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"Children of Destiny" Reviews/Comments [ 150 ]
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 Reviewed By: Pandapants182 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 06, 2003 14:58 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OOOH! I know stinky tofu! Hmmm... now where did I hear about it before... that's right! On Kenshin! ^_^ He brought home some of it, but the two lttle girls didn't lke it, and he tod them about it... I think that's where I heard about it, anyway. I'm not entirely sure. Well, TTFN, Sam-chan!((I don't think this is a Mary-Sue, though SOMEONE I know does. Sucks to them!))
 Reviewed By: Jadesaber [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 17, 2003 08:46 CST
I liked that chapter. Tea's a real Bitch in this story though. I hope you post another chapter soon! I really want to see what happens with everyone!
 Reviewed By: Pandapants182 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 06, 2003 15:03 CDT
I was just reading random reviews... and I noticed, someone with the name Siri!!!
Siri: ^^;;;
ME: GAH! What a small world! ^_^ How cooly!((BTW, Siri and Yami Siri, if you read this, please email me!)) Heh! THat's so freaky!
 Reviewed By: pingpong [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 13, 2003 09:17 CST
PP- ^_^ Only you...

Bakura- Madyamisam, Plz take me back!!! I can't stand it here!!! PLZ!!!!!!

PP- Hush up!
 Reviewed By: My Own Shukuun [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2003 18:55 CST
........ where are all the other chappies? *peeks under a rock* Great story, keep it going!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: Ozaki Siri & Yami Siri  On: March 11, 2003 15:42 CST
SIRI: WAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUGOII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't WAIT for more!!!!!!!! *snifffles* It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad though!!!!!!

YAMI SIRI: *nod nod* I have to agree with my hikari here... Although I'M not crying in real life! *laughs at her hikari* Heh...

SIRI: Your mean Seri! *starts crying waterfall tears* ~=_=~

YAMI SIRI: ACK!!!!!!!!!!! Don't cry!!! *huggles her hikari* Hontou gomen nasai!

SIRI: *stops crying* Hontou ni?


SIRI: Okay! *smiles* Tonikaku... Sugoii ficcie Sam-sama!!!!

*Siri and Yami Siri take off to go read more fanfics*
 Reviewed By: lupusdragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 10, 2003 20:12 CST
OMG You have to update soon! This is such a cool story. Hurry, hurry, hurry! PPPPPPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Phoenix  On: March 10, 2003 00:29 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
How about 16 reviews!!

AnyHoo, Fantastic Story!!
::sob:: even if it is a tearjerker.::sob::

 Reviewed By: Just_ME  On: March 06, 2003 21:15 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
it wwwwaaaaaaaaassss ssso sad that it made me cry all over me keyboard please put another capter up sooooon
 Reviewed By: chaos-chan  On: March 04, 2003 18:16 CST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
awww... Tenshi is soo cute!!! So is Yugi..
boo to anzu!!
Stupid biatch!! mwahahahhaa!~!
okay, I'm done
 Reviewed By: HyperShadow  On: March 04, 2003 15:51 CST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOW! I JUST LOVE THIS FIC! It's going down as one of my favorites! Please continue, I can't wait for the next chapter!

 Reviewed By: Mei Neko  On: March 04, 2003 14:27 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Nice, very nice. Although you should add some more family members in...I was thinking about an older sister who is about ten years older and got killed...I got this really cute scene in my head about it. It kinda goes like this:

Midori frowned at her little brother Yugi. The little brat was still bugging their parents about their trip to Europe. Oh well, the only good side about it is that Dark Magician was taking care of him...

"Come on, kitty. I'll even tell you a story if you get to bed."

Little Yugi's eyes grew even larger at that.


"Honoto. Just get cleaned up. I'll even let you pick any story you want." the sixteen year old said smirking.

Yugi gave a yell at this and ran upstairs with Dark Magician follwing him. Midori gave a good look over at the Monster before sighing. Too bad guys like that are human.

"That brat is going to be the death of me." Midori muttered.

Her parents exchanged smiles at that. Their daughter always complains, but always overprotective of her little brother.

"But dear, you were so excited about having a baby brother." Mrs. Motou teased. Midori scowled at that, but a heavy blush stained her cheeks.

"Methinks I hear a certain Kittin who wants a story." Midori said as she quickly left the room.


Little Yugi blinked all three eyes as he listen to the story that his older sister was telling. He always loved it when his sister was telling him a story. She always make up funny voices and added in sound effects.

"...the princess gave her powers to the boy, giving him strength to defeat the evil king. The sky cleared from the darkness and the boy fell to the ground, crying red tears. He asked the princess why he was crying for the evil king. The princess smiled and told him he had a beautiful heart. No matter who will fight against him, his heart will remain pure and loving. She embraced the boy and told him that his friends gave their hearts to him to give him more power. The boy understood then just how much faith his friends had in him. With that, the boy and the princess returned back to the kingdom on the golden dragon. The end." Midori siad as hse closed the sotry book. She accepted the glass of juice that Dark Magician gave her. Yugi just had to pick the longest sotry out of all the collections of books.


"Wow, nothing. You always say that whenever I read this story. Don't you ever get tired of it?"

Little Yugi shook his head at that.

"No, Mi-oneechan will always read me stories!" Yugi stated seriously. Midori blinked at the seriousness of the six-year-old.

Once again, she had to be fascinated with the differences between the two. While Midori looked and took much after her mother, her little brother was like a combination of the two. However, he had more powers then she did. Even Midori did not have a third eye like her brother or her mother.

While she felt envious that her baby brother was more powerful then her, shs could not hel pbut feel protective over the child. She could always tell when her little brother was in danger and could find him whenever they play hide-and-go-seek.

Oh sure, she could do a few spells and look into the future at times, but her powers were nothing compare to that of her mothers.

"Baka Koneko. Of course I'll be reading stories to you. Why worry about something like that?"

"Demo...Yugi got a bad dream. I dream something bad and you, mama, and papa disappeared." the six-year-old said solemly. Midori's red eyes soften at that.

"Baka," she said as she took out a pocket knife. She grabbed Yugi's hand and poked a wound on his hand. "Your blood,"


Then she cut her own hand. "My blood,"

Then she grabbed Yugi's wounded hand with her own wounded hand, pressing the hands so the wounds would touch. "Our blood. See, Koneko. Now our blood is mixed so a part of me is always with you. It doesn't matter how far a part we are, I'm going to be inside of you."

"Inside of me?"

"Just go to sleep, Koneko. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us. And Eygpt is going to have lots of stories for me to tell you about."

As for her death, I'm thinking of Midori casting a curse over herself and it causes her spirit to live in a braclet of hers which would travel around the world until it reaches Yugi on his sixteenth birthday. Think of it as Yami despretly buying it for Yugi's birthday present.

Her spirit only comes out once Yugi unseals the magic on it and she sometimes takes over Yugi to help him or leands whatever strength she has to him.

Hey, don't worry about the parents looks, I saw some manga where the artist had the parents of some thirty year old lady looking even younger then her!! Man, the the lady's mom could be her own freakin' daughter!!!

Hmmm, sorry for borthering you about it. I'm sure you got a lot going for your fic! It's pretty cool and well thought up.

PS: If you wish to bash me, I'm at mei_neko2001@yahoo.com
 Reviewed By: Mei Neko  On: March 04, 2003 14:27 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Nice, very nice. Although you should add some more family members in...I was thinking about an older sister who is about ten years older and got killed...I got this really cute scene in my head about it. It kinda goes like this:

Midori frowned at her little brother Yugi. The little brat was still bugging their parents about their trip to Europe. Oh well, the only good side about it is that Dark Magician was taking care of him...

"Come on, kitty. I'll even tell you a story if you get to bed."

Little Yugi's eyes grew even larger at that.


"Honoto. Just get cleaned up. I'll even let you pick any story you want." the sixteen year old said smirking.

Yugi gave a yell at this and ran upstairs with Dark Magician follwing him. Midori gave a good look over at the Monster before sighing. Too bad guys like that are human.

"That brat is going to be the death of me." Midori muttered.

Her parents exchanged smiles at that. Their daughter always complains, but always overprotective of her little brother.

"But dear, you were so excited about having a baby brother." Mrs. Motou teased. Midori scowled at that, but a heavy blush stained her cheeks.

"Methinks I hear a certain Kittin who wants a story." Midori said as she quickly left the room.


Little Yugi blinked all three eyes as he listen to the story that his older sister was telling. He always loved it when his sister was telling him a story. She always make up funny voices and added in sound effects.

"...the princess gave her powers to the boy, giving him strength to defeat the evil king. The sky cleared from the darkness and the boy fell to the ground, crying red tears. He asked the princess why he was crying for the evil king. The princess smiled and told him he had a beautiful heart. No matter who will fight against him, his heart will remain pure and loving. She embraced the boy and told him that his friends gave their hearts to him to give him more power. The boy understood then just how much faith his friends had in him. With that, the boy and the princess returned back to the kingdom on the golden dragon. The end." Midori siad as hse closed the sotry book. She accepted the glass of juice that Dark Magician gave her. Yugi just had to pick the longest sotry out of all the collections of books.


"Wow, nothing. You always say that whenever I read this story. Don't you ever get tired of it?"

Little Yugi shook his head at that.

"No, Mi-oneechan will always read me stories!" Yugi stated seriously. Midori blinked at the seriousness of the six-year-old.

Once again, she had to be fascinated with the differences between the two. While Midori looked and took much after her mother, her little brother was like a combination of the two. However, he had more powers then she did. Even Midori did not have a third eye like her brother or her mother.

While she felt envious that her baby brother was more powerful then her, shs could not hel pbut feel protective over the child. She could always tell when her little brother was in danger and could find him whenever they play hide-and-go-seek.

Oh sure, she could do a few spells and look into the future at times, but her powers were nothing compare to that of her mothers.

"Baka Koneko. Of course I'll be reading stories to you. Why worry about something like that?"

"Demo...Yugi got a bad dream. I dream something bad and you, mama, and papa disappeared." the six-year-old said solemly. Midori's red eyes soften at that.

"Baka," she said as she took out a pocket knife. She grabbed Yugi's hand and poked a wound on his hand. "Your blood,"


Then she cut her own hand. "My blood,"

Then she grabbed Yugi's wounded hand with her own wounded hand, pressing the hands so the wounds would touch. "Our blood. See, Koneko. Now our blood is mixed so a part of me is always with you. It doesn't matter how far a part we are, I'm going to be inside of you."

"Inside of me?"

"Just go to sleep, Koneko. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us. And Eygpt is going to have lots of stories for me to tell you about."

As for her death, I'm thinking of Midori casting a curse over herself and it causes her spirit to live in a braclet of hers which would travel around the world until it reaches Yugi on his sixteenth birthday. Think of it as Yami despretly buying it for Yugi's birthday present.

Her spirit only comes out once Yugi unseals the magic on it and she sometimes takes over Yugi to help him or leands whatever strength she has to him.

Hey, don't worry about the parents looks, I saw some manga where the artist had the parents of some thirty year old lady looking even younger then her!! Man, the the lady's mom could be her own freakin' daughter!!!

Hmmm, sorry for borthering you about it. I'm sure you got a lot going for your fic! It's pretty cool and well thought up.

PS: If you wish to bash me, I'm at mei_neko2001@yahoo.com
 Reviewed By: I love Yugi and Davis [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2003 13:43 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10

Tenshi: A life times supply of milk

Yugi: A kiss and a Yami plushie

Yami: A Yugi plushie

Sam: Writer block be-gone
 Reviewed By: nikkei  On: March 04, 2003 12:23 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
moremoremore!!!!!! phew, sorry. i just really like this story, and i can't wait 'til you updat. that rhymed! heh
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