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"operation sex" Reviews/Comments [ 264 ]
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 Title: I Wonder Why We Have to Come Up with Titles....
Reviewed By: Chaosti [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 03, 2004 07:55 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*A maniacly insane person runs around in circles* PUPS!!! Must see pups!!! Pups good!!! Whoooosh I'm a bird!!! Must... have... more coffee... ~2 hours later~ Hello, I am Chaosti aka Bre and you have now entered the eye of the storm that is Bre hyped up on coffee at 5:12 in the morning. Okay I'm happy now... okay I'm not *sobs* There's no more of your fic too read, WAAAAAH! Dude, your fic rocks! I love it! It's like a world of hanyous that pop up everywhere. They should so make a theme park for that they could call it HANYOU WORLD, population hanyous... and some demons... and humans, but what the fuck there'd still be alotta hanyous. Okay I'm gonna ask you something.... are you ready.... sure.... really really sure? Okay can I please please PLEASE be Sakura the daughter of Kagome and Inuyasha ohpleaseohpleaseohplease. I know what your thinking why in the name of the seven hells should I give this crazy bitch the part when this is her first review? Well too be honest I only found this site a little while ago, and I've just started readin the fics, and I promise you that if you put me as Sakura I will review everytime you do a new chapter, I will swear on the almighty beef jerky... I wish I had some jerky..... jerky good... ~4 hours later~ Huh, where am I what was I saying, and how come there are empty beef jerky bags and cow carcasses in my room? How come theres a sticky note on my forehead? Sticky Note/ Finish writting a review for the fic with thingies and stuff. Bre again/ Okie dokie so fuzzy green chaniel pillow shall we procrastinate (hehehe big word) The Fuzzy Green One/ *british accent* Most deffinatly, we should invite your cool yet violent demon side too a tea party. Demon Side/ What the hell do you want? That better not be tea I smell. Bre/ Well duuuuh, of course not it's ice tea. ~1 hour later~ Bre/ Bye Demon Side, I'll be over too torture Kikyo with you as soon as I finish my review. Demon Side/ Okay, thanks for the ice tea. Bre/ So where was I oh yes I would really love too be Sakura if by some miracle you let me be her just write it in an author's note next chapter and I'll send you an idea for her personality and looks, but unfortunatly now I must stop since I'm entering the crash mode of my caffine high at 5:40 in the morning. Bwahahaha I bet your wondering how I did 7 hours of stuff in 28 minutes, well I'll tell you..... I AM THE MASTER OF TIME!!!! Mwahahahaha fear my awsome power that almost never works especially in the morning when I have too go too school, school is the spawn of satan and some day I shall defeat it along with it's brothers homework and the smell of sulfer dioxide. YOU'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME, okay you actually will, *sigh* Damn internal sleep clock.... must... stay awake.. must... stay... awa*snore* The Fuzzy Green One/ *british accent slightly muffled cause Bre's sleeping on him* Bre's review is now over. She will currently sleep till 3 in the afternoon and then cry hysterically if there's no new chapter. I apologize for her lengthy and off the point review and have been told too tell you that she hopes you e-mail her because you seem too be alot like Bre, except better at writting fics and that she's not a stalker and that she can't wait for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Simply a Lady...not really wanting to log in  On: December 27, 2003 01:47 CST
I really like this story. It has made me laugh and cry and helped me out to finish writing mine for which I do commend you. I admit I am the world's worst procrastinator but reading stories like yours is an inspiration. Anyway I think Celeste for some reason. Celeste reminds me of the moon and stars whenever I see that name and the way you have her portrayed in the end. I think that might be perfect so I pick Celeste.
 Title: PLEASE write more!
Reviewed By: Vellakitty [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 26, 2003 22:47 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
MAN you got somethen here! I'll tell you right now you can write! I mean you got talent here! So if you wouldn't mind, I don't mean to sounld rude or anything, WRITE MORE DANG IT!!!!!!!!!! Please?!? * this said in a sweet voice* Thank you for in the near, I hope, fuiture.
 Reviewed By: Simply a Lady [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2003 00:07 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
That was funny and good I liked it I can't wait to read more.....
 Reviewed By: Sammy -.-zzz  On: December 24, 2003 11:31 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You sure fixed Sesshomaru's problem. That was quick!
 Reviewed By: shirahime  On: December 24, 2003 08:56 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I started reading your fanfic a few weeks ago...and then i moved and had no internet connection for a little bit until it was set up here! i think the best praise i can give you is to let you know that the first thing i did when i had my connection back up was to immediately start reading from where i left off on your story! *runs away hoping you don't berate me like rin does for not reviewing sooner* so this is an overall review of the whole story. i have thoroughly enjoyed it thus far...i love your plot twists!! they are very unique and add a lot of fun. curious about all the different children entering the story - are they all going to gang up together and do something funny to the adults perhaps?? and did i miss a chapter w/how sango and miroku got together? cos i think that would have been a pretty funny scene. i had a bit of a hard time seeing sesshy being pretty nice from the get-go, cos of its OOCness, but since he is still attempting to put up a front of cool calm and collected i think it works..besides rin is an oddity still to me too from the original (it's prolly just me). A comment to Hououza in case they read up on other reviews - when imagining this world where women had their pregnancies as long as their orgasms..it would be so messed up...think of the poor guy that has his woman w/a 30 second orgasm...*women in UNISON (hehehe) stare daggers at him for his poor performance!* and they WOULD all know about it! AND the catch 22 of the century for women...do they want a short pregnancy or the time of their lives..ah life would get so weird.. anyway. i tend to be verbose but not as verbose as some of your other reviewers..that's something i won't even try LOL. cos i would fail. to wrap up...many thanks for this great story you having been working on and the speed of your updates..and to all others out there POST A REVIEW I NEED MY FIX BEFORE INUYASHA LOVES ME GOES ON BREAK PUHLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! ok i have to go now and make some jello shots for tonite's party...again THANK YOU FOR THE STORY!!
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: December 22, 2003 18:05 CST
Nooooooo! Not another long one! Please! Too tired! Sorry, had so much going on at work I get no rest the last few weeks so I'm tired all the time atm. Seriously enjoyed the chapter, loved the little interactions between them all. Nice how Inuyasha is maturing into a responsible parent and Sessi is finally learning to accept his brother and let go of all his hatred and resentment. Surprised somewhat byteh introduction of the female fox but of course Shippo needed someone...didn't he? Rin now moving into a daughter role and Sessi once agin showing another side to himself as he seems to be starting to accept what fate has dealt him. Still wouldn't exactly describe him as gentle, after all there is still much darkness in his soul yet I think he is getting closer as time passses. Even more since his sister is there. In fact that brings me to ask will she and her daughter also find mates or will they remain the only ones unaffected? Sorry this isn't quite as long as it could be but it is growing late and as I said before my mind is not quite as sharp as it should be. Enjoy your holidays! Merry christmas and a happy new year! Hououza Ps. Lapis, that is my suggestion for her name.
 Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 21, 2003 12:48 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great chappy luv this story and can't wait till u up-date again^_^
 Reviewed By: nevets309  On: December 21, 2003 01:10 CST
Interesting adding a sister for Inuyasha. It is very orignel. I have never read any where he has a a long lost sister. Cant wait to read what you write next! Ja Na Nevets309
 Reviewed By: nevets309  On: December 21, 2003 01:05 CST
Style of Writing: 6 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 3 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Great story! Origanl! I enjoyed it greatly! Though you could use inprovement on your grammer, spelling and seperating the thoughts, speaking, thinking, and the thing that are happening but all in all a good fic. Ja Na Nevets309
 Reviewed By: Sammy -.-zzz  On: December 19, 2003 10:31 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is really good. I like the whole sister thing. Really suprising! REALLY!!! Good story, keep going.
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: December 17, 2003 17:36 CST
Thank you so much! Not only did you use me in the chapter but you managed to work it in in such a way that the meaning of the name is approriate! Incredible! Really funny chapter, enjoyed all the characters reactions as Anmye introduces herself and proceeds to embarres Sesshi! ^_^ Kagome waking up Inuyasha with the remark about ramen almost made me fall of my chair! Once again you managed to give a real depth of feeling and insight into the bonds between the characters, the interactions between Sesshi an Anmye and the effect her presence was having on Sesshi and Inuyasha's relationship. Really enjoying the story so far, thank you so much for the early update not to mention my inclusion! Sorry I can't write more at the moment but I seem to be tired recently, almost nodding off at my desk. I have some time off at christmas so I promise my next review will be alot longer. Keep up the most excellent work! Good luck, best wishes, merry christmas and a happy new year! Hououza
 Reviewed By: Inuyashu [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2003 22:13 CST
YAY! Now I have a new name for Sesshomaru to totrure my Sesshi-obssesed friend with! ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY FLUFF-BUTT!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL ROTFL LMFAO!!!!!!!!!
 Title: you do what you do best!!!!
Reviewed By: MissNikki  On: December 15, 2003 19:16 CST
I would like a character named after me...but do you think the name MissNikki would fit in Fuedal Japan??? -_^ You decide as long as your not killing me off...And enjoyed this chapter a lot!!! Oh yeah BTW this is not going to be a long chapter...NOW ON WITH THE CREATIVE CRITISM you do have spelling and grammar errors in the story...they're not big because i had to take a pencil and paper to write them down to remember them...1-one female is a woman, women is plural. 2-this may just be me but i normally spell Sesshomaru's nickname Sesshy...so i wouldn't consider this a mistake. 3-i think you meant shock not shook...shook is the past tense of shake. 4-their not there, their shows ownership and i think that's what you wanted. As for the rest don't worry about them i couldn't remember them to type them so they weren't important. That unexpected twist was amazingly good...or should i say surprisingly good...i don't normally like costum characters but i like this one...Inu is not going to end up with her...so she's ok in my book...Oh here's a question the little girl that Inu is refering to who spanked him is Rin right...because i was thinking it would be nice if it was a farwawy memory of being beat by his older sister...and why doesn't he know her but she knows him??...I ask really good questions don't i...well anyway i have homework to do...and i think i asked all my questions..by the way it's really nice of you to offer any one a role in your story if they write a long review...which makes me think about you writing 'write' instead of right...and you love us or else you wouldn't have attempted to make this a long chapters just for us!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: December 15, 2003 10:46 CST
Ok, let me appolgise now as this one isn't going to be very long, a bit short on time this time. I promise to make the next one longer again ^_^ Nice chapter, certainly an unexpected twist here adding a sister! Enjoyed the chapter, certainly is becoming a more and more interesting story. Have to say i liked the way you had Inuyahsa start to look on Miroku as his brother, I though that was a nice touch! I wonder how Sessi will react to that idea?! really enjoyed that one, honoured to be offered even a small part in your story. If it would not be too much trouble then naming one of the pups using mine would be a great honour...sorry, using honour too much aren't I... Seriously it would be very nice, I would say thought that just to tell you it roughly translates to pheonix. Probably better for a male child (like me!) Until next time, good luck & best wishes, Hououza
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