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"Purity 4: Justification" Reviews/Comments [ 2208 ]
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 Title: Chapter 15
Reviewed By: DawnFire881  On: June 03, 2005 19:10 EDT
::happy sigh:: From the title alone I could tell that this chapter was going to make me smile (and I definitely needed that today!). I could tell that it was going to be so sweet! I think this is my favorite chapter so far, though it's close because they're all so amazing. I can't even really describe why it is my favorite chapter. It just gave me such a warm fuzzy feeling and brought the biggest smile to my face. I liked the flashbacks that Cain had of Isabelle. They were kind of sad, but it was neat to get a little more background on her to see what she was like. I like how similar she and Belle are, like how they both liked the rain and the little look Belle gave earlier. I absolutely love that he made her wings. They seem so beautiful and magical. I don't know, it just seems like it's another little step forward in Cain and Gin's relationship. Heh, I love when he gave her those wings...without a shirt! lol, and she touched his stripes...that's too great! The whole thing was just so cute and wonderful. And I absolutely love seeing Cain so flustered, he's just so cute! You just have such an amazing way of making your characterse come to life, of making them so endearing and real. It's so neat to read a story like that =) Thank you for writing another beautiful chapter!
 Reviewed By: Odoriko-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2005 17:52 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Okay, quick question....How do you pronounce Bellaniece? For some reason I just can't get it. When I try, it doesn't sound right....but then again it may just be me. ^-^ Another great chapter. I love it!
 Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2005 17:26 EDT
Aww....how sweet...she finally got her wings, but she'll still make cakes for him right?
 Reviewed By: Darksquire [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2005 16:58 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow... that was an adorable chapter! I just adore Cain. He is very funny, he just needs to get his act together and go ahead and confess his love to Gin though. And Kich is really starting to annoy me too, because he is so mean to Belle. But then again if he wasn't then there wouldn't be much of a story! Still, that doesn't mean I'm not going crazy! Yay!
 Reviewed By: scorpia86  On: June 03, 2005 15:31 EDT
That was very cute and sweet, I love this story, I'm thinking Gin and everyone has to go home because its the new moon and they are all going to turn human...I'm i right or just babbling.I hope i'm not babbling, but major applause for another great chapter
 Reviewed By: trinigirl524 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2005 15:31 EDT
awww thats so sweet of cain...but he didnt no he was making wings?? so its was like a self-conscious thing...but it kinda shows that he's allowing feelings for gin to grow haha which is good! but y did he want to destroy the wings????
 Reviewed By: futekioosha [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2005 14:09 EDT
If you could see the cheesy grin on my face right now, you'd know how happy it makes me to read about your characters. This chapter was just too cute. I loved the part where Gin touched Cains markings *shudder, drool*! I hope that all is well with you. Thank you for continuing to provide such awesome entertainment through your your gift of writing. I love Cain, Gin, Kich and Belle! Belle is going to be in troubles!!!!! I can't wait to see what Kich does or says when he finds out that she went on a date. ~frankie~
 Reviewed By: Zirra Nova [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2005 13:53 EDT
this is the best chapter so far. i can just picture the wings. awsome chapter sue, and i mean awsome. everything was perfect in this chapter, the wings, belle tricking her father, and gin's bold move to touch cain's markings, and the wings did i mention the wings, just fantastic, update asap please(i sorta want to see gin beat the crap out of ryo*big smile*)till then, Zirra
 Reviewed By: HIkaru1617(not signed in)  On: June 03, 2005 13:35 EDT
Hey! Wow, that really puts a thrown hanger into that mix, doesn't it? Gin is so sweet! lol Hard to beleive that you made her so innocent...but then again, with a family like her's, who can blame her for being that way? lol Oh! I tried to get to your site to see the illustrations, but I can't find it. Oo; My browser or what not isn't letting me into the site for some reason...
 Reviewed By: WhisperingWolf [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 03, 2005 12:36 EDT
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Darling I don't what to say, actually yes I do. You are the Mona Lisa and the Starry Night of authors. Seriously - screw the flamers they don't don't have a clue as to what they're talking about. I can't wait to see the progression of Cain and Gin, I'm really liking everything you've done with the entire Purity family. Question though, Inuyasha's reaction was bad enough, what happens when her loveable twin brothers find out about Cain, or at least her interest in him?
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: June 03, 2005 11:31 EDT
Aw. That chapter was really, really sweet. I loved it! Thank you! Now I'm going to read it again.
 Reviewed By: kamackie(nsi)  On: June 03, 2005 01:14 EDT
Yay more Sue chapters for me to catch up on. Feel the angst...its sooooo great. Ooooh....I have a feeling that Gin might not be able to keep her mouth shut to Kich about how he treated Belle. I am excited for more chapters!
 Reviewed By: badgerwolf  On: June 02, 2005 23:24 EDT
Oh, I really love it when you update so rapidly. This fic is really fascinating - it's the first time I've seen quite so many OC's taking front roles, and they're all so finely developed - and still developing. I'm curious, will we ever meet the girl that Belle is working to get treatment for? I can't wait to see what happens if Belle DOES ignore Kich...he's wayyy to focused on her to shrug it off. Oh, as a side note, i just read your desiratum prologue on your other site. I hope you do continue it - someday - because while I love all the purity continuations(A LOT), you began for me as an inuyasha/kagome storyteller, and I sometimes miss seeing them in the central roles. So kudos for that as well. I look forward to the next installment...and what's going to happen when kich gets the silent treatment...
 Reviewed By: Cynbad146  On: June 02, 2005 21:58 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Speaking of being spoiled! Three chapters! I quess we should not expect such special treatment all of the time! I really liked all three chapters. For a moment there, I thought the rude lady was not going to be human (insert more possible angst.) Also, the silk shirt was a nice touch with lots of potential for future . . . plot, etc. I definitely enjoy the Cain/Gin developments; hope it does not turn into a THE KING AND I plot with a sad death ending. Belle has gotten much more interesting, in this last chapter, with her well intentioned meddling (such a GIRL!) Kichiro is well written, but Ryo is a hard act to follow (I was so taken with the Ryo character - probably because of similarities with InuYasha). I think this will be the hardest part for me (and a lot of others) - trying to quit comparing the twins. Some loss of his control would be a nice change. Oh well, bet your next chapter that I will be checking in. Last thought, my favorite parts are always the love scenes and the humor scenes that you, particularly, write. I shut up now. Thank You, Cynbad146
 Reviewed By: chichiwvu (nsi)  On: June 02, 2005 19:39 EDT
Aww, Sue!! What a suprise with a two chapter update. Two wonderful chapters at that:) I just love the instant conflict created by the youkai. Can't have drama without conflict, and we all know I LOVE drama!! (haha.. must be why i love the kich/belle pairing so much ^_^)
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