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"Children of Destiny" Reviews/Comments [ 150 ]
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 Reviewed By: insanechildfanfic [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2003 18:10 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This rules, I love it, except well for the beginning, I hated how Yugi was being treated!
 Reviewed By: Ru-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 10, 2003 19:37 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Your story is good. You idea is good. You just need more paragraphs. Honestly, they're too big. It's difficult to read the story. There are some grammar and spelling issues that need to be sorted out, but everything else is great! I love this story. I can't wait to read more!
 Reviewed By: QueenOfGames  On: September 06, 2003 14:40 CDT
AHHHH! So cute!! ::lost look:: I am so far lost right now lol ::goes back to read past chaps:: AH HA! Ok now I know where I am! ;) Great chap, hurry and update soon! The * Queen Of Games *
 Reviewed By: Evil Chibi Malik  On: September 06, 2003 14:07 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Shaoling and Ankharue: *wincing* iiiittttaaaaiiii, Tomb Robber... Shaoling: that MUST seriousy HUUURT!!! Ankharue: *shaking head* that poor Tomb Robber. that poor poor Tomb Robber.... Shaoling: *nods* it was kid of funny when Ryou went all...insane when Bakura said he couldn't have sex with him anymore because he got kicked in the-- Ankharue: that's enough hikari!! Shaoling: hee hee....^^;; gomen... Ankharue: -.- how does she KNOW those things!?!? Shaoling: i've known about it for quite a whle actually. Ankharue: ...what kind of hikari are you??? Shaoling: *shrugs* Ankharue: -_________- i'm going. ja. *goes to take a nap* Shaoling: huh. moving on, ^^ kawaii-ness!! and you know what that means??? kawaii fluff=happy hikaris!! ^______^ I LOVE THIS FIC!!! it's so well written and it has a really great plot!!!! kawaii fluff too....yay!! i can't wait for you to continue!! onegai update sooooon!! *gives you Pocky* ^^ ja ne!!
 Reviewed By: Panda Pants  On: September 04, 2003 15:47 CDT
WOO! New chappie! But wait... NO MORE?!?!!? *takes out pitchfork* GYAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2003 12:11 CDT
it wasn't you? geez so sorry! yesterday i was on a caffiene high and i tent to get very absent minded about stuff so sorry ^^ read the lastest chapter and wow... i'll have to read it again. deep but also interesting ^^ now i wanna draw!! *twilrs in seat* what else... love the fic so far but poor yami. yes i will update Sins when i can. need to update AP too... that is harder than originally thought... oh damnit i'm late for painting class!! bye bye!! *runs off*
 Title: *too busy laughing*
Reviewed By: Shadow of Light [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2003 11:21 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Not sure if I revived but here it goes: *can't type due to uncontrollable laughter* The splits oh lord that has to hurt!!! and Joey should be careful what he says ^^ *can't get imagines out of his head* and Mokuba in a Funny Bunny costume?? Ack!! Now I want to draw it!! *bangs head on desk* oh please update!! If you do I'll update 'Animal Passions' and 'Sins of the Father' too!! And you're one o my ultimate fav author's!!! *waves happily*
 Reviewed By: HooHaa!  On: August 24, 2003 23:29 CDT
 Reviewed By: water  On: August 20, 2003 16:21 CDT
well you better update soon this stiry is just starting to get interesting. By the way you have great potintial for an author.
 Reviewed By: Ru-chan  On: July 28, 2003 22:44 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Ru-chan here. I'm lazy and I don't want to sign in. That was really good! I love this story. There are slight grammar issues, but this is a great chapter. Keep writing! This chapter has all the originality your story had at the beginning. Have fun on your cruise. Try not to have too much fun. ^_~
Anyway...please continue this story. I'm loving this so far. The snake man is slightly disgusting, but somehow I like Katsuya...I don't know what that says about me...but I like him...really...even though he is a murdering bastard.
All my mental issues aside, this is an impressive story. Keep writing.
 Reviewed By: Clam Goodness  On: July 28, 2003 07:19 CDT
W00t! *parties with Chibi's for new chappie goodness*

And the return of Katsuya??!?!!? GAH!!!! And what's with the giant snake? And Adrin? And will there be more scenes with Joey's hilarious Duel Monsters? I MUST KNOW!!!! *laments for the period in which this wunderful story will not be updated.* ;_;
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 28, 2003 01:50 CDT
AUTHOR NOTICE: Ack had to come here to check I'm going in a minute so those who read reviews I Madyamisam must take her leave!!!! CYA!!!!


 Reviewed By: Evil Inga and Evil Yami Inga [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2003 17:50 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Evil Inga: EEEYAY! AN UPDATE!.... 0__0? WHAT?!?! YOUR LEAVEING US?!?!? well i guess it is ok since ya wrote such a long chappie. i love long chappies!

Evil Inga: *is duct taped to a chair* MMm!!! HUMM!!

Evil Inga: *turns to her yami* hush you! *hits him with her millinum belt* this is punishment for turning the hose on me!! now for the rest of your punishment! *turns the tv on to teletubies*

Evil Yami Inga: 0__\\!!!!! MMM!!! UUUMMMFFFFPPP!!! *tries to escape but cant* UUMMPP!!!

Evil Inga: BAHAHAHAHA!! i know. im evil and im loving every minute of it!!
 Reviewed By: Mei Neko  On: July 25, 2003 20:48 CDT
You know how I sometimes write out a ficlet for you and then send it to you? Well the stupid connection that I'm using has a firewall against email servers...so I'll do the ficlet here...

Before that..WAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Awesome chapter as usual! Stinky tofu!! My mom is going to serve it tomorrow night for dinner! It really does stink like hell when it's being cooked. But when you put a ton of soy sauce with some other spices...it tastes yummy....hee hee....

Okay, now I'm going to do the ficlet...for all of you Madyamisam fans...don't sue me!! This is just a fun ficlet for her and everyone else who wants to read a bit...


"That woman was damn annoying!" the princess snarled as the three walked back to their rooms. Then she turned to the one in white. "I can't believe that such a bitch could even exist! Couldn't you turn her into a rat or a toad, Yin?"

The snow covered figure chuckled a bit but shook her head.

"If that were to happen your highness...don't you think that your father would be displeased with such conduct from our lands?" Yin asked with humor.

"I don't like it here, Yin. This place feels more daker then any other." the one in black murmered softly. Yin sighed and gave a nod at that.

"I am sorry that you have been dragged here, Ryou, but you're gifts are very helpful here."

"It doesn't seem like it. If I had known about that woman, I would have avoid any conflict for the princess." Ryou said as he bowed. The princess snorted at that.

"Princess. Really, who's idea was it to act on this?"

"I believe it was my sister's." Yin said with a smirk. The blond growled at that and then stalked away.

The three behind her were covering their giggles and laughter from behind.



A woman, older then the four who had entered her chambers, sighed as she tuned out most of the ranting that was coming from the blond. Really, the four just entered and the blond just stared to yell.

She looked at the blond for a moment and admired the golden hair, the pale skin that was currently flushed in anger, and dress that was worn. Beautiful, the woman smirked to herself. The blue dress did fit well. She could have to thank the dressmaker again.


Ming blinked for a moment before turning her back to the blond and began to brush her long ebony hair, kissed with fire.

"Saa, that I was. However, while you are pouring out your anger of the injustice that I have caused you; you do know that you are free for now from the restraints of the gown and make up." she answered with an amused tone.

Giggling eruptted from the others as the blond blushed. She then began to teat off the offending clothing.

Yin sighed and recovered quickly as she turned to gather a pile of clothing from a chair.

"Really, Katsuya, you should have not lose your temper at that woman, even if it is hard to igonre a wentch like her."

"Are you not being a hypocrite there, Yin?" the red robed figure asked as he tore off the hood. Pale blond hair was free from hiding and light violets glittered with hidden laughter.

"If so, then would you like to be a princess, Malik?" Yin teased back. Malik gave a sniff at that.

"I thank you for your kindness, but I doubt your sister has a dress that would look well upon my figure."

Ming turned at him with narrow dark eyes. Ryou sighed and shook his head at his frined. However, Ming just turned back and continued with her hair. Then she looked around with confusion.

"Eh? Sister, where is that little pet of yours? I don't hear her calls of food." she said with worry. Malik and Ryou snorted at that.

"Good news for you sister, Tyrande has a new master. No need for worry about your nightly snacks going missing." Yin said with a sad smile.

"What?! I thought Tyrande would never leave your side! Well, except that one time, but still!" Ming protested in horror. Katsuya gave a snort at that.

"Have you not been paying any attention? Yin gave Tyrande because Prince Yami won a duel against her. I still say it's luck." the blond muttered angrily.

Yin gave a smile and shook her head.

"Do not worry about the past, Katsuya. I am sure Prince Yami will take care of Tyrande very well."

Ryou gave a nod at that while Malik shrugged his shoulders. He could careless about the prince.

"I see...this does change things here. This prince is so good that he could beat Yin. A pity that you did not have your own deck, Katsuya. I would be interested in how well he would fair with your dragons..." Ming said amused.

"He has the Exodia. I was surprised that he could pull off such a monster." Yin said thoughtfully.

All of them were silent as they brood over the events that had happen. Then Malik yawned and streched.

"I see no reason on how this will solving anything that the prophet has said. I think we're wasting time here." he said as he wrinkled his nose.

"You're right. Let us retire for a while. Katsuya, remeber, tomorrow you must dress well. Come to my chambers before sunrise." Ming ordered. Yin giggled as Katsuya left while grumbling about wearing a dress and make up again.

As soon as they left, Yin turned to her sister who had finally finished with her hair. Then Ming came up and began to undo her sister's hair. Yin was silent as she felt her tresses fall from the pins and combs that held it. Then Ming giggled.

"You're still so short! But growing into a beautiful woman. Such a pity that your beauty is hidden in white. Maybe the prince would have prefered the oppentent then the prize if he saw you." Ming mused as she lead her sister to a hair and began to brush the hair.


Sorry, that's all I can write now...stupid brain isn't working very well now. SA...

Keep up the wonderful work that you've been doing. I love this fic!!!
 Reviewed By: Amethyst Ruby  On: July 24, 2003 22:20 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ^_______________^ HAIIII!!!! YY/Y FLUFFINESS!!!!! *literally drifts off into YY/Y La La Land* WHEEEEE!!! *sitting on a fluffiness cloud* more gifts for my favorite kawaii coupling!!! ok, others too...*takes a deeeeeeeeep breath* for Yugi, Yami, Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Ishtar, Joey, Seto, Mokuba, Isis, Serenity, Tristan, Tenshi, and You: a gigundo (o_O??? is that a word??? iie, i don't think so...meh.) pile of candy (oncluding pixy stix!) tall as Mount Everest!!!!!! onegai, keep writing!!!!! sayonaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-*cough*-aaa!!!
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