"Murder My Heart" Reviews/Comments [ 217 ] |
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Reviewed By: gokusgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: October 29, 2007 10:34 CDT Comment/Review: loved how you described the tension that brewed between Rukia and Ichigo when she walked up on him and Tatsuki talking. And in perfect character Tatsuki wasn't even rattled by Rukia's behavior. Quite a comical scene. But now Rukia's draw conclusions, which will lead to more misrey for the pair... but on a lighter note I'm gald you're back on case now. It's well written and I'm truly loving it (even though I haven't had a lot of time checking fanfiction lately... work has been a beast!). Until your next post, ta-ta! (BTW...how come this hasn't gotten 100 reviews yet? This is about the best ichiruki story on here, everyone should be reading this.)
Reviewed By: AnimePrincessInuLover [MediaMiner Member] On: October 28, 2007 20:10 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: AWESOME! i really liked this chap! well UPDATE SOON!!!!! I LOVE UR FIC!!! ur the best!!!
Title: =O Reviewed By: IchigoBLEACHcake [MediaMiner Member] On: October 28, 2007 02:33 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Wow, im impressed... hell Im MORE than impressed, I'm blown away. This fan fiction is just...wow. You came up with all of this?! Curse you and your fantastic imagination as well as flawless writing talents! *jealousy* My fan fictions aren't worth a damn compared to this. How long have you been working on this?! I need to stop half-assing mine and at least attempt to make mine more decent if your going to waste your time reading mine. It's 3:30 in the morning...I've been reading yours since ten and Im not done yet, but I'm not going to sleep until I am! However, you have inspired me to try and dish out the next chapter for my story (as crappy as it may be) Oh, and just as a last question, would you mind horribly if I did fan art on this. I'll give all credit tou you, I'm just better at drawing than I am at writing and I feel I must make a tribute to your awesome-ness. =D A complete and hopeless fan of your work, IchigoBLEACHcake
Reviewed By: polaris_sakura [MediaMiner Member] On: October 26, 2007 11:11 CDT Comment/Review: Good luck for your application and number of reviews. Aizen...if I'm asking about Bleach with my girlfriends. They said they hate Orihime. If boys, they waiting for the moment when Ichigo and Aizen will fight each other. Ichigo has power of shinigami and hollow. Aizen power, I think more powerful than Ichigo because he can dodged Ichigo's attacks with bare hand. So I'm waiting for an action from this story. How Ichigo and Aizen gonna fight each other beside Joker (Gin) and Teletubby (Touzen) because they all strong. Last but not least my beloved Rukia will fight. Even though she's not strong in psychical but she's strong heart is to revenge her brother and her friends. Sorry for much talking.. Ja ne,
Reviewed By: jazzjackrabbit [MediaMiner Member] On: October 26, 2007 08:51 CDT Comment/Review: Go ahead and admit it damn it! You are in love with Ichigo and the vice-a versa...God this can be so painful, what is her problem anyway. why doesnt she want to feel that feeling "ever" again?...I guessed that there was something wrong with Aizen! hah! I knew it, that son of bitch is too handsom to be a maniac, but then again he might be a perfect male wth two Y chromosomes(so he would both be hot and psychopat)You just cant imagine how happy you made me this morning when I saw the update, I ran to my house as soon as I got out of school=)and now I can have a good weekend
Reviewed By: yuwa [MediaMiner Member] On: October 26, 2007 00:12 CDT Comment/Review: >=3 very nice,very very nice! and good luck with the application...poor me, im on a lousy university.-_-a
Reviewed By: 07janina07 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 25, 2007 19:33 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: *Sighs* Aparently Ichigo needs to learn that he can go around hugging other women no matter how good friend they are. And poor Rukia, she wanted to maimed him and smacl Tasuki around the face. And carp why did you have to give us that evil cliffhanger! Now I am going to writhed in agony forever thinking about how Ichigo and Rukia will make up and how this case is actually going to be solved and damn it I am in the edge of my sit because I keep thinking Rukia is going to get shot any moment now! Oh men! P.S. I hope you get in to the Universoty of your choice good luck with that!
Reviewed By: Crys Chaos [MediaMiner Member] On: October 24, 2007 11:05 CDT Comment/Review: Great lemon indeed. And I'm still interested in the murderer and him killing people. Keep up the good work ^_^
Reviewed By: zenk0ku [MediaMiner Member] On: October 23, 2007 19:48 CDT Comment/Review: wow hot! great lemon over there but still in-character and a Rukia in denial is pretty amusing. how can she even have her head screwed on right after all that? haha, waiting for your update!
Reviewed By: yuwa [MediaMiner Member] On: October 23, 2007 00:54 CDT Comment/Review: Once upon a time there was a fic that made perverted little Yuwa smile:Murder in my heart. he was delighted for it was made by one of his favorite author, and was very glad that he will read another lemon. Yuwa didn't like the killing that much, and was frightened by the gruesome murders. "I thought this was suppose to be lemon," he cried, "but it has lots of killing." Nonetheless he read a good story, hot lime and extra hot lemon, that's worth remembering.
Title: Ok I promise! Reviewed By: 07janina07 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 22, 2007 11:19 CDT Comment/Review: I promise this is my last review and then I will wait untill you update! Ok I really love the tenderness in chapter 12 before thay had sex and we get all of Ichigo's jumble mess of emotions! I realli liked it how you start to show he actually cares for her. Awesome! My last review before your update!
Reviewed By: 07janina07 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 21, 2007 21:23 CDT Comment/Review: I just noticed something after re-reading chapter 12 for the hundreds time. Does Ichigo's sister Yuzu come and clean his aparment?
Title: I'm not a stalker I promise! Reviewed By: 07janina07 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 19, 2007 23:37 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: I love the tenderness between them and Rukia is in denial! She is clearly in love with him but she has a lot of emotional baggage to be honest with herself! I would also love to hear more from Ichigo's point of view because now we have only gotten from Rukia! I want to know how he feels!
Reviewed By: polaris_sakura [MediaMiner Member] On: October 19, 2007 01:15 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Wow, with their appetite. They can make soccer team and play world cup. Great job, I love this chapter. Thanks for writing a marvelous story
Reviewed By: laurie_bunter [MediaMiner Member] On: October 18, 2007 20:25 CDT Comment/Review: Ahh... insatiable. One of my favorite words. So much IchiRuki pron so early in the morning makes me want to crawl back in bed and die now. I don't care who killed Byakuya anymore! I really don't. The... other needs of my brain have been satisfied.
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