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"operation sex" Reviews/Comments [ 264 ]
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 Reviewed By: angel_of-distruction  On: November 25, 2003 15:50 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: kotsubomb  On: November 25, 2003 15:49 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
DA BOMB !!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: sesshylover34  On: November 25, 2003 15:48 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
keep working on it it rocks
 Title: u rock
Reviewed By: kogaluv  On: November 25, 2003 15:46 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
that was aswome totally kicks ass!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Hououza [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2003 10:39 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I don't know what to say...I read the first four episodes of the manga yesterday and that night I came online to find some things to read about it in addition to my usual nights reading. Of the ones I found I have to say this is the one I enjoyed the most. Even though I do not recognise all of the characters involved the descriptions and then depth in which they are portrayed immediately gives a sense of their personalitiers and backgrounds without even completing the manga. The story it self is a most creative tale, one I doubt i will be luck enough to see the like of again either here or on FanFiction.Net. Although I am sure some people are reading this purely for the lemon content I would have to say the story as a whole far outshines such a limited assessment and with or without those scenes it is a joy to read. Perhaps my only regret is not being able to get more people to review so we get the next chapter sooner...however I still respect your decision. Finally you may notice I gave no rating for spelling and grammar, this is simply because it doesn't matter! All that matters is the story is good and enjoyable to read ^_^ Ok, well I think that's enough for now, if you are interested my name on here is VScorpio, sorry I am not using it to review but the login is a pain and I want to change it to the one I now write under which is Hououza. Perhaps is you ever pass by FanFiction.Net you may see some of my work. Sorry again, seem to keep going on and on... Ok, best wishes and good luck with future chapter. You're on my favorites so hopefully it will update me when a new chapter comes along for me to enjoy and review. Bye for now, Hououza
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: November 24, 2003 10:12 CST
Sorry its taken so long for me to add a review but I only started reading this last night and I promise a complete review when I get to the last chapter. However what I just read truely upset me, I have not read this flame but I can that once again someone who has absolutely no tallent what so ever has decided to mock those who do. This is an excellent story, spelling or no. I have read more than enough fan fiction to know that it is the quality of the material not the spelling and grammer. Sorry if this sounds like a rant but I really do not like people doing that to a fellow author, it shows quite simply that they shouldn't bother in the first place. I promise to write a proper review when I get to the last chapter, this really is a great story and I do hope that if it has not yet been completed at the time of my writing this that it will be as I would greatly look forwards to seeing its conclusion. Sorry for waffing on at you for so long, please accept my appologies. Good luck and best wishes, Hououza
 Reviewed By: TheREALMe  On: November 23, 2003 00:57 CST
oh i remember why i was pissed that night i had spacers put in and bit on something hard and was in pain as well as PMSing so im sorry i was being an ass
 Reviewed By: TheREALMe  On: November 23, 2003 00:55 CST
P.S. i really wouldnt mind going to hell that much cause im going through that i hate all and am suicidal phase.
 Reviewed By: TheREALMe  On: November 23, 2003 00:52 CST
sorry i didnt know you were dislestic and i was PMSing that day lol but i like the concept of your story i just think you should get a beta reader oh and the last lemon was not bad
 Reviewed By: WinterWolf7  On: November 22, 2003 15:20 CST
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: InuYashu [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2003 19:45 CST
And Niastyle can go to hell with TheREALMe. And Kikyo. And Naraku. And Koga. And Kagura. And Kanna. And I must shut up.
 Reviewed By: InuYashu [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2003 19:45 CST
And Niastyle can go to hell with TheREALMe. And Kikyo. And Naraku. And Koga. And Kagura. And Kanna. And I must shut up.
 Title: PS
Reviewed By: InuYashu [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2003 19:43 CST
P.S. The reviewer by the name of 'TheREALMe' should go to hell! With Kikyo and Naraku and Koga and all those other bastards! Go virgin hentai writers with bad spelling and grammer!!!! Damn ignorant mean peoples that pick on people cuz they got problems (in my case, everyone thinks I'm mentally insane, and it is true, I have something messed up in my brain (i forget what cuz I'm forgewtful like that))!!!!!!
 Title: Coincidence?
Reviewed By: InuYashu [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2003 19:39 CST
It's ironic that you knew about sex and stuff from fanfics at a young age and are a virgin hentai writer, cause it's the same with me! I'm only 13 though..^_^; Anyways, great story! Write more!
 Reviewed By: WinterWolf7  On: November 20, 2003 19:12 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
pleas update soon this is a good fanfic :)
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