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"Break Through" Reviews/Comments [ 147 ]
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 Reviewed By: leilachan nsi  On: November 28, 2006 15:07 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
glad you are still writing. i will read this fic to the end. i don't care how long it takes. you have kept me enrapt with this fic since i first found it. lovely stuff. please continue it. your characters have become almost real to me with all the depth of their emotions. you are so talented. hopefully mikka will not win. dammit, everyone deserves happiness. she would never really be happy with blackmail, right!? take care
 Reviewed By: Iname (You know which one this is)  On: November 17, 2006 19:26 EST
Yayayayayay! I should review even though I've read it. But anyway, it's really really great ^^ I'm so happy for you that your fans are still following, and considering how long you took to write, the number of reviews you received isn't bad! Please have the next chapter soon ^_^
 Title: chocho
Reviewed By: Chocho [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 16, 2006 08:14 EST
i was thinking about it and realized that knowing yuki, he would do anything for shuichi. so it is entirely percievable that he would indeed let her get away with her scheme, if for nothing more than to protect shuichi. but then again, knowing shuichi, there is no way in hell he would let eiri get away with it. not again. not ever. cant wait to see what happens.
 Title: chocho
Reviewed By: Chocho [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2006 13:03 EST
I used to feel somewhat sorry for Mikka, but she went a little too far there at the end. Some people just do not know when to give up. This just makes her seem desperate and kinda looney. If I were Eiri I'd dump her ass. I'd rather become a hasbeen and never be able to work in that town again and be with the person I love than blackmailed (which is very low and makes her seem even more of a jackass) into a marriage with someone I'd strangle the second she closed her eyes. Anyway, don't worry about taking too long. I know exactly what you mean. Can't wait for the next chapter!
 Title: original version
Reviewed By: Tenshi of Hikari [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2006 17:33 EST
I forgot to say.... I haven't forgotten the original version of this chapter that you mentioned in 'Blood partI' and I would VERY much love to read this again because I'm so in love with these characters and story-line along with the couples... but I'm not so sure I want to read the original version because I already know what has happened and I may get confused with having both the original and the final version but I also love reading the original stuff and comparing it to how things actually happened because I find it fun and interesting but I'm afraid I don't need to read the original version of this chapter till this registers in my head and more happens because I will get them confused so is there any way you could send it to me after a few more chapters or in a little while maybe a few weeks to a few months after this chapter? Of course you could go ahead and send it and I'll wait to read? I'd like to read it if it isn't too much trouble but I understand if you are too busy to send it. As I said, It's up to you to send it or not.. *face still blushy from pervious review* My email adress is anime_babe92@msn.com.. or yahoo... it's the same for both.... I would appreciate it greatly if you would kindly send it.. but I am perfectly content with this chapter in all it's greatness ^_^
 Title: 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Tenshi of Hikari [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2006 17:13 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I... worship you!!! OMG!!!!!!!! >.< It's sooo weird!! everytime I want to cry cuz there's no update on here and I have nothing else to read and I FINALLY start rereading this cuz I just want more of it... I never get that far because you update again ^__^ I luvs you SOOO much!!!!! *glomps and huggles tightly* *cries from happiness* ... I think this may be your longest chapter but I read it nearly the fastest!! I started to reread it yesterday then went to go stay with my friend for a sleepover and where my other two friends had been on the computer each of their turns, one made me get on the computer cuz I hadn't had it yet so the other two could hang instead of me with one while the other was on the compy so I thought I might as wellfind something to read and right as I sign on.. first thing I see "Break Through updated" I nearly cried... *angrish* I knew I never liked that Mikka!!!!!!!!! AWWW!!!!!!! I knew Yuki and Mika couldn't hate each other!! I can't wait till Yuki and Tatsu make up now!! They will, right?? OOOH!!! I'm your NUMBER 1 FAN!!!!!!!! RYUCHI!!!!!!! *gasps for breath from squealing and crying* AND don't worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even notice Yuki's OOC'ness till you pointed it out!! I was too involved reading and it fits SOO perfectly... ................................................. There's one thing though... You keep saying that for example 'Yuki hanged up the phone'... That doesn't make sense to me... Of course... Different places have different ways of speaking but 'hanged' gets on my nerves... Isn't it supposed to be 'hung'? I never payed much attention to it before since I was soo happy but I was talking to Mom then turned around and when I did, I saw that 'hanged'... Of course, I don't care as long as you update!! I love you and your wondeerful writing SOOOOO much!!!!!!! *glee* OH!! I'm SO happy you're still alive and writing!! Of course... your writing suddenly stopping would pale in comparison to your death... But you write SOO wonderfully!!! You...probably... think I'm retarded right now but I can't help it!!! I'm SHOOO happy!!!!!!!! I love you and can't wait till you update!!! Must.... Day... Dream.... It's okay that it took so long... At least it got here.... ^__^ and I sooo LOVE long chapters!! lol oh... and to the part where you wrote Blue wonders: After reading these long chapters of mine, does anyone make it to this part? (Scratches head) I do... I always read EVERY part of your chapters ^__^ and I still want more!! ................................................. Rest assured..... I promise I won't turn into some stalker reviewer, just in case you were wondering. ^__^;;; SORRY FOR THE SUPER LONG REVIEW!!!!!!!! It must have took up a lot of your time to read.. I'm sorry... I get excited and I just can't stop... Sometimes... I wonder if people even finish reading what I write when I'm just blabbing my mouth.... wow... I've got less than 900 character left to actually be at my limit of characters to use i my review... I think that's the most I've ever used....
 Reviewed By: fullmetalguitar (nli)  On: November 10, 2006 23:36 EST
*jaw drops* *screams* OMFG NO!!!! That little..... GRR!! She can NOT have that much power, it should be illegal >< !!!! Someone needs to tell her that her little crazy butt has no chance in hell of being with Eiri, forced or no!! *fumes silently* I was so happy I almost cried when I saw you updated ^__^ It's true, and because these chapters are so long I damn near swoon every time...
 Title: Constructive criticism, but nothing harsh
Reviewed By: Iname_01  On: October 27, 2006 15:30 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Style of writing: Very good. I don't think I've enjoyed anything such as this for a time now. Originality & Creativity: I must say this is VERY orginal and Unique. You've made the characters work together and build strong bonds. I never even thought it could be made possible that Hiro and Tohma could nor should be together. Spelling & Grammar: I found a whole bunch of mistakes. Misused words, confused words like where and we're and were. Also there and their. Grammar is acceptable. Enjoyment Factor: It was alright all and all since I noticed you tended to stray too far away from the main characters to focus on the other members. It IS acceptable that you do that, however, you suddenly would hit me with an angsty scene between the blonde and his angel and it's aggravating to switch to and fro. Overall Enjoyment: This is almost like a continuation from the last one, so I guess I should tell you- the first time you got them together was somewhere in chapter four five or three, then they had a fight. I appreciate that you love angst since I do also, however, it just seemed to drawl on and on and on. It's not a bad thing, but then again, that's why reviews are going down. The audience are using 'Reviews' as a for of punishment. Another thing added as negative were the wrong usage of words and spelling. Everyone makes mistakes, even the best one, however, you CANNOT afford those again because it makes the reader lose the feel that you managed to have maintained. I'd have to say I was very ready to chew you out when you decided not to have Shuichi and Yuki together until chapter twenty...six? I think...it was just FAR too long. Readers have patience but not for long. This is a constructive critcism and if you've anything to tell me will you email me at saije_kira01@hotmail.com I've decided to approach you because this fic is like none other. Your words are flowing, but you have bumps that shouldn't be there. Adopt one more beta, and I very much would want it to be me. It doesn't have to be particularly me, in fact adopt another if that's what pleases you, but I do know what I'm talking about when I say I can get the job done, why? Because I know what I'm looking for. I see talent and I've seized the opportunity to offer help, I hope truly that you will not disappoint me? This is your fanfiction, and I'm so very please that you've done so well. I hope you take what I have said in consideration. Thank you very much for the lovely fic and if you could update and not let down me and your other fans that would be amazing. Your writing is very much appreciated especially by me even though it may not sound like it. With my hopes of wishes I leave to thee, Iname
 Reviewed By: cinque  On: October 08, 2006 08:48 EDT
I want to read moore... pleaase. I love your story
 Reviewed By: tenshi of hikari -- not logged in  On: September 30, 2006 18:29 EDT
Hello? .... Are you OK? Haven't hear from ya in a while (when you said a week)... I just wanted to make sure nothing happened... >.< I must seem really stingy getting on here and re reviewing cuz ya haven't updated... I'M SORRY!!! I'm such a meanie. Well, we still support you and you just REALLy left us on a cliffy, that's all... PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!! but it has been a while and I miss your writing... I daydream on this fic everyday... It's one of my faves. Great job with the writing and all...
 Title: wonderful
Reviewed By: dharmaserenity8  On: August 25, 2006 22:55 EDT
the scenes between Yuki and Shuichi were not only sensual, sexy, hot but sensitive, sweet and adorable. Oh, I'm so happy they got together in this family and it felt like a peek behind the scenes. Fabulous.
 Reviewed By: shukoi3386  On: August 24, 2006 22:56 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love this fic! You're a great writer, even if you love torturing poor Shu-chan. At least he finally got Yuki back, and I hope Mikka doesn't ruin everything! And I hope Mika doesn't mess up things for Hiro! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Fadingstar  On: July 25, 2006 15:31 EDT
Wonderful, loved this chapter, can't wait wait to see what you have in store. mika that woman needs to like die...and soon :) Thanks for the update.
 Title: *dances more*
Reviewed By: fullmetalguitar (nli)  On: July 18, 2006 13:59 EDT
I loved this version, I mean, Yuki and Shu smut, how could I not, you know?? Once you post the second part I would like to see the other version, my e-mail is buddhaarmada@yahoo.com. Poor poor Suguru... but Ryu and Tats are meant to be, so I can't feel too much pity for the poor boy. *shrugs happily* Maybe there's another bishounen out there for him. If Hiro just up and leaves Tohma because of what Mika said, I will so go on a rampage, because really, Hiro isn't that kinda of guy. If he really loves Tohma, and we know he does, he would AT LEAST tell him about the situation and all that. Eiri and Shu need to talk, so that they can fuck happily with no unresolved issues, and ... *get smacked in the head with an idea* I hope Tohma gets wind of wht Mikka's planning and then has HER hit by a car that we all know Sakano's driving! *dances* perfect, bloody perfect. Anyways, I'm going to go reread by favorite chappy and then go about my day with a huge grin on my face! Much thanks and love to you, ~K-chan
 Reviewed By: leila-chan* not signed in  On: July 18, 2006 12:50 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this version seems fine to me. i enjoyed it immensely. all of the shu/yuki moments made it an awesome chap. *_* poor hiro. i am really disgusted with mika. i understand her pain, but have a little pride, eh. tohma is gonna be pissed. part 2 can't come soon enough!! thanks and take care.
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