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"Journey to Heaven" Reviews/Comments [ 373 ]
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 Title: none
Reviewed By: Draza (very lazy person)  On: June 05, 2005 11:09 CDT
Hey! I haven't reviewed in awhile *bows head* sorry!! my bad! my bad!you know what? I think you should use the "Fall from grace" title. Don't ask why...i just like it is all! *grins* How's Karate going? I'm trying to sign up in my neihbohood, can't find out which day it's on though. grrr.... anyhoo! Is the plan of Aria and Seto, umm....getting together...still going to happen? I was just wondering cause you havn't inclined to that in awhile...i think...? And my compliments to the on-the-side job of Glenn...*giggles* wonder what Yugi's first words were when he found out? *snickers* And as for Eric's fate *chants "please let him be dead"* *hums to Open Road* sorry! going off track here! ^.^ course...this track is done...so yeah...
 Reviewed By: Broken Time *Kills computer for not lettign her sign in*  On: June 05, 2005 11:09 CDT
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeric.. that's his name.. I knew that >.>... Oh Em Gee, there's gonna be a sequel? Holy poo on a stick! I could never make a story that could live this long (I get writers block waaaaaaay too fast) Awwww, Hayden.. Will he ever get better??
 Reviewed By: Broken Time *Logs in*  On: June 02, 2005 17:42 CDT
OMGOMGOMGOMG Holy poo on a stiiiiiiiick! Is that Keith!??! Or.. *Thinks* Uhm... >.> That guy, I can't remember his name, but he was the cop's son, or something! (Bad memory U_U)
 Reviewed By: Crazy-kins [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 02, 2005 11:41 CDT
Another cliffhanger!! Well, they're what keeps the readers coming back for more, right? I thought it was cool that I recognized the song/prayer (or at least prayer to me) with the 14 angels. I barely recognized it since I speak it in German. But now I see it is in fact the same prayer! ^_^ The fight between the Ishtars was a suprise, but a pretty good one at that! Sooner or later, no matter what things fall apart (hopefully not permanently). Who is the pervert in the alleyway?!?!?!
 Reviewed By: anubiset (too lazy to log in)  On: June 01, 2005 15:39 CDT
*hissing at you* How dare you do the evil cliff hanger of doom? Anyway, loved what happened. I mean the two yami`s fighting was not expected, but I guess it would have to happen some day. Atne is growing up.
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light (too tired to log in)  On: June 01, 2005 14:33 CDT
ouch. clash of yami ishtars *winces* and roobie eee! sorry would write more but i am dead tired. great chapter as always, laterz.
 Reviewed By: KuraMagicianGirl (not logged in)  On: May 30, 2005 02:46 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aww, fluffy lemon! Yummy! ^_^ lol. So happy for Robbie and Aten, they deserve it. Heh that stunt Aten pulled at the cafe was awesome, and so like an Ishtar. lol. Poor Jou, Seto, and Hayden though, wish Hayden would get better. Awesome chapters. Glad that Yami got his ass kicked for a bit, wish there could be more, too bad Yugi's still linked to him. And for the tape, it didn't break did it? Hope not, cuz there's evidence there. Can't wait for the next ch. See ya. ^_~
 Reviewed By: anubiset(too lazy to log in)  On: May 28, 2005 10:27 CDT
Very nice lemon. I hope that Yami gets played with before he gets what is coming to him.
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light (too tired to log in)  On: May 27, 2005 18:22 CDT
aah that was lemony sweet ^^ poor hayden... wish i knew what to do to help him out. it's like, well, like he has his own yami but it killed his aibou and took full control. but then again i cannot even begin to imagine what's going on in his head. life is tough, there's no excusing that.
 Reviewed By: Crazy-kins [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 27, 2005 11:20 CDT
Wow is all I can say. I feel so bad for Joey and Seto- Hayden used to be such a sweet little kid. ..But I'm so glad Aten and Robbie married!! And yet again, I'm sorry for making my comments so sparse! >_< Unconsiderate me. Don't worry, you're still on my author alert.
 Reviewed By: anubiset(too lazy to log in)  On: May 24, 2005 06:34 CDT
Gotta feel bad for Yugi. Yami deserved that and more. I can`t wait for them to fix things and destroy the pharoah.
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light (too tired to log in)  On: May 23, 2005 20:27 CDT
hot damn! yami got his ass kicked but i still wish it had been more. so the necklace will work? *heaves a sigh of relief* oh thank thank you thankyou, merciful isis!!! but marik and bakura have a point, yami isn't a pharaoh he isn't even human. and sorry but to call him a monster would be insulting duel mosnters everywhere. he is... nothing. he has always been nothing he will always be nothing. the videotape, if i were them i would put it in a safe and find a TRUSTWORTHY officer to prove malik is innocent as well as fire that shit head barnes. well actually i rather do so much more but anyway, nice chapter! kinda short but filled with such angst. about yugi, ouch. is there anyway they can sever the link wiht yami? and glenn, he is a sweetheart and realls loves the little guy. many joyous wishes to them both.
 Reviewed By: Kura Magician Girl (not logged in)  On: May 22, 2005 01:16 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aww, Marik misses Aten, I would too if I were him. *huggles Marik* lol. Loved the ch. I gtg though or I'd have a longer review. See ya. ^_~
 Title: hmm
Reviewed By: Draza (too lazy to log in)  On: May 19, 2005 15:00 CDT
aww... poor marik! *huggles* i have a small question to ask: Why haven't Robbie or Aten done anything with the tape yet? What were they waiting for? *crosses fingers for good luck for Aria and her Baby*
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye (nli)  On: May 19, 2005 10:46 CDT
*hugs* first of all, I'm sorry I haven't been reviewing lately. I've just been through a personally rough spot, and my life as I thought I knew it flew out from under my feet. I'm just picking myself up. Now.. this story.. I have loved every chapter I've read. It keeps getting better and better. The weddings were awesome. *huggles Marik* man..I'm not looking forward to my chibi growing up and leaving either.. and I hope Maliks idea works!! *huggles Aria and Umi* they need it too...
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