those things are easily missed. I make enough of my own errors, so I'm not trying to give you a hard time. Hope you don't mind. Seriously, I'm in no way complaining. I just thought you might appreciate me pointing out some of those things. Oh, and I don't like to rate fics because so much is subjective. So, don't feel offended. ^_^ Snow
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 02, 2008 21:48 PDT
You definitely have a way with lemons. It's difficult for me to see Sesshoumaru as romantic. His change is so drastic, but then again, time passes quickly while reading, though not for the characters who have time to grow. His very foundations have been cracked. I can't imagine what that would do to a male. I can imagine Kagome being a source of strength for him, their shared experience forever binding them. Kagome is very lucky indeed. Oh! I love your description of Shin! Poor guy has such low self-esteem. Perhaps something will convince him of his exotic beauty. I'm sure that the females at the castle will find him most attractive. Yummy. I wish I could create art for you. Alas, I am only good with clay and can't afford the necessary supplies. It's too bad that Rin is already taken, but she and Shippou make a cute couple. All of your characters have dimensions that make them real. I love Jakken! You've really shown his value. I was grinning during the siege. Go Jakken! Sesshoumaru screaming into battle had to be beautiful. That deserves an oil canvas painting similar to Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'. I can so see it in my mind. Your battle scenes are great and I appreciate that you made the motions easy to follow. I felt so bad for Inuyasha. You didn't take the easy way out and make him a jerk. That was sweet of you. Oh! I have to thank you for not being too graphic with the deaths on Mt. Hiei. When Sadam Hussein stormed the hospitals in Kuwait, the atrocities gave me nightmares. Having children, I take those things very hard. The saving of those seven children made an impact for the better. You always have a silver lining. It was wonderful to see that jerk Oda Nobunaga get a taste of Sesshoumaru's power. Thanks for at least humiliating him. Oooh, I can't wait to see what kind of torture is planned for Iku. I do feel a bit sorry for his past experiences, but he should be punished for his crimes. Thanks for bringing in the panther tribe. I enjoyed that very much. I'm still curious about what madam Seto meant when she said banshi. I'm wondering if that word was not her intent, or whether or not the excitement of Kagome's battles are not yet over. Miroku's growth is definitely a plus. The changes that the god's blood has brought about are interesting and I hope that we see the long term effects. Heh, yeah, I've been re-reading. I need to go back and focus more on the part that Rin and Shippou played. The fight with Sesshoumaru over Rin and Shippou's make-out session was sad. On this re-read, I skipped quite a bit of their adventures. The areas where Sesshoumaru and Kagome have brief encounters were very poignant and beautiful. I will be reading it again. But first, there is another epic fic that I must re-read and review. You will most likely see another review. ^_^ Snow
 Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 26, 2008 21:38 PDT
i am glad that kagome and sesshomaru are back together, they are truly meant to be together. update soon
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 20, 2008 22:29 PDT
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...all the kids are ok....I'm sure that Sango wont mind...I'm sure she really wants a big family too after the whole village destruction thing...the best part is since they all are illigenament sons of the buddist warriors they should inherit their spiritual power so they would be more of Miroku's sons than any average kids...XD....and Sesshomaru and Kagome they *blush* ummmmmmm...found each other again....Ya thats the word....*blush*.....Bet Kagome is happy to be able to see him now...XD...and I bet hes happy he can talk romanticly to her........and she can scream his name....wait a minute where did that come from....weird....lol......I wander about all these powers that they Humans are getting from the dust....is it possible that they could at least live as long as demons so they would have to suffer the deaths of their loved ones because they would all betogether that is so sweet I hope its true........NYuka
 Reviewed By: Caitriona [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 20, 2008 11:47 PDT
Wonderfully hot and steamy sexiness. I loved it! But the thing that I loved the most about this chapter was Miroku's descision to adopt the 7 children. It warmed my heart. Thanks for writing for us.
 Reviewed By: inuyasha-coolness [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 20, 2008 04:48 PDT
dear lord. i will be dancing for the rest of the day. 7:45 am and i was awarded the honor of reading this hentai masterpiece. i cant believe i got allllll that for free! ill be soooo surprised if anything happens today to ruin my mood right now. that chapter was just soo good! like bom-chika-wawa! oohmmmmyyyyyyggoooooooooood!!! i have to dance and let this happiness out!!!!!! THE BEST STORY EEEVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRR!!
 Reviewed By: Dragon Dagger [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2008 22:54 PDT
Seriously hon. This was a LONG time coming. *grins* You had better extend their night as I really enjoy how you write up both sensual and sexual scenes. This was one of your better chapters after a long dry spell (the inner perv speaks!)LOL. Looking forward once again to your next round of torture to Iku, and lust between Kakome and Sesshoumaru.
 Title: In the Land of Smut...
Reviewed By: PitaBread [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2008 20:19 PDT
Man, what better way to come home after a particularly exhausting day at work and find that not only was VoH updated, but it has my favorite pairing of lemony goodness? At least it will tide me over... Too bad this is almost over, but of course, all good things... I'm actually anxious to know if you have any other stories planned. Great job on this chapter - the smut was just delicious. I can't wait for the next one, and I'm excited about seeing Uchuu and his wife at Sesshoumaru's. It will be like two couples, long friends, having a dinner party. Except with a little screaming and maiming - on Iku's part, I'm sure. MAN I wish I could write action the way you do. I'm only good with drama. Anyhow, awesome job, and I hope things are well in your home life. Later!
Reviewed By: Kagome357 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2008 16:51 PDT
This is going to be my longest review EVER! There's so much going on here I felt like I was a kid in the candy store! You went into the zone with this chapter and let me tell you-I appreciate it MASSIVELY! First of all, I loved it that Inuyasha finally accepted Sesshomaru's claim on Kagome. It shows a maturity on his part and I would like to think that Inu does develop some common sense after so many years and not be the halfwit that others write him even when he's older. As for our loving couple, it was so sweet when Kagome nestled in Sess' arms for the flight back to Mt Hiei and he knew for sure he wanted to be with her always despite the mortal factor only for him to get to the mountain, find Miroku alive (YES!) and realize she was probably immortal. That was beautiful. Next, I don't know what the best part of the chapter has been but I know the funniest - when Sess invited Uchuu and Sumiho over. I can imagine that being a normal conversation - "Yeah Uchuu, bring over the wife for tea and mahjong while we beat the shit outta Chickenboy in the basement!" That was priceless! I had to walk away from the computer because I was laughing so hard. Now - Kilala. You did something I've never seen done in a story - you gave Kilala feelings and thoughts. It was interesting how you wrote that scene. I felt like I could see her searching for Miroku. I was almost waiting on her to speak, it was palpable and real. I kinda wondered if Sesshomaru would make it on time because even in the manga, there was a time limit on when Tenseiga can save someone. That was absolutely tender and beautiful. The lemon; jesus tapdancing krist the lemon! I was absolutely salivating. You made that strip out slow and sexy and building for the climactic scene that followed. Sess with a blue stripe?? Haven't seen THAT done either! The detail you paid to the lemon was awesome. Had me almost make a booty call. I loved that you didn't mark her yet. I think maybe you want all the loose ends wrapped up including finding out if she's mortal or not before you do that and I like that idea. His explanation about why he didn't come forth nearly broke me. I was batting the tears from my eyes. He suffered so much and was so ashamed and I understood why he couldn't come to her broken and wanted to be the great demon lord. Whew! I told you that would be long! I sense a few more chapters to end things and although I'm looking forward to it, I'm sad this wonderful ride has to end. Peace out and thank you for loving fan fiction to entertain us.
 Reviewed By: snowbirdyoukai [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2008 15:31 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ohhhhh, I loved this chapter! They are finally together. Bless Sesshoumaru's heart. He was still willing to mate her even thinking he would have her such a short time. Hopefully the red dust took care of that problem. I was right! (does a happy dance) Miroku's body healed itself from death. Eventually they're all going to get together and figure it out. Already Sesshoumaru has been given some hope regarding Kagome's longevity. I just had to laugh at picturing Sango's expression at suddenly being the mother of seven children. She could look at it this way. She has seven potential demonslayers in the making to train and populate her old village with. hahaha
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