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"Journey to Heaven" Reviews/Comments [ 373 ]
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 Title: presents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Draza [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 08, 2005 14:59 CDT
ok..wedding presents!!! For Aten and Robbie i got a set of brand spankin' new paints (about 150 colors) non-toxic so Aten doesn't get choked by the fumes that some paints have. For Robbie...the answers to that german cross-word puzzle! lol, no not really, i got him, or made him, a photo album of him and Aten over the years (don't ask where i got the pictures though, or else i'll have to kill you). Now for Aria i got her a lifetime membership to M&M meat shop where they have some of the best meat in the world (she gets 50% off) and for Umi....umm...how bout a two year membership to Bass Pro Shop (baits...ect...) since he loves the ocean so much, he should have the best fishing gear. phew....hope thy like the gifts!!!
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: May 07, 2005 18:33 CDT
That was so swet! THe whole end part, I loved it like no other! A showdown of everyone, older and wiser and happy with their partner. :) WHOOT! Okay let's see wedding gifts, I think for Aten I want to give him a little purple monkey pin to put on, and I think for Aria a set of golden earrings. Hopefully her ears are pierced lol. I dont ahve anything for Robbie and Umi, but I love them anyway! It's so sad for Hayden, how I wish he could get better adn that he wouldnt have to play a huge evil part in the next story, (but hopefully, he wont) la la la anywho, this chappie was very much loved by yours trully XD
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light (too tired to log in)  On: May 07, 2005 13:36 CDT
aaw that was jsut so romantic!! and quick thinking on both robbie and aten's part. i was so scared for a minute! and seto, my god he is too generous!! this is sweet :) gifts huh? ^^ well, if aria doesn't have a wedding dress picked out i had one for her *white silk gown with a snug bodice, flowing dress that drops off hte shoudlers. it's trimmed in roses with elbow length gloves, and sheer gauze viel with smaller roses* (sorry can't find a link or book to scan and show u) i've always wanted a wedding dress or even a prom dress like that. for aten, enough paints, burshes, and cavases to keep him painting for all time! not much but it's hte thought that counts ^^ as always i love your story!! and robbie! please don't lose that tape or tape over hte confrentation. oh yeah, um for Hayden *offers a large semi-truck where small cars can be stores* my cousin has one and he likes it. get better son, sweetie.
 Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 05, 2005 09:04 CDT
For Aria and Umi I give a week of blissful happiness at the local spa. For Aten and Robbie, I give a night to themselves at the local hotel with all expenses paid. Also, for Aku aka Yami Aten and Robbie, a bottle of lube and a night without memories. For Aten a night of not remembering his past. I think those are worth more than the rest. You can have this done however you wish, but a god or something could gift these to them for their loyalty and love. I know it would be hard, but you never know with all the gods out there roaming around. One of them must bless this wedding. Especially Aten and Robbie.
 Reviewed By: Broken Time( SO not logged in again)  On: May 04, 2005 21:34 CDT
Holy Poop on a stick! Aten's Bachy party!? *Gives Aten a track of Mozart's Biggest hits* I liked the Requiem for the dead.. it's so pretty ^_^ *Hands Robbie Rammstein CD* Uhm... I think this might even scare the little guy... but it's the best German Music I've listened to~ *Give Aria a lifetime supply of M&Ms* No explaination needed ^_____^; *Hands Umi her pet fish 'Ducky* Take good care of him~~
 Title: whee!!
Reviewed By: Shadow of Light (too tired to log in)  On: May 04, 2005 10:12 CDT
oh that was great ^^ the flashback was sweet. who would've guessed that bakura would be a good dad? ooh i love gifts!! um well i have one gift for hte siblings but hte others, well i'm so broke so all i can afford is best wishes and good fortunes on not only their marriage but houses and future generations. i hope it's enough ^^
 Title: ... I'M LOGGED IN ^____^~
Reviewed By: Broken Time [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 01, 2005 21:12 CDT
*Glomps Malik Plushie* Yay, Malik~ Robbie/Aten Fluff ^_^ Horrah! *Pats the heads of the many rabid Robbie/Aten fangirls* YOu have satisfied them well~
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light (too tired to log in)  On: May 01, 2005 16:09 CDT
what can i say? this is good, the lemon was incredible, and what's gonna happen next ^^
 Reviewed By: Broken Time (... Logged In?)  On: April 27, 2005 21:26 CDT
Ahhh! *Grabs mallet and Whacks Yami* You evil, evil man! *Whack* You're so cruel! *Whackwhack* WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIIIIIIIE >___< *Grabs Golden Mallet and WHACKS Yami On the jaw* Whew.. Such a work out... Malik's gonna be okay? Hoorah!!
 Title: whew!
Reviewed By: Shadow of Light (too tired to log in)  On: April 27, 2005 12:13 CDT
i was worried but thank god for weapons. maxine and malik made it out alive as did isis, yami get his ass kicked, and hte museum was burned down. 2 outta 3 ain't so bad. nice touch adding some of hte marik flirty nature it lighten hte mood. i was wondering though, when u get hte chance could u possibly e-mail me wha hte weapons look like? i'm almsot done with the draing for u. gotta go later!!
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye @_@  On: April 27, 2005 10:06 CDT
Oh wow! That was a great chappie! And the items, safe. That's good. Yami.. nailed by the Trident! GO KURA!!!! Wow! I can't wait for the update though!!!!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2005 22:21 CDT
NOOOOOOO! They can't die, the story isnt over yet! I superly hope that bakura can save the day *prays* eep! Yami is so mean, now they can't look in the museum, curses! Why couldnt Yami be stuck in the fire.... *grumbles* lol
 Reviewed By: Broken Time (...Okay.. maybe I won't log in)  On: April 24, 2005 19:52 CDT
 Reviewed By: anubiset (too lazy to log in)  On: April 24, 2005 13:28 CDT
Malik! Maxie! No, don`t do it. Asher: Pretty fire. *hits head on table* Yes, asher, pretty fire. bye.
 Reviewed By: KuraMagicianGirl (not logged in)  On: April 24, 2005 02:05 CDT
Noooooo, Malik, Maxine! Bakura has to save them, Damn Yami! He must die, he must burn, he must get tortured!!! DIE BURN TORTURE!!! ^_^;;; heh heh heh, can't wait for more. See ya. ^_~
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