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"Violation of Honor" Reviews/Comments [ 497 ]
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 Reviewed By: theblackangels_ [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 14:51 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
they perfect song 4 them is: let me go; by 3 doors down.cuase she may think that. ~sessh- right. do u think i could borrow ur ipod? ~tba- wat?! no! wait.. why? ~sessh- well. ur going on vacation. and i thought why not have something to remember u by. ~tba- mmm hm. ~sessh- and wat better than about 200 of ur favirote songs? ~tba- ur not selling it on e-bay. ~sessh- how'd u figure it out? ~tba-... i dont have time 4 this! ~sessh- soo.. can i have it? ~tba-.... NO! im not stupid. `sessh- right... love the story. ~tba- i still think the song is perfect 4 them. ~sessh- thats cuase u dont got a boy. ~tba- not true! i broke up with him! ~sessh- but he did break up with u and u hit him. ~tba- i hit him b4 we broke up! ~sessh- this is point less. ~tba-... i hate u sessho-kun. ~sessh- watever fluffy bunny. `tba- takles sessh- i told u! dont call me that! ~sessh- uh!... update soon! bye! -throws tba off him and runs with demonic speed- ~tba- on ground- damn u! -runs after him- ~TBA~
 Title: :]
Reviewed By: ktshabatiee  On: February 16, 2008 14:41 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Loved it, loved it, loved it. I can't wait for more Kagome & Sesshoumaru interaction!
 Reviewed By: lockedincar [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 13:08 PST
haha, i have a feeling that shin is on eye level with boobs intentionally. (excellent chapter as always)
 Title: I can't thank you enough.
Reviewed By: PitaBread [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 11:15 PST
Oh, Rin-chan! I can't possibly thank you enough!!! You see, yesterday was my birthday, and out of anything, this chapter was the best present I could have asked for! Definately in the top 5 for best birthday present EVER! +++ I have to say, this chapter was amazing. I figured Sesshoumaru and Kagome would figure each other out in this one, but it was so well done!!! I'm so happy with how this is progressing. And Hyuuga's taunting... classic! And I'm glad Rin and Shippou got to be together. And the new bond between Miroku and Sango? HOT! But the best was this new... thing between Saya and Inuyasha. Of course, they're perfect for each other. She needs protection, and he lives to protect. They just don't realize they're going to fall in love because of that. ;) But of course, the best moment was in the discussion room, when Kagome began to feel lusty towards Sesshoumaru, and he realized. Their shared, yet secret passion was so obvious and sweet. I wonder if Sesshoumaru will at least speak to Kagome before they go into battle... +++ I want you to know, this was really great. I didn't get a chance to review yesterday - plans and all - but I at least wanted to let you know how much this chappie meant to me, even though it was unintentional. For what it's worth, it was better than a lemon! ;)
 Reviewed By: hemlockglade  On: February 16, 2008 07:38 PST
Just wanted to say I have been following VoH for some months now, and you've done a truly wonderful job with the characterizations, bringing depth to the characters rather than relying on the typical fanfic stereotype - i.e. Shippo is young but not necessarily a brat, Kagome is sweet but not brainless, Sess is reserved but not heartless, etc. And I *love* the Sess/Kag moment when she walks into the room and are both caught staring. Many condolences on your and your family's loss - I wish you happiness and luck for the future, and look forward to the next update!
 Reviewed By: brainshake [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 07:30 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm glad you liked my rendition of Shin, but I suppose I forgot to tell you that I'm Lazyjenny aka Brainshake. ;) Anyway, this was a long and wonderful chapter! Finally, our favorite couple are starting to get together. :D Can't wait to see how they take down the big bitch next chapter. Or if they even will succeed that easily. I would prefer them to capture her, remove her pendant and then end of with some lovely torture! Mwahahahahhaaa! No, I'm not bitter at all, I swear. *blush*
 Title: It's Getting Hot In Hurh
Reviewed By: Kagome357 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 03:29 PST
I get so giddy when I see email notifications for your story. It's like waiting for christmas. That was a cute scene with Sess and Kagome looking at each other like that. Being so close to the one you love but not being able to express it...that's hard. Congrats on the Dokuga wins. Impressive sweep! I also think it's so cute that Inuyasha and Saya are leaning towards each other. The monkey king betta recognize - Sess will kill him over his Miko! LOL! I'm intrigued as to what will happen in Edo when Nobunaga's men get there and don't find Kagome. That filthy skank Azuza and chickenboy Iku must pay for what they did to Sesshomaru. Please make it painful and drag it out some why doncha - I want them to suffer most violently. Again, congrats on the Dokuga and I hope you and your family are doing alright. Take care and I look forward to your masterpiece.
 Reviewed By: FayeMegan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2008 23:09 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
yum, sexual tension. I love the word libido, haha. anyways, don't have much to add, just keep it moving in the direction it's going!
 Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2008 22:49 PST
Ooo! Kagome knows and Sessoumaru knows that she knows and the monkey king knows and Sessoumaru knows that he knows, too, so when is Kagome going to know for sure? LOL! Ah the intrigue! I was very excited to see this update. There's so much more to the story... Sessoumaru's going to face Aszua, the up-coming battle, Rin/Shippo, Inuyasha/Saya. *sigh* Forgive me, this is a late night. You paint a beautiful picture, and thank you for the update. Nice touch making the snow demon name "yukiko." Did you know "yuki" means snow? Nice.
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 10, 2008 10:16 PST
I had heard much of this story and hadn't read it because I couldn't see how Sesshoumaru's position could be made plausible. I have to congratulate you on doing such a good job. It is obvious that you have worked very hard. There were places that probably gave you many headaches. I know that the introspective parts of Torn just about killed me. I had to get help and even still, the thought I had to put into it gave me migraines. No lie. It is a great story and I can't wait to see Kagome and Sesshoumaru's next re-union. I'm sure that it will be very bittersweet. I also can't wait to see Sesshoumaru face Asuza. That is going to be so hard on him. You know, the panthers no longer owe Sesshoumaru a debt, but they do seem to enjoy battle. He could invite them under the guise of them having something to do and it would multiply their allies. An invitation is different from a request for aid. Can you see Jakken being sent as a messenger and them tormenting the hell out of him? That would be hilarious.......There was one thing that I did want to mention and I do hope that you are not offended. You've done a great job in showing the results of Sesshoumaru's stay in prison. His view of the world afterward is awesome. His experience would have made him more aware of the smaller things, the value of the need for reassurance and caring. However, when I first read the prison scenes, something seemed missing. I read through it several times and finally figured it out. I don't know that you had anyone with a rape experience to help you out. Sesshoumaru experienced shame in how he knew others would see him as weaker, particularly his father. Then there was disgust, which implies respect of his own person. He also lost respect for himself. One shadow was mentioned only once or twice and it is the foremost as far as debilitating a victim. Guilt. The victim believes that the cause was their own fault, that they inherently deserved it, and in that, they believe that they are dirty, worthless and not fit to live. In such a frame of mind, they will allow others to use and abuse them because they feel they deserve it. It all comes down to guilt. That is the worst part of all. You had some of that in the sense that Sesshoumaru felt that he didn't deserve Kagome's touch. You had some when he came while Iku was raping him. Nevertheless, it was not to the degree that was needed in order to draw him into Kagome's arms. She would and did give him the strength to carry on. The transition into her being his savior would have taken much more guilt than was focused on. Perhaps you attempted to get that across, but it mostly came across as shame and disgust, both of which imply a small amount of pride in one's own individuality. In order for Sesshoumaru to have fully felt the effect of his rape, the guilt would have been his biggest adversary. I hope this helps. You have deserved every award that you've won and I would not have studied your story so closely if it had not impressed me so much. Darn, I'm running out of space. Anyway, I love the story and hope that I have given you something that you can use later. ^_^ Snow
 Reviewed By: black rose 634521  On: February 09, 2008 21:30 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am totally in love with this story!!!! I started reading it a long time ago, and I have been hooked on it since. I love how you portrayed Sesshomaru. He is a very complex character... You made him as he is normally, but he has a soft side you do not see in the series. Again I am totally in love with this story! Please update soon I cannot wait to read the rest of this story!!!Keep up the good work!!!
 Reviewed By: brainshake [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2008 15:05 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*jumps over from aff.net* Easier to follow updates from here. ;) I love this story! It was so dark in the beginning, but thankfully not that dark anymore. :) I'd love to draw something from this story too, I just don't know what yet. I was thinking of drawing Shin in the palm of Rin, but I'm not all sure how it would look yet. I should probably re-read his description, but I think I will draw him as I see him. :) *inspiration kicks in* Now I know exactly how to draw it! :D I just hope that vision stays with me overnight as I have to go to bed now. Please update soon, and give Risa a cookie from me. Must be nice to have such a great beta/friend. :)
 Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2008 14:14 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First let me give my condolences to you and your husband for a precious love loss. I personally will pray for you all to have strength. Secondly let me congratulate you on your nomination. Much deserved! This story is so full of flavor each time my eyes bite on every paragraph it is very satisfied! You and your beta ar a great team. I feel deeply for Inuyasha's tortured reasoning. Poor boy is confused. I too feel deeply for Sesshomaru. I can't wait for the next chapter where Kag/Sess will meet face to face. Please write soon! My eyes are hungry again! :D Peace!
 Reviewed By: KawaiiGirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2008 11:03 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter! LOL That Sango+Miroku scene was hilarious! XD The minute Shin got to the 'barred door', I knew what they were up to. Does that make a hentai? ^///^ Poor Shin, scar-red for life.
 Title: Avid Reader
Reviewed By: KawaiiGirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2008 11:00 PST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Again, I'd like to give my condolences. I hope you and your family are doing better. No apologies needed. Please, don't worry abut updating. We love your almost constant updates (nice to know that even after so long, you keep to such a restrictive schedule), and as much as we'd enjoy daily updates, we acknowledge that you have a life. As long as you don't completely forget about this story and leave us hanging for like 9 months, we're good. ^^ As for the latest update? ^^ Yatta! Another great chapter. I'm glad that Uchuu finally made it to Kagome. It looks like they're starting to come together now. AND he's confirmed that Sesshomaru is Kagome's 'silent protector'. How sweet of him. ^^ Hopefully, this meeting in the next chapter will go well (a time jump will take place for it, right?). Will Uchuu and his clan be there? Hope so. If only to keep them from getting violent. Don't make them (Kagome and Sesshomaru) fight. Especially when Sesshomaru is so depressed. T^T *coddles Sessho-chan* But they need to get together everyone soon and start negotiating this treaty (for lack of a better word), and then - PLANNING. You must have them take Asuza out. Quickly (in terms of chapters), but slowly and in the most painful manner possible. That way, she won't be in the way and Sesshomaru and Kagome cn work out their issues. *nods* OH! What about umm.... What's-her-name's uncle? I almost forgot about him. He should be looking for Kagome, ne? Or, is he no longer a problem because of Kagome's recovered sight? And what about other allies? There has to be some other people/youkai that can help them out. Shiori's probably too young, huh? ._.;;; I mean, not everyone is as strong as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, but isn't it more about numbers?? There are so many more things to cover. So many questions left unanswered~. >.< I love the pace of this story, because it's more realistic; but I hate it! I want Asuza to die NOW! T^T Mou... Please update when you can. ~Animefreak242 aka Kawaii Girl
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