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"Dancing with Scissors" Reviews/Comments [ 256 ]
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 Reviewed By: Sovereignty [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2008 22:44 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
GREAT no Fucking fantastic chapter... one of my favourite parts is "Tell him No Means No, or if you prefer, No Means Hell No, Now Quit Fucking Asking Me." the custom wedding gowns part was pretty funny OH shouldn't "Ichi, ni, san, yon, go roku, nana, hachi…I can't remember," have an extra comma after go? "Ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku, nana, hachi…I can't remember," Sesshoumaru name meaning part was great... Kagome's story was very sad but you left it on a reat note with "I suppose we should go bed now." which I wish they would but I understand that they are n't very close to that in this story... I agree that both of them need to get LAID!!!!
 Reviewed By: puppylove27  On: October 31, 2008 18:02 PDT
I really think that you should seriously think of writing a novel if you haven't already. Your work is amazing. I literally get giddy when I see an update to your work. I feel like I'm right there when I read your story and I think it's just so creative. From the description, to the way Kagome thinks and speaks,I love it. Keep up the excellent work and thank you for making my day a little brighter.
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2008 15:10 PDT
Gah, I meant that it looks like she has a phobia because of her experience, not that the guy will come after her. Though I'm sure she still worries about that. Hurray for Oberon! The Knight in Furry Armor! LOL
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2008 15:08 PDT
That was a very full chapter. Wow, so that's why Kagome has the no dating policy? At least, she and Sesshoumaru don't actually have to go out on a date. I wonder if it has become a phobia? I hope that guy doesn't come after her again. Certainly looks that way. Heheh, Sesshoumaru didn't want to divulge the meaning of his name. Did you know that it also means a person that plays the role of an ambassador or regent? Some kind of person like that. Yup. I'd like to know how RT defines it. Kanji can be so personalized. I felt a bit sorry for Sesshoumaru when Kagome got herself a bit too deep into his personal space. She had a very good point though. It would be nice to see Sesshoumaru take up the piano again. There's no reason he couldn't delegate to free up some time. Aw, the 'I love you...' between him and Rin was so sweet. Kagome tripping over her words, feet, and Oberon was really funny. Those two have their work cut out for them. And then there's the publicity and negative connotations should it be revealed that she writes that article. Glad he's a devout reader. I can't possibly predict how things will finally come together. I like that so much. The events in some stories are very predictable. You don't give us much in the way of foreshadowing. Nice. I will have to say that I will rarely read a story were main canon characters are killed off at the very beginning. It's a real turn-off. However, you managed to keep me hooked. ^_^ Snow
 Reviewed By: Tueske [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2008 13:22 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*Happy Dance* YAAAAAAAAAY! That chapter was so sentimental and wonderful! I think that it was the perfect dedication to Inuyasha and Kagome!!! This fic has got me stuck and I love it soooooo much! I am really glad that it is Sesshoumaru that is the one to start falling first instead of Kagome... and then her having to convince him to be with her. Though in this fic... Kagome isn' t like that at all. She is a straight forward kind of girl and doesn't beat around the bush at all. I really like that Kagura is the rival for Kagome in this fic instead of Kikyo. Sometimes the Kikyo bashing gets on my nerves... which is why I have chosen to veer away from it it just a little bit by writing my new fic Kyoofu. Anyways I look forward to your next update! If life permits it... don't make us wait this long again for a next update!!! You're an amazingly talented writer and I will forever and always be a fan of yours. ~Tusuke Kounami
 Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2008 10:50 PDT
Another wonderful chapter. I think your writing style is so funny yet really sweet too. I dont think any of the characters are OOC because of the situations they are in. The SPARK, the SPARK!!! It's there!!! In lots of fics, the spark is not there..... Kagome and Sesshoumaru act so well together. I absolutely love it! Also, I like this fic a lot because of your kikyou portrayal. She's always the slut or the bitch or the whore or the devil incarnate. But nothing in the anime or the manga has ever likened her to such a character. She can be cold and dismissive of Inuyasha's hanyou status, a bit self-centered and unforgiving, but she is not a loose girl nor does she capriciously do things without reason. Therefore, i think your protrayal of Kikyo is great. Also, I think Inuyasha is protrayed very well. He is normally (in Kag/Sess fics) the loud-mouthed idiot boyfriend who doesnt appreciate Kagome. In the manga and anime, Inuyasha has his moments, occurring with increasing frequency as the chapters increase and the story unfolds. Inuyasha does develop maturity. Now, as a father and as a husband, he has more responsibilities. Inuyasha takes responsibility and honor very seriously (he's very much like sesshoumaru in that manner) and does nothing to imply that he would do something like cheat on Kagome or leave her. There are some sibling like love going on between Inu and Kag sometimes in the manga (more so than the anime) I love the direction your story is taking and I cannot wait for the next chapter to come out. Your fic is one of the few recent Sess/Kag fics (recent as in the last year or two) to be really good. The pairing is slowing down, but your fic is thriving. Keep up the great work!!!
 Reviewed By: puppygirlalltheway  On: October 22, 2008 10:36 PDT
Ok seriously I just can't take it. I absolutely love your fic to pieces. I get all giddy like a kid at Christmas when I see a new chap. and I'm trying oh so hard to be patient. Please keep it coming. I honestly can't wait for these two to come together in more ways than one and I really can't wait until he finds out she writes the column. Thank you again for such a lovely, refreshing piece of fantasy. You make my day happier when I get to read it.
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2008 18:07 PDT
Wooooo! Another post, another awesome chapter. I love your style, and I PARTICULARLY love your methods of building tension up so gradually--it's delicious. Cheers!
 Reviewed By: malitiadixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2008 17:33 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Simply awesome. And we got a really long chapter to boot. Kagura got a head ache, huh? Well, it takes a different breed of human to withstand a rock show. lol. I am loving the new interactions between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. And I love that Kagome seems unable to shut herself up sometimes. It makes for a lot of comical moments. Is there really a pop-up kama sutra book?! :runs to local porn shop to see:
 Reviewed By: Sovereignty (Trying not to fall asleep at school.... this is certainly helping!!! (although I am not doing my school work....))  On: October 21, 2008 15:43 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter! I heart the part about Kagomes "porn collection." love the part about Kagome being at the hight of her "goth" stage..
 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess4ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 18, 2008 11:24 PDT
HAHA this story is the absolute best! It took some getting use to Sesshomaru acting nice though. Sesshomaru is so fricking sexy! lol I love the way you put inuyasha and kikyo together from the start and kagome just inuyasha's best friend and nothing more, so many stories have them going through that akward love/hate relationship thing before they have them split up and throw kagome with sesshomaru.
 Reviewed By: a_MikoS_heartache [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 11, 2008 00:28 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Im enjoying this story of yours very much. I cant wait for the next chapter. Please dont make me wait too long. I cant wait to see what happens next. Great job on a wonderful story.
 Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 04, 2008 08:31 PDT
Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the September 2008 term! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by artist/author, Inuyashloverr and author, KnittingKnots, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/ Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Links to all of the awards for 2008 can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/pickup.html First place awards will be on permanent display here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/2008art.html Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! Please pick up your award here: http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll109/FeudalAssociation/Fiction%20Sept08 / ~ Inuyashloverr & KnittingKnots Owners of the Feudal Association
 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess4ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 01, 2008 18:43 PDT
I never though of Kagome as the type of girl to have a potty mouth or to act the way she does in your fanfiction, but I really do find the story to be amusing and a very enjoyable read! Pretty please update soon! =]
 Title: Noooo!!!
Reviewed By: Little Red  On: September 22, 2008 18:32 PDT
I've been in a serious Kag/Sess mood for the past month and I'm proud to say that, though you are not the only one who has been able to meet my needs, you have done to expertly. I enjoy readying your writting style and feel that I'm getting to know you through your interpretation of the characters. Kagome inpaticular... Though a few of the intereactions in the extreme beginning threw me, I'm glad I didn't let that discourage me. But I wanted to tell you that I'm quikly becoming addicted to your fanfic. So keep up the good work and update frequintly... ~Little Red~
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