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"Purity 2: Defiance" Reviews/Comments [ 423 ]
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 Title: o.O
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 27, 2005 15:05 CST
woooooo, you brought Allen back with a vengence didn't you?? I can't believe Sierra thinks she can walk away from Toga! If they are mates of the heart, wouldn't Sierra need Toga just as badly as he needs her? Selflessness is one thing, but letting go after all the bonding that had occurred? That's selfdestructiveness.... ((is that even a word?)) Well, I shall brace myself 'cause I get the feeling we've not even tasted the true angst yet...
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2005 15:47 CST
Oof, y'know I'd actually half-forgotten about Allen. What a way to remind us of his presence. LOL. Loved it. Can't wait for more.
 Reviewed By: Kyonarai [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2005 15:31 CST
i still love this story to death, and all your others too, I can't wait for the next chappy. I also wanted to say that i like your origional story, 'legend of the grimoire' (did I spell that right?) and 'the tower of light' those are great!
 Reviewed By: im a banana007  On: January 25, 2005 15:15 CST
yay! such a great chapter ... and Toga has one spicy temper lol ... Sierra may have to be careful and keep him on a leash sometimes lol ... ahhh how im loving teh angst =)
 Reviewed By: LadyOrion(notsignedin)  On: January 25, 2005 03:53 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
aaaagggggggggg I think I'm going to go as insane and Toga feels like doing. AAAARRRRGGGG....SMACKS them both for not talking it out TOTALY pant pant pant OK i'm better now. Great chapter and sigh I want more ...duh who wouldn't 'Orion
 Reviewed By: Vanvliet [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2005 00:13 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another excellent, entertaining chapter! I've been away a while, and it's taken me forever to catch up, but it's been a LOT of fun trying, LOL. You've got a great imagination, girl, and I missed you! ::sniff:: The days just haven't seemed complete without reading a little something from you! Your fics have become my 'comfort food'! ^_~ You are much appreciated - and it gives me chills every single time Toga reveals his crests, by the way, LOL! ::drool:: Thanks for the lovely chapter - you made my night!
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: January 24, 2005 23:04 CST
ugh... the sadness... I knew Kiara knew Toga was at the door, she's a smart puppy. Sierra still needs an intervention... He needs to talk - or someone needs to tell her. Alas - the book remains unread - **sigh**
 Title: Grrrrr.....
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 24, 2005 22:42 CST
These two people are breaking my heart. Sierra won't be with Toga unless she tests negitive because she doesn't want to drag him down with her if she developes the disease in the future...baka! Toga won't tell her that he belongs to her no matter what her desicion is and that he will die without her. Literally. So he doesn't want her to be weighed down with those consequences if she turns him away, giving her the illusion that "he will go on without her" and freeing her conscience...Ahou! I just want to bang their heads together for all the hurt they are causing to the other in their mistaken efforts to...not cause hurt. (Oh no...I've gone crosseyed!) ---- The little scene putting the fear of Toga into that scumbag Allan was just pure candy! *bares fangs* Toga's demenor was pure, vintage Sesshoumaru and I loved it! It's too bad that Sierra was so shocked by the depth of his protectivness, but even though she has a better understanding of just "who" Toga is, that must have really driven it home. Sure, Sess scared the bejesus out of her when he revealed himself, and she knew Toga was capable of inhuman feats, but this is the first time (the incident in the park dosen't count, it was beyond her comprehention at the time) that she has been exposed to the ferocity, the sheer savagery that Youkai possess that allowed them to survive in the brutal passing of time and history; when the only thing that meant anything was power. And Youkai have that in spades. ---- Great Chapter!
 Reviewed By: Lena`7  On: January 24, 2005 22:23 CST
Wobnderful wonderful chapie. Just to say!! I loveth it!! It's amazing...heh...*imagines Toga pulling an InuYasha and Sesshie throwing a hissie fit* heheheh....
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: January 23, 2005 21:09 CST
Poor Toga. So difficult. She didn't even spend any time tending HIS needs. Would that make them mates? If she helped him... um... relax...?
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 23, 2005 18:12 CST
Hmmm...lovely, lovely. You know I didn't feel so sorry for Toga posing for the photographs...nope, just wanted to be a fly on the wall. Ah well. Sad ending to the chapter, though. *sighs* No...mortals just don't understand forever, do they?
 Reviewed By: Lena17  On: January 23, 2005 13:16 CST
I like this one too!! Good job!! lol Much that I could say will not come to mind...I think I'm slowly going brain dead...but I suppose it's alright. :P
 Title: Burn and Crash...
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2005 22:37 CST
A glimpse of heaven...then reality hits with devastating anguish. Poor Sierra, she's just admitted to herself that Toga is the only one for her...why is it so hard for her to believe that he can feel the same way for her? Her fears are still monopolizing her thoughts, stealing her hopes for the future. *cries*
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: January 22, 2005 21:44 CST
maybe he needs Aunt Kagome to explain things to Sierra... he's chosen, she's it, end of the story for him. Hey - where's the book her birth mother made??
 Reviewed By: i ate too many donuts007  On: January 22, 2005 21:12 CST
awwww.... that was so beautiful yet sad .... ::tears up:: .... you are the queen of writing emotion .... oh where oh where do we go from here ... is the youkai thing Toga doesn't want to tell her is what happens to the other mate if a mate dies? .... can't wait for the next chapter ::hanging on in suspense::
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