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"Break Through" Reviews/Comments [ 147 ]
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 Reviewed By: Her - Not Logged In  On: February 20, 2006 02:41 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
also, i was thinking u should pair um, some1 else up 2,Suguru & well if i say i'll be flamed lol xD not but um, u dont really inclue this person much in the story, & there part of badluck like how Sakano is, thou tht's not the pairing o.O but if ya now who tth other person is, b/c he's not in there enough if ya ask me, lol i luv ur work yay!
 Reviewed By: Her (2)  On: February 20, 2006 02:31 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! THT WAS SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOOOOO AWSUM *big eyes* man! tht was AWSUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *SCREAMS LOUD* WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! lol ,s ry i just had 2 let tht out, u r honestly my favorite author out of evr great fan fic i've ever read! trully! *stands & points* rite here ppl this is my favorite author! im gonna do all tht crazy stuff 2 ya no, like follow u around & stalker ya, & talk picture of u eating ur lunch! xD lmao! just joking! lol ^^ (*ehm. not) xD not really i wont do tht *my friends: rightttttt me: shut up! >.
 Title: Story
Reviewed By: yami-shi-tenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2006 15:47 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story is awsome I like it ALOT! its the first ever Touma/hiro fic I have ever read and the couplings work out great. There should be more of un spoken coupling for example touma/hiro I hope for you to continue I like your story so much I find my self checking MM.Org for updates seeing as this isn't my most favorite site for fanfics. Hope to read your storys update!
 Reviewed By: Water Sprite [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2006 15:07 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I ABSOLUTELY LOOOOVE THIS FIC!!!! Seriously, I can't get enough of it, and it always makes my day when I find that you've updated!! Normally, I'm not one for angst, I dunno, I just think that fics really are more for random fluff than not... BUT THIS IS GOOOOD!!!! REALLY, REALLY, REALLY GOOD!! I shall continue to read and review when I can... please update soon and continue with this fic!!!!!!! YAYYYY!!!!
 Reviewed By: stve3  On: February 09, 2006 09:29 EST
Hi again (I sometimes review chapters on AFF). I hope you'll never have to feel unappreciated again :( I say -you're the author and you should write what you see fit which is wonderful to me,and even though i'm waiting for Y&Sh too, I think you're doing great and it's good writing to bring everything else to closure before the big finally :)
 Reviewed By: stve3  On: February 09, 2006 09:28 EST
Hi again (I sometimes review chapters on AFF). I hope you'll never have to feel unappreciated again :( I say -you're the author and you should write what you see fit which is wonderful to me,and even though i'm waiting for Y&Sh too, I think you're doing great and it's good writing to bring everything else to closure before the big finally :)
 Reviewed By: MelizaMac - Not Logged In  On: February 08, 2006 22:13 EST
Seems like the tension is growing among Bad Luck's members. Will success be enough to hold them together, or will UST drive them apart? I like how you built up the excitement of the album debut - I wonder who ended up on top at the end of the day? It doesn't looke like it's going to be Mikka, thank goodness. I dislike her more and more each chapter. I hope that's your intention! Yuki is acting like a child. "If I don't get Shuichi, I'll just do something to make him really regret it!" Yeah, and I'm sure you'll just be such a happy hubby, too. :) I don't know kiddo... I hate to say it, but I think Yuki's going to have to do some really serious soul searching and changing before Shuichi should even give him the time of day.
 Reviewed By: Fade_star  On: February 08, 2006 21:46 EST
Hey, another great chapter. Thanks for getting it out to us so quick. I can't wait for the next chapter, I'm a rabid Ryu and Tatsuha fan, so I can't wait to see what you have in store for them. And yeah Yuki's and asshole, and you do a great job protraying that. Yeah he will make himself suffer, and Shu suffer. I just hope that in the end, Shu stands up for himself, just like he did in Minna Minna Minna. Yuki doesn't have enough people talk back to him and it was great that Shu finally did. Will the tension between Hiro and Shu ever be resolved? It's like they're not quite right yet. And what about Suguru how will he handle Ryu and Tatsuha becoming a couple. I will pull my hair out waiting for the next chapter. Keep writing! :)
 Title: aleiah
Reviewed By: Aleiah [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2006 14:21 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have just finished reading all of the chapters that you have up so far and this has got to be one of the best Gravi fics that I've read in a very long time. I love the fact that you have such long and suspenseful chapters. You've already stated that this is a Yuki x Shu fic so I am not at all in a rush for them to get together. The drama that you have building up in each and every chapter just makes me want to read more. I don't care if you have five or ten more chapters before Yuki and Shu find a resolution. Though I do believe that Yuki will be feeling some serious guilt by the end of this fic (because of the way he treated Shuichi). Also I hope that Yuki realizes that Mikka is trying to have a baby with him now. She's very conniving and her actions are so realistically written (great job!). I feel sorry for her, but oh well...Once again I would like to say that I am truly enjoying your story and I hope to read more of this in the future. -Aleiah
 Reviewed By: DKB  On: February 08, 2006 12:24 EST
I am so sorry, I have contributed to the pile of reviews that say 'When are Shy and Yuki getting back togeather?' I AM SO SO SORRY! I love your work and it is one of my top three favorite fanfictions EVER and not just favorite fanfictions in Gravi. I love your work and I know that you are really working hard to do all of this for us and satisfy your readers. I am so sorry that I took you for granted. But in contrast to that I have to say that so many long chapters are really waring me down and I do kinda want it to hurry up. But then again I say that to a lot of people. Heh heh. Yeah, but I love your work and what you are doing. ~DemonicKareBear
 Reviewed By: just breath  On: February 08, 2006 05:19 EST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
I luv ur story and u should just take ur time , cause u keep me on the edge of my seat wondering what the band is gonna do next, its like a thrill ride of antisapation. Do ur thing and don't worry about some of these nut cases out there who vote a 10 on stuff that talks about how mary iz walk'n her lamb to school and some dumb ish like that and not even trying to correct there grammer. So I give u two thumbs up for doing ur best and don't stress urself out. Just keep it realz
 Reviewed By: the REAL glasses freak & bloody_black_valentine ( MM just deleted me tht's all ^^ )  On: February 01, 2006 23:24 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG I THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST-EST FICS I'VE EVER READ YEAH! but aww damn, it's so sad 2 *wahhh!* lol ^^ya no it real u should keep the pairing clearerer(lol, tht's not a word) email me plz sum time @ lucky_13ie@hotmail.com b/c i can't fit all i want 2 say one 1 comment i bet, ur my awsum writer & i really hope u dont quit writing this fic, will, i mean untill u finish it tht is! again it's lucky_13ie@hotmail.com & any other ppl who want an awsum-issssssss friend u can hit me ^ 2, just don't hurt me o.O lol ^^
 Reviewed By: relientk_fan13  On: January 15, 2006 04:14 EST
god damn it, im getting pissed off @ how o prolong it thiss way, please make happen bewteen YxS soon! & watsw/ SxRxTxS thing oing on O.o ihis is getting veyr annoying, i mean ur story's good but im go insane, and when said "married" i slamed the key board, ^^. oh, wait, thts not good lol i hope u update soon again, and will u make sumthing finally really happy with SuxYu
 Reviewed By: Anime_Catt  On: January 14, 2006 03:40 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm so glad that you updated. You did a wonderful job, and personally, I love the sap and angst. But hopefully the next chapter will have a happy get together? I'll check everyday for the next chapter (I'm not kidding). Keep writing!
 Title: omg I just read this all in one sitting
Reviewed By: fullmetalguitar (when I'm logged in)  On: January 13, 2006 21:46 EST
I am so in love with this fic, I am in utter awe of your abilities. This is really a one in thousand fic., I mean.. wow. I am almost totally incoherent I loved it so much. Needless to say, I'll be dying for an update ^_~ Oh, and one more thing. If Yuki doesn't realize that Shu-kun was NOT sleeping around, then SOMEONE needs to slap him REALLY hard for me. ^_^
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