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"Purity 7: Avouchment" Reviews/Comments [ 891 ]
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 Reviewed By: Simonkal of Inuy [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 20, 2007 12:37 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
They're back together, yay!! I can see that the *hit is about to really hit the fan now!! Wonderful job as always!!
 Title: Wheee!
Reviewed By: smallflower [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 20, 2007 12:35 EDT
Thanks for the gradumacation gift of a new chapter! It's so nice to be officially and socially done with school... unless I want to go back for my Masters. :) However, I'm NOT done with your stories. ;D
 Reviewed By: Dark Inu Fan [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 15, 2007 23:18 EDT
I have a feeling that one of your upcoming purity stories is going to revolve around Gunner and his pig-headedness being comprimised by a pair of pretty eyes. Keep up the good work, dark
 Title: Oooooo..
Reviewed By: FriskyPixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 13, 2007 15:25 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Man, I can't wait until Gunner falls in love. I hope the woman is really strong. She's gonna need to be to deal with that arrogant man, lol. Great chapter. I hope Griffin finishes the translation soon, maybe he'll see her when he does.
 Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 12, 2007 01:32 EDT
Tone deaf? Ahahahaha!! That was a good chapter, I'm glad they were forced to drop the charges but I feel bad for Isabelle because she needs her Griffin as well. Hmm...I wonder when that guy is going to try to take Isabelle.
 Reviewed By: free_freeme_free [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 21:51 EDT
Fabulous! So here's where the action must start. The bad guys are comming after Isabelle. I tried to join your form but could not log in once I registared. Maybe I have to wait awhile before I can registar?
 Title: Hey Sue!!!
Reviewed By: nymphminxgoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 19:56 EDT
Is it wrong that I think you updated this fic as a birthday gift to me? lol I'm confused on poor Izzy. Is she starting to pull a Gin on us? I guess she would having been rejected by her mate. So much to think about. I wanted to let you know I still read every update and I hungrily await your next!
 Title: This is kind of a late afterthougth, but...
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 15:58 EDT
CHAPTER 40: Collision. Okay, I can't help but wonder if Izzy is preggers; to quote the story: With a broken cry, Isabelle tightened her legs around him, brought her hips up to meet his, her body jerking, contorting, drawing him deeper, deeper. It was enough to break through the pressure, enough to wring a harsh growl out of him as he strained against her; as he felt himself coming undone. Now, when I reread this chapter, I realized that Izzy didn't sound like a virgin. I couldn't remember the chapter I read that gave me the impression, but, somewhere, earlier on in your story, I thought I read that she's 'experienced'--PLEASE let me know if i'm wrong. Okay, so, having said all that, and the fact that the 'act' was already in pre-climatic stages, when that section was written, I got the feeling the condom broke (and not that her maidenhead was broken through). If you could enlighten me, I'd appreciate it. TY, Sue! Oh, and this is one of the most beautiful love scenes i've ever written. Just wanted to let you know. Lata!
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 14:05 EDT
Yay, another update!!! Anyways, I'm so happy that Gunner is finally showing his nice side again. I think this is going to be like a InuYasha, and Cain moment, just with Gunner, and Griffin insted. I hope that Gunner will be the one to talk some since into Cain. Oh yea, speaking of InuYasha, what is going on with InuYasha, and Kagome. And is Toga the TaiYoukia of Japan already, so Sesshoumaru is just the Inu no Tashio now? But I'm so proud of Gunner, and it is really sweet the way Gunner looks out for Izzy, it reminds me of Kich, and Gin. I knew when they was at the club, that the celebration had nothing to do with the McKinley case. I knew it was just Izzy's way of trying to pretend like nothing was wrong, and that she was not obessing over Griffin still. It's no wonder why Gunner is so bad on love, it do kinda make all the men in the family a little irrational, and he is no better, he is just like everyone else, just with Izzy, instead of a mate. Oh yea, in which 'Purity' are you going to do Gunner's story? I know you mentioned it, but I forgot. Oh, and what is goind to happen when Alastair sends his little scout out, only to find that Izzy doesn't have the research, are they gonna go after Griffin. And I wonder if the bags under Izzy eyes will be a sign to Gunner that Griffin is her mate, and i so will Griffin be able to accept the fact that Izzy is not better off without him, Griffin really does remind me of Pooh, he is such a 'silly ol' bear.'^_^ I think Attean and Maria will have to come, and talk to Griffin too. They might be the only one who Griffin will listen to. Attean seems very bright, and will probauly be the one to figure out that Griffin is just losing his will to live(lol 'Will to live' the song off of 'W.I.T.C.H). But I hope that he won't wait until it is almost to late, like Cain and Gin did. Okaaay, I think this is like the longest review I have ever left!! But update soon, and I hope you have a great summer!!!!!^_^
 Reviewed By: marmaset [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 13:42 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thank you for the update! I have read almost all your stories, and enjoyed every one that I've read. I have a question about Toga being the tai-youkai. Did Sesshoumauru retire? Was this in another chapter or story and I missed it? Can't wait for the next chapter. You're the best!
 Title: Okay, am i a NERD because i'm happy i was listed firsty in mm.org reviewers? No more Pepsi for me, then...LOL!
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 12:42 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG! This chapter was just what i needed! And, the club scene! HIL-friggin'-LARIOUS! A drunk Sydnie and Izzy doing karaoke! OMG! I could just SEE that! I laughed out loud in this library and half the PC lab turned to me **blush**! OOPSIE! And, poor Izzy...i just KNEW she would be still troubled over the McKinley baby. But, I knew she'd get cleared of the charges. Gunnar is getting back into my good graces, slowly but surely...I guess I didn't take into account how protective and possessive the male members of the family are. That said, plus their underlying affection for the females of the clan, it's no wonder Gunnar was so adamant about Izzy's fixation with Griffin. Wow, he really DOES care so much about her...it's so sweet (in a, sometimes overbearing, condescending, irritating way). That's the way my big brother is with me...always the protector, the 'older, stronger, wiser' sibling, that irks me to no end, when i try to remind him that i'm a grown woman and I could care less what people say to me or how men may assume wrong things of my person--EGADS, Sue! The man got his ankle twisted in a fight with some guy that talked bad about me...when i TOLD him to leave it alone. So, maybe that's why I have such strong feelings about Gunnar's 'strict guard' over Izzy. I see, now, that she has generally acquiesced to his dominate protection, as a child, and, as the story said, 'Old habits die hard'. Okay, my haert is in my shoes, right now...Alastair (HMJ!)! He's gonna sic Jeremiah on Izzy! Oh, the DRAMA!!!!!! I KNEW it was coming, but it STILL make my stomach lurch a bit. I'm all in 'Dunn, Dunn, Dunnnnnnnnnnn!' mode, right now. **repeated gulps** Damn, but Alastair reminds me of Naraku (like some friggin' reincarnation or something! shoot!)--he just SCREAMS totalitarianism (like a youkai Hitler, or something!). Well, I'm sure Griffin's gonna rise to the occassion! And, will Attean figure things out, on his own, or will Griffin tell him the WHOLE situation and get the help he needs? Oh, and another question, Sue; will Griffin ever get the surgery to fix his scars so he can have better mobility and less pain? If so, will Kich do it? I just REALLY wanna know? So, tell me? Pleaaaaaaase? **rubs hands gleefully** This is getting GOOOOOOOD, Sue! I can't WAIT for the next chappie!
 Reviewed By: Sesshomaru4Kagura4ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 12:17 EDT
Awww, sweet. Izzy and Gunsie. Reminds me a little of the Kichiro/Gin flashbacks from Justification. I like Gunnar. I can't wait for Purity 12... i read in your teaser notes that it's Gunnar's, and i can't wait to see what kinda woman it'll be that brings the almighty Gunnar to his knees...
 Reviewed By: Jester08 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 12:08 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awesome chapter!! We got to see a little more into Gunnar's mind....nice!! Poor Bitty, now that the bad guys are after her, she going to have an even tougher time!! I can't wait for more, so update soon please!! Keep up the amazing work!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: Simonkal of Inuy [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 10:09 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awesome job!! Are they going to eventually work this out? And how's Griffin doing? I distinctly remeber in one of the last chapters, he youkai telling him that he's killing them. What did he mean by that, or did I read it wrong?
 Title: Bravo!!!
Reviewed By: ginger75125 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 03:02 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love your writing!! You have wonderful talent! Quick question: Is Inuyasha and Kagome appearing anytime soon in this fic? Just wondering! I am a die hard fan of all of your fics.
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