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"Busy Lives" Reviews/Comments [ 695 ]
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 Reviewed By: Orb (n.o.)  On: June 08, 2004 20:41 CDT
you'd think shopping for 5 hours would be a long time, but its not lol. This was a great chapter, two new chapters in 1 day for me yipee! ^_^. I wonder who was @ the club? Was it Kouga? I bet it was...or maybe new introductions of Kikyo and/or Naraku? Who knows?....well i guess you do, but still.
 Reviewed By: Orb (n.o.)  On: June 08, 2004 16:51 CDT
another grrrrr8 chapter once again. For being a student authors, you're amazing with updates. They're always so constant and everything, and the sontent of your stories never goes down, it's amazing....are you a robot? Cuz if you are I won't tell anyone. Anyway, I loved the chapter and I cant wait for aonther.
 Reviewed By: MIztikal_Dragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 08, 2004 02:14 CDT
hey, great story so far. Please keep up the great work and update asap. I can't wait to read more. I love your story. Krystal.
 Reviewed By: Biganimefan1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2004 20:06 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ooo this is such a yummy fic
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: June 07, 2004 14:39 CDT
Esxcellent chapter! Don't worry about the updates, I'm sure everyone can relate to that. Good luck with the finals, hope all goes well. Look forwards to another chapter afterwards perhaps. Good luck & best wishes, Hououza
 Reviewed By: an_girl7789  On: June 07, 2004 13:33 CDT
ok... ive read this fic since it came out, and its goooooooood.... Rin should be pregnant, and an idea for the ladies costume should look like Rikku's from Final Fantasy X-2... (if u havent seen it, u should... highly attractive) i think it would look coool...i just hope ive helped out... update soon PLZ!!!
 Reviewed By: sunshine161820 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2004 10:34 CDT
awwwwwwww.........i wanted to know if rin was havin a baby: ( well...hopefully we'll find out the next chappy!!!!: ) Update Soon : )
 Reviewed By: CDR  On: June 07, 2004 09:49 CDT
Hello I'm a 17 year old single Moma and I just got done reading the last chapter and I really like this story I can't wait to read more and just a little bit of information for you 1. With take home preagney test if you take it and then it tells you your not preagnet and you really are you or it say you are and your not you get a refund of all your money back 2.After you take a home preaney test the best thing to do is go to a heath deaparment (they give them for free where I live. ) They give you an answer that day and give you the answer within 15-20 mintes. The reason for going to the heath deapment is because to get a midwife or whatever you want to have you have to have a paper from the H.D. or your docter that says you really are pregant Now this is in no way any type of flame it's just something I thought you would like to know in case you want to have someone pregnet in another one of your storys (oh yeah forgot to tell you they manley just make you pee in a cup for the test) I really like this stoy I think it would be cool if Rin got tired of waithing for the doctor to call and got a test from the store and it tell her she not sessy finds it says he happy that shes not and they need to be careful becase he is just not ready for that and then she gets a call from the docter that tell her she is. sorry just something I thought you would like. Now one of your fans Crissy
 Reviewed By: Kat a/k/a ladykaa28  On: June 07, 2004 01:12 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I think it would be funny that Rin was the only one that took the test and all three grils would be pregnant at the same time. The only catch to it was that Rin would be the last one that concieved. It's more like they are all one day apart as far as the due dates. Have you tried the biker look for them. They could wear leather pants, low cut tank tops, a black choker with spikes, light weight jeans jacket with matching hats. Or maybe the "Daisy Duke" look with the daisy duke shorts, shirt tied right below the breast line, white ankle socks and timberland ankle boots. Of course there's always the "Hooters" look. It's after two in the morning so you will have to forgive me if I seem a little out of it.
 Reviewed By: InusDemoness(not signed on)  On: June 06, 2004 22:57 CDT
I hope Rin is pregnant!!!!!!!!! She would be a great mother and a child just might be what Sesshoumaru needs to losen up!!!!!! And if she's pregnant then she won't have to wear Miroku's outfits anymore!!!!!! Sesshoumaru won't let her whether she's showing or not after he finds out. Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: essie [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 06, 2004 22:33 CDT
this is a great fanfic please update soon
 Reviewed By: Biganimefan1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 05, 2004 17:42 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hahahaha woman have the power hahaahahah
 Reviewed By: antisocial_mint (nli)  On: June 02, 2004 18:44 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
yeah have her be pregnant ! lol i love the story, sesshy drooling over rin is really cute!
 Reviewed By: MIztikal_Dragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 02, 2004 08:31 CDT
ooo good chapter so far. Sorry i haven't reviewed eariler but i've had computer problems. Now i hope there's more soon and hope that you keep up the great work. i love this story. Krystal.
 Reviewed By: Zero Saotome  On: June 02, 2004 02:15 CDT
Aww, I love this story. ^_^ Poor Sesshomaru though, he'll never hear the end of it. As for the pregnancy, I agree with Rabid Fangirl and think that Kagome should be the pregnant one, not Rin. It's an interesting twist of fate, although none of them are married yet... Though seeing Rin and Sesshy with a baby'd be cute too, especially to see his shock. I don't care what you do as long as it's cute! *muah!* Later!
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