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"Violation of Honor" Reviews/Comments [ 497 ]
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 Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 18:49 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Again you've delivered another enjoyable chapter. The cliffee? I enjoy them. Waiting makes the resolution that much more enjoyable. LOL... don't let anyone bully you about them. I had to giggle about every demon in the room being able to smell Kagome's hots for Sesshoumaru. It was even more amusing to have Inuyasha smell it but be too dense to know what it was. Even Shippo "got it" for crying out loud! (grins) Ooo what a spoky moment Madam Sato gave us! (shiver) "Certain death" indeed! You're really good at manipulating your readers emotions as evidenced by both my reactions and reading the other reviewer responses. It broke my heart in two when Saya's uncle beat her. Chisumi's tortured body broke the two pieces into four. Sesshoumaru's anger and dispair rolled into one big lump as he faced Asuza and had to watch his beloved Kagome face Asuza as well shattered the four pieces into dust. Asuza needs to die. She must, unless you can find a fate worse than death for her. *grrrrrr* I think the Inuyasha/Saya pairing is sweet. Authors clearly struggle with what to do with Inuyasha in the Sess/Kag pairings... either he dies, or he falls in love with (insert cannon character here). I think Saya is a more than worthy character for Inuyasha's affections. Sure, she has challenges (her uncle being the main one) but she's strong and not bitter about any of them. I had to laugh at Kagome's defense of Nobunaga... the 'don't kill him because he's a historical figure' is just too much.. (giggle) Nobunaga's a bit like a dog that won't give up his bone. It will be fun to see his demise, too. Maybe Shin can dispatch of him? (Just kidding) Seriously, I enjoyed the chapter and wait patiently for the next. Until next time!
 Title: Oh man...
Reviewed By: Kagome357 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 18:43 PST
In the back of my mind when they had to leave Chisumi behind, I knew she wouldn't survive to the end, seeing as how Chickenboy and the skank were (that's how I'm gonna refer to them from now on!). I understand the death of a character and sometimes they have to die horrible ways to underscore the magnitude of what you're trying to convey. Poor little thing. I'm so glad that Kagome acknowledges that she knows it was Sesshomaru and that she loves him and knows she'll have to leave Inuyasha. That's gonna be a scary confrontation. Sesshomaru's tenderness is very refreshing. I'm really sick of the cold heartless "in character" portrayal I see some are obsessed with him having. Him giving Koga the business should only strengthen her resolve to be with him. I love the paring. I hope Inuyasha can get back and save Saya and beat the shit out of her stupid uncle and the end...oh my GAWD that cliffie! Who betrayed them, I wonder...I can't wait to see the next chapter and by the way, your beta Risa deserves just as much praise as you do. Sometimes I see a story with a beta and the story looks like it was never worked on but your beta does a great job supporting you. Give her my regards please...outstanding as usual...now to the Oscars...LOL!
Reviewed By: Kagome357 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 17:48 PST
Rin, let me tell you right now I haven't read the chapter yet. I was logging in because I watch the Oscar shows with some of the folx on my board so we can talk, dish and boo or whatever but on a whim I checked my emails and saw your update. I turned the board and the tv off just so I can concentrate on reading this chapter. Damn this story put a whammy on me! Now let me go and read and I'll come back and review...I know it's gonna be the goods...brb...
 Reviewed By: lockedincar [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 17:17 PST
As always I really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next chapter. (sick of hearing that yet?)
 Reviewed By: Maddie50 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 16:28 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First, Congratulations on your awards. I can't remember if I said that to you before, if so it deserves repeating. The last two chapters have been so full of emotion that I find myself all tensed up and on the edge of my seat when I am done reading. Something seems to be going on with each of the characters and I just don't know how you keep it all straight. I am going to have to go back and re-read to see of Madam Seto (sp?) is a seer or not. Maybe the woman was injured with a poison and it is not a stroke? The torturing and killing of the water girl is so sad. However, her death will help to fuel Sesshoumaru's strength of purpose. Hopefully, this added outrage and sadness for the actions against this little girl will keep the flashbacks at bay, along with Kagome fighting at his side. I am glad Kouga, Ginta and Hakkaku are part of the group. I enjoy these characters. I just have to end with; what is the deal with Oda Nobunaga? This guy is totally obsessed with Kagome.
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 15:29 PST
Gah! A cliffie! Ach! Oooh, Asuza will never get as much pain as she deserves. Ah, unless Sesshoumaru finds Tenseiga and sends her straight to hell. Oooh. Poor Saya. I hope she's okay. It made me wonder who it was that Madame Seto was worried about. I hope Saya's uncle gets his. The bastard. That little tidbit about spells not working like they should was a bit odd. Makes me wonder about Asuza's stone. Foreshadowing? Nobunaga's soldiers are bad. I read up on the history. He did do a lot for Japan. Still…I just can't stop 'Ooooh'ing. Sesshoumaru and Kagome spoke to each other! Inuyasha is getting suspicious. Enter Kouga and Inuyasha is given reason to be even more suspicious. She confessed to Sango. Now, in the midst of battle, Sango knows all about it. OMG. Is it Iku who stopped his sword? Has one of the good guys turned bad? You're killing me! At least Sesshoumaru didn't back down. Man, he should just drool on them all and melt them into a puddle of goo. I wonder if that stone works on dogs? Poor Chisume. *sniffle* Kick their sorry asses! I'll bring an sniper rifle, or a pitchfork. You bring the keyboard. I'm with ya! LOL With my last reviews, I was worried that I would offend you, but I have learned from my reviewers that their thoughts can give me new perspective and I appreciate that from them. I agree with you. For me, when a reviewer says that they have read my fic more than once, it is the highest compliment. I'm sure that I'll be reading it over again. Your story is one of those where there is so much going on that it can be easy to miss a small, but important, tidbit, especially when a cold has made the brain into pillow stuffing. LOL I don't like missing anything. I'm an action freak and you do not disappoint. I love this story. You have no idea how long I avoided it because the title sounded like a romance novel, something that I despise. LOL How wrong I was! I've learned to reserve judgement when it comes to story titles. ^_^ Oh, just a quick note: I put reviewer responses at the bottom of the page because, most likely, only the reviewers will be looking at them and readers may be annoyed if the responses are at the top where they have to scroll down in order to get to the chapter. It's something to think about. I always look to see if there has been a response from the author to one of my reviews and I like to read the reviews of others as well as the responses to them. (Thanks!) Learn a lot that way ^_~ Reading them can also help me to pinpoint exactly what it is that I am trying to express. Responses can be just as informative. Eh, anyway, I am soooo excited about the next chapter! Going into full action whore mode! Please make it loooong. Thanks for a great chappie! ^_^ Snow
 Reviewed By: theblackangels_ [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 14:47 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
poor chisumi.... -wipes tear- ~sessh- why do i have to suffer? ~inu- dont wrry. kagome's suffering too. becuase of Azuma.. ~sessh- no i ment why did some one stop my attack? ~tba- wanna bet its iku? ~sessh- shudder- i hope he died. ~inu- think she controled hyuuga to stop ur attack? ~kags- well. all i know. is that they r youkai. and u would least expect it. ~sessh- jaken? ~tba- uh.. or inuyasha. ~miroku- or uchuu. ~inu- there's always the gay dude. ~tba- ahhh. my head hurts! do u think she can control girlz? ~kags- hope not. other wise she might make me kill sessh. ~tba- thats a good idea. ~sessh- no! its a bad idea! I DONT WANT TO DIE! ~tba- Nani? (what) ~sessh- i havent seen the ifel tower yet. ~tba- its a tower. in paris. where they eat snail &bread. (srry if i dissed any people from france / paris with that last statement.) ~sessh- ... yea. ~inu- wait. wat Azuma said. u think kags knows now? ~kags- no duh! ud have to be death not to hear her! i almost killed her with a arrow bcause of it! ~inu- so.. wat do u think is going to happen? ~koga- wat kind of question is that? ~sessh- were going to fight little brother. thats wat. is ur brain so small that u cannot comprehend? ~inu- ur lucky were allies! LUCKYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~sessh- oh im 'sooo' scared. ~tba- im more scared of azuma. ~miroku- indeed. ~tba- heck. u would rather b captured wouldnt u! ~miroku- no. i would have to deal with ....HIM ~tba- true that. anywayz. i wonder when sessh is going to say.. somethin like: im srry i didnt tell u. i was scared.. ~sessh- IM NOT SCARED! ~tba- righhht. anywayz. update soon! and uh... ~inu- plz dont be me! ~hyuuga- ill rip her to shreds if its me! ~koga- i dont want to die. ~miroku- .... (thinking perverted thoughts) ~sessh- stupid azuma. ~kags- shooting arrows at targets- ~sango-praticing with her weapons-stop stalling u guyz. and stop makin death threats. just close the review tba! ~sessh- wait! u cant do this to us! ~tba- like ur mother. i dont care.update soon k? ~TBA~
 Reviewed By: darkjewel [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 13:31 PST
GAAHH!! Rotten fruit! Vegetables even!! Bad, bad cliffy. . . Okay, I'm better now. Absolutely loving this, and how Sesshomaru is being portrayed. I can only imagine what it would be like to be rattled and damaged to that level, and then be forced to go back while keeping the perfect mask in place. Very well written. I also appreciate that you've managed to keep the kids in character throughout, with a particular nod to Kagome. She is very believable. Now I'm going to go pout and kick my computer until it produces an update.
 Reviewed By: FluffyLady [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2008 17:32 PST
ok, now u've got me even more hooked, if that's possible. lol. i love ur writing and ur style. i love this story and can't wait for more!! FL
 Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 20, 2008 04:24 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Again let me say that you belted out another wonderful chapter. I love the way K/S agonized over their reunion. I love the way the monkey king caught their reaction to one another. Uchuu I love him dearly. And Shin the picture of him is absolutely adorable. You see? You now have an artist that you've inspired. Great Work!!!
 Title: Great!
Reviewed By: Tiegrsi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2008 15:16 PST
I really love this chapter, as I have every other chapter so far...but I can't but help wonder why Sesshomaru didn't think it odd that Kagome was having lewd thoughts about his person. As far as he knows, she has no clue who her lover was, right? So shouldn't he be upset, or wondering if Uchuu said something to her? Maybe I just missed something somewhere about him realising she must be aware or something. I really loved the chapter, though! I always enjoy reading your work because it's so descriptive, and I can always picture how everything looks and how everyone feels. It's awesome. :)
 Title: Violation of honor
Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess4ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2008 12:51 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can't wait to read the next chapter and to see how sess&kagome turn out!!!! Congrats on winning the awards!
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2008 08:38 PST
OMG! I was wondering if anyone else will find out what was done to Sesshoumaru and how they would react. I can see Azusa or Iku making some snide comment on the battle field, letting everyone know exactly what she had been doing to him. That would be so aweful. So much can happen! BTW, this adventure appeals to the action whore that I am. Very few stories do that. Snow
 Title: Main story/events
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2008 08:34 PST
I've read your story at least five times. Heheh. You have wheels within wheels. Such an adventure! Never boring. Eh, I did skip the monkey orgy though. I did find that one part where you explained that Sesshoumaru hadn't been 'completely' broken because of Kagome. I guess he wouldn't have suffered as much with her there. I understand now. I was thinking that things had gone on longer than they had. And, he does have more than his share of self-esteem. If Azusa's degradation of him wasn't bad enough, handing him over to others was even worse. It makes me wonder how many she'd passed him around to. The scenes where Kagome took care of Sesshoumaru were so bittersweet. I was glad that he finally accepted her help. The whine, nuzzling, and such were so sweet. He worked very hard to keep them safe…and all the while, Kagome's mind was in the gutter. Geeze, what was up with that!? LOL He was so gentle with her in the cave and I was surprised that he gave himself to her so completely. Then again, she had saved his sanity. She would have to be the one he turns to because she had seen him at his weakest. She knew that he was more than his hard exterior and knew him as no one ever would. The after effects of his torture were sad. His hesitancy couldn't go unnoticed. It provokes sympathy for someone who otherwise wouldn't have it. I wonder if Inuyasha will sense it. It was good to see him fight a battle and save his people. The description of the battle was wonderful. I loved the action, and Jaken, too. For once, I could kiss the slimy little toad. I just hope that Sesshoumaru can stand up to Azusa and Iku in the next battle. I am very curious at how that will turn out. It was heartbreaking when Sesshoumaru realized that he had screwed up with attacking Shippou. He reached out to Kagome. *sniffles* Thanks for giving us a chapter of his perusal of his city. It showed us just how much he'd changed. Shippou was very brave in his attempts to save Kagome. The witch! "I'm melting! I'm melting!" *snicker* Oz. The bitch deserved worse. I'm glad that Sesshoumaru forgave Shippou. The part where Uchuu meets Sesshoumaru was squee worthy, and then sad because Sesshoumaru thought that he would never have Kagome. I'm glad that Sesshoumaru agreed to an alliance. Inuyasha was as brash as ever. The re-union scene with Uchuu and Kagome was sweet. Poor Inu has no clue. I wonder what his reaction will be when he finds out about Sesshoumaru and Kagome. So much sadness. Uchuu's parting words were hard on him. And Inu's declaration made me wonder. It was nice of you to pair Inu with a Saya instead of Yumiko. Through all of this, Kagome has been in the dark, suspended in her curiosity. No one will tell her anything and she suspects that she has been abandoned by 'her' silent youkai lover. Her realization that it might be Sesshoumaru was funny. At least, she doesn't have to live with the kind of torture that Sesshoumaru and Uchuu went through. She can have the freedom to have humor in her heart. The meeting in Yokaishi was great. There was so much tension! All of it was great-from Shippou's apology to Sesshoumaru and Kagome meeting in the conference room. They both know now. His defense of her against Hyuuga was wonderful. It brought out his intentions. With him having rented a room for Kagome and Rin, I have high hopes that they can have a little alone time. I'm also wringing my hands in worry about how the battle will be fought and whether or not there will be losses of the cherished characters. I wonder if anyone will be captured and tortured, whether or not they will take Sesshoumaru again, or use Kagome as bait. I play it out in my head. There are so many things that could happen! *wrings hands* Without having ever reviewed, I can't cover everything, but I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. ^_^ Snow
 Title: Side Characters
Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2008 08:33 PST
I love Uchuu. He is so amusing. The way he was tortured was horrendous and his determination to keep Sesshoumaru's secret is honorable, no matter how forward he is. The fact that he kept his secret shows that he is very strong. His carefree attitude is refreshing. He almost reminds me of Kouga. That attitude is probably what made him brave enough to go to Sesshoumaru for the alliance. Kagome really needed his optimism. I find Hyuuga a bit annoying. His arrogance is irritating, but it isn't as bad as Sesshoumaru had been. He wasn't mean to Saburo and listened to Uchuu without punishing the boy. He seems amused by Kagome's and Sesshoumaru's predicament and hasn't given them away. Maybe he isn't so bad after all. Nobunaga's a jerk. I hope that Kaede's village will be alright. It would be awesome if all of the allies swooped down and saved the village. Madam Seto's predictions were chilling. Blood and tears. It makes me afraid for the characters. I hope Azusa doesn't capture any of the other characters. Shin is cute and funny-a nice running gag. I hope that Sesshoumaru is able to reverse the spell. Aw, he loves Rin. His worry over her was endearing. Saya is a sweetheart and I'm surprised that Inuyasha has taken to her so quickly. He's usually quite indifferent. I can see how she would be good for him. Her uncle needs a good thrashing though. The bath scene where Kagome sent the demons running was very amusing. Thwapping Jaken between the eyes and giving him a good lecture was fun to read. It gave Inuyasha another reason to like her. Chisumi is a brave girl and her belief that the gods sent her was what eventually saved the captives. I hope that Sesshoumaru is able to save her. I really like Yumiko. Her actions speak for her. To attack Azusa without thought was a testament to her strength of will. Saburo defending her was a nice surprise. I can't imagine what the two thought about Saburo's sentence-marriage! I loved the part where Saburo said that any enemy of hers was an enemy of his as well. That was awesome! I hope that Yumiko can somehow give Azusa a taste of her own poison. I'm anxious to see the plan for overcoming Azusa's power. Fucking bitch. I can't imagine that Sesshoumaru's grandfather would have condoned the behavior that he is being accused of. It makes me wonder whether or not Azusa hasn't implanted that into Iku's brain. I can see how Iku would get off on dominating his enemy. Either way, rape is rape. I wouldn't care about their debauchery if the partners were willing, but what they did is so twisted. If they were tortured, I can see how they would be that way, but you have them, or at least Azusa, written as genetically twisted. BTW, I liked the lemon. I'm not sure that I covered everyone. I guess these stand out most. ^_^ Snow
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