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"Metamorphosis." Reviews/Comments [ 1272 ]
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 Reviewed By: Washuu Hanyou [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2005 08:45 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ohhhhhhhh...::still hunkered down in cinema's sagging seat, popcorn scattered in lap after dropping nearly finished XLG ramen-like container;)at the comprehension we're at the end of Metamorphosis:: Sueric, you've done it again--and unlike some of your other, equally endearing works, this ends on a wide-open note, allowing readers to fill in the blanks. Don't misunderstand, please--I happen to LOVE when you fill 'em in, every one!!:D--but the conclusion promised new beginnings for both Sesshomaru with his beloved Kagura, and then our ferociously devoted Inuyasha...with his strengthening, courageous Kagome. Your characters are strongly written, the rhythm never jarred by even a whiff of OC (though yeah, sometimes that's a subjective area. That wish of Kagome typifies her love of others, was a more unique wrap than others read. And Inuyasha frantically tearing through the castle's detritus for his brother...!!!! Thanks for yet another amazing,amazing ride. I look fwd to its epilogue, then ***sequel***, hint hint.;)
 Title: Don't ever stop!
Reviewed By: Death-By-Minnow [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2005 08:28 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another incredible fic! I can't wait to read the epilogue, do I sense some kids in that? Since you've finished with this now, could you work on Purity 2 a little more? I'm a big fan of the series. Great idea to continue the story from their POVs in 2 and 3, are you gonna keep going with that for other characters? Signed: Biggest male romance fan ever, Death-By-Minnow
 Reviewed By: Morly  On: February 17, 2005 08:01 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Just wanted to thank you for this story. You delivered more than you know. I followed you from Chronicles and wasn't disappointed. You kept me and the rest of the readers very much enthralled and I am very sorry to see it end. But I guess like every great story it must do so. I can't wait to check out your other stories, I'm sure I'll fall in love with those as well.
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: February 17, 2005 07:07 PST
awww, that's so sweet and so Kagome of her to give to Sess the one thing that he wanted and could not get himself. Such a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing.
 Reviewed By: marta178 - not signed in again  On: February 17, 2005 07:06 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What!!! This the end!!! Already!!! ;_; So soon...And in the other day it had just started.... I liked the end before the end (don't you like me way off expressing)I hope that in the prologue you tell us about their children and their future togueder^^ \\ >:D *grins* Now you're going to do the sesshoumaru/Kagome story?? (You promised!! ;P)
 Reviewed By: LadyOrion(notsignedin)  On: February 17, 2005 05:26 PST
yey yay all right i loved the end soo great....now i want to see how many children every one has. :P 'Orion
 Title: AWWWWW!!!
Reviewed By: CAMintmier (not signed in)  On: February 17, 2005 04:12 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great story. I've kept up with it ever since the beginning, and it just keeps getting better and better. Lol. I wonder what Inuyasha and Kagome's pups would look like. I just hope they have those same cute fuzzy ears :D. Can't wait to read your other stories too. If their even half as good as this one, I'm sure I'll enjoy them greatly.
 Title: >
Reviewed By: chaos_kyes_fallen_angel [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 18:02 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
aww.. what a sadish ending to the latest chapter.. ::Sniffle:: i dont know why it is either. >_> it just is. the poor ramen cup.. ,,o_o,, left behind.. and inuyasha- maybe never to see another ramen cup again.. ::sobs:: its horrible..!!
 Title: Hmm -.o
Reviewed By: chaos_kyes_fallen_angel [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 17:46 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
hm... Something I've notived: Kagome was never affected by jyaki. She could sense it, but as you recall, when the demons battled in the pit in a cave.. Kagome entered unharmed, whearas miroku and sango were affected greatly. There was something else that kept bothering me, but I can't remember what it was exactly, now...
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 16:22 PST
You know it's always been kind of ambivilant in both the manga and anime on whether or not Sango was taken in by Naraku or Kagewaki in her first appearence. I mean, did Naraku trick him as his "advisor" or had Kagewaki already been killed by Naraku "behind the scenes" (so to speak) and Kagewaki was already Naraku by that point and the Naraku-advisor was one of his puppet creations? I digress though. I'm getting a headache. Hmm...So how is Kagome going to get rid of the jewel? I have two thoughts and (one of them I'm gonna cry because then I may have to scrap a story I'm working on because of the similarities and I don't want to deal with another "plagerism" fiasco). Thought One: She's going to wish Kagura back to life (highly unlikely, but still a thought). Thought two: She's going to wish for some sort of absolution and healing of all the evils that Naraku has done. Because, you know, it's fucked with the spirtual balance of so many lives (in which case I'm going to be intensely depressed because I'm working on a story in which that's the way Kagome purifies the jewel and that would reaaalllly suck).
 Reviewed By: Patriot  On: February 16, 2005 16:21 PST
I won't be surprised if you do with the jewel wish something similar to what Terri Botta did in her fic 'The Lucky Ones', but knowing how you like happy endings, you're probably not going to do it exactly that way. And just what is the deal with Kagura being alive in the future? *sigh* Have to wait till after work tomorrow to see, but it is good we as the readers are very fortunate that you update everyday. Some authors take months to update as you know. Thanks for being like you are!
 Reviewed By: leelu821 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 14:59 PST
Ok, just want you to make something clear for me...Kagome was worried about the fang being lost forever? Why would she worry about something like that? Didn't she know that InuYasha was coming? Or was she worried that he wouldnt' be able to know where she was or that she was in trouble? I don't know, I just thought that was a little weird for her to be worried about the fang. Maybe I'm just not getting it. LOL Sango made a good point about Naraku/Kagewaki. Who was it that changed Emi into Hisadaicho? Was it really Naraku, cuz if anything he could've just made her and incarnation of himself. And why would he want to make someone just as powerful as he is? Or maybe Kagewaki was a really mean guy in a really decent guy's disguise. LOL *sigh* So many unanswered questions, so little time...
 Reviewed By: Duet Masaki [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 12:31 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've been reading for three weeks to get caught up, and now, when I got to the end of it, I was kinda dissappointed that there wasnt another chapter to read. lol. Anyway, I love this story, otherwise I wouldn't have stayed on for three weeks. I hope you get the next one out soon, and keep up the great work!
 Reviewed By: Kurisu no Ryuujin [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 09:23 PST
no fair, are they stuck?
 Title: Awww....
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2005 08:52 PST
InuYasha is such a darling when he gets all protective and worried. *gush* And Kagome's, "...if I'm with you, it's enough." sure must have hit that soft spot in his heart. WAFFage galore! -- Poor Sesshoumaru...'still waters run deep' is the best way to describe him. He has certainly been learning some harsh lessons. His arrogance and isolatory lifestyle had never delt him a blow like the loss of his mate has. Maybe now he will understand his father and brother better; understand how they could care so deeply for another and fear so openly the loss of that person. Finally understand how his father could love a human because it isn't the form you love but the person and soul inside as Kagura was nowhere near pure youkai. Poor guy. --- Still...Kagura in the present-day...how? -- Great chapter.
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