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"operation sex" Reviews/Comments [ 264 ]
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 Reviewed By: angel0fs0rr0w666 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2004 00:32 CST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
ehh... INTERESTING, but keep goin neways... nice
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: January 20, 2004 18:09 CST
Congratulations! Good luck and wish the both of you the best of times! Nice chapter, very interesting parts regarding the pups and Kagome's family. Even more shcoking when Inu owns a castle! Sorry it's short this time, problems elsewhere so not much time. Good luck & best wishes (to the both of you!) Hououza
 Reviewed By: zuppy70 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2004 20:04 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really like your story! are u sure your real name is Kagome-chan? Because that would mean that u are Japanese rite? well to tell you the truth, i'm really japanese,only half though! My mom imagrated here about 20 years ago! So i can speak japanese, i went to a Japanese school in america for a while! By the way my japanese is perfect cuz my mom spoke it to me when i was young! I learned it before i learned english! well anyways please update soon!!! ^_^
 Title: Kitties Are Fluffy....
Reviewed By: Chaosti aka Bre aka Sakura  On: January 17, 2004 23:01 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*Bre doing shappy dance too hamster dance song* Me a hanyou, me a hanyou, me a HAAAAAAANYOOOOOOU! *twitches ears, and does the cabbage patch* Twitchy twitchy twitchy, twitchytwitchytwitchy!*runs around in circles on walls of room* WEEEEEEEEE! SHIT I"M GONNA HIT MY DRESSER! Forward.... momentum(mwahaha, iz my biggy word of the day)......too .... strong! *Trips on dresser and goes flying.... then lands in a pile of pillows* Wow that was convenient. Pups pups pups, pups pups pups, puppy puppy pups! I shall see them and then I shall turn too mushy jello, for they shall be a weakness of mine, and now I will tell you people my weaknesses for no apparent reason whatsoever(is that a word?). They are Inuyasha(duh), beef jerky, The Fluffy Green One, Mahjong, cold weather, kitties, Bloody Hells(a drink of my own invention), and burning things. *continues dancing* I LOVE YOUR FIC! Your a great random writter, and randomness is good, yep yep. Me love FAN-FICS *spins around... and hair get's stuck in fan* DAMN, LONG, FLUFFY HAIR! I SHALL TAME YOU..... someday.... You know I've always wondered why anime peoples hair is so perfect, I mean take Inuyasha for example, you never see him wash or even brush his hair and yet iz so pretty and un-split-endie. His whole families like that, even his dad.... hahaha..... yes people I know what Inu-baby's father looks like and what his name is.... Inutaisho! And how do I know this, you ask, well I'll tell you I found some stuff about the third Inuyasha movie. Including scenes from it, and some of the scenes include INUTAISHO!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, FEAR MY AWSOME GLOATING POWERS, MWAHAHAHAcough cough.... cough can'tcough breath cough couhey look a kitty! Oah iz so cute *pets the kittie who's purring like a firing machine gun* Mwaha okay not gonna do that again... I shall mow be one of those evil villians who sits in the big, squishy chairs and pets a kitty. Then I shall brainwash everyone in the world too read your fic and then review it.... I would laugh mamiacly now but I think I ruptured something in my throat last time so you'll just have to pretend I did. I can't wait for your next chapter and for the pups too come of course. Keep up the good work, Scheherazade(the kitty) and I are going to go make some bloody hells and then get Sean drunk and then exploit him, doesn't that sound like fun Zera(kitty nickname)? Zera/ mrow, meow, prrrrrr, mewmew, mrrrrow(yes).
 Title: Really great fic yougot!!
Reviewed By: Vellakitty [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2004 22:17 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is a really, very, really GREAT fic you got going here!!!! You really know how to make a sexy scence(sp) funny!!! ^_^ That takes true talent!!! Very good!! Great job on the keeping the name from us. Even though I thought I mibht die if I didn't find out what it was!!! It was still great!!!! Hey could you name one of Miroku's and Sango's kids after Keada? I mean the woman has done alot for them, sharing her home, feeding them, help to heal their wounds, etc. You get what I'm trying to say here. Well I just think it would be nice thats all. Well can't wait for the next chapy, BYE!!!!!! ^-__-^
 Reviewed By: BlueRose91  On: January 14, 2004 00:12 CST
hahaha! soo funni! I love rin shes sooo cute! ^-^
 Title: Simply a Lady
Reviewed By: Simply a Lady [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2004 02:09 CST
Does a little happy dance. I love it I love it.....I just wanted to say I love it and she became Celeste. That is so totally cool. I am glad more than one person agreed with me. Because mine was kind of small compared to some others. Anyway Update again please Thank you!
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: January 12, 2004 18:39 CST
Ok, let me appologise repeatedly for not reviewing the last chapter. I'm so sorry! Two of my projects at work are up for review and my boss has me running my behind off for him to get evertything in order! I promise it won't happen again! Also to make up for it I'll have to review both, together! Ok, back to chapter 34... I loved it, at first you have the warm intorduction as we find the extended family all sleeping together in one hut, all in various states of undress... Kaede's short monologue about the 'family' staying her house being very funny, especially as it leaps into the introduction of the the person who will become the latest addition to their group! Then we have the segment where she introduces herself and Inu screws up, again! He just can't catch a break can he? Then finally Sessi is preented with his challenge as Inu (somehow to some extent forgiven?) and Kagome take their pups and go to visit her mother, certainly something that will cause them all even more trouble... Ok, now on to 35! ^_^; This one is even better! First you start with Inu getting ambushed and having his ears rubbed to save kis kids, then the embarrasing moment regarding his...excitement...not only that but Nikki asking questions I am sure he would rather not have answered! Special note goes out to the comments about Miroku and most notably the one regardin not listening to what he says and if you do not to repeat it! The bit about Kagom's granfather though...OMG! That really is freaky! Fun though... That follows into the marvellous lemon scene and the associated group of villagers commenting about it as if were some kind of sporting or social event! Do they have organised 'listen to the hanyous mate' gatherings? Then Kagome and Inu returning and some poor fool asking such a question at a time like that...x_x Ironically before she can kill them all the babies kick and the whole village is saved from being wiped out by an angry Kagome! Thank you again for giving me the honour of having my name used in the story, it means alot to me, seriously... Then finally a nice awkward situation as GG tries to explain the facts of life of a couple of demon kids and Sessi and his new mate go at it! Really enjoying it and once again sorry about the delay in the review. Ok, better go now. Sleep calls and come morning back to the daily slog...oh well... Good luck & best wishes, Hououza
 Reviewed By: Goddess of the Night  On: January 09, 2004 22:27 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ive read quite a few fanfics off this site and this one must be my absalute faveorite,i cant think of any that i have enjoyed this much, your doing a great job, cant wait to find out how it ends.
 Reviewed By: MissNikki  On: January 06, 2004 19:41 CST
I read the chapter where you put me in it when you posted it...i was just in a rush and couldn't review...i haven't gotten a chance to read the new chapter....as a matter of fact my computer exploded well not really just the tower...dell sucks...well anyway thanks and i enjoyed it....bye have to go
 Reviewed By: Inu_Yasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 05, 2004 21:53 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 4 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this is the best fanfic i ever read. many times it was hard for me to understand what you spelled, you never spelled grab once right. but it's all good because the whole story was good, even though i haven't read it all, i'll review again.
 Reviewed By: inuyhakmoon [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 04, 2004 14:05 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow wher to begin this fic is great ia m one of those people who love lemony goodness in a fic and boy did this one live up to it's name. This is a great written fic and very little spelling errors fort being dislexic. maybe before you put it out you could have abeta reader read it first and then people would cut down on nagging you. anyways wow Inuyuasha is one horny bitch I like it. oh an you are my number two favorite author of all time for now. this fic is just so good. oh and for that beta reader just post it and someone will do it. I am not the best poerson since i had a beta reader myself. I am a horrible speller not to metion terrible run on's lol. I must say you trult redifined the lines and laws of fanfiction storytelling and for the better I might add. Please keep going and don't get discouraged from the flames. Be proud of your accomplishments and keep your kami's high Ja Ne !!!!!!!!!!!!!! email me if you have any question i'm a mediameiner member and loudmouthscrstr@aol you can also reach me there
 Reviewed By: vegetta11111 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 04, 2004 09:30 CST
your story is by far one of the best ones ive read in a LONG time....its really long too,ive been reading for like 1hour and 30 minutes and only on chapter 19.Its freakin halarious too
 Title: Shappies a Cool Word...
Reviewed By: Bre aka Chaosti  On: January 03, 2004 19:33 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am dead, so dead, can't move, brain cells have been seared too ash so I lay hear and converse with my demon side who's actually being nice and I'm huddled in a featel possision and I wan't too die but I shall revive because I am now Chaosti aka Bre aka Sakura. Ohhh no it's coming... and my demon side has deserted me... help me NOOOOOO, it has come for me the math homework from HELLLLLLLLL!!! *runs away and accidently spills coke on math book* Ooops oh well guess I can't do it now... wait I didn't have math homework... I have japanese.. *screaming bloody murder* Wait I don't have my japanese notebook hahahaha take that evil Aoki sensei mwahahahaha! Alright I'm good now time too find that profile thingie *rumaging through a giant ocean of junk* Hey what's that... ohh I guess that's where Grandma went... I always thought she went too Hawaii, I wondered where that smell was coming from. *looks out too the magical audience in Bre's mind* Does anyone know a good embalmer? ~5 hours later~ Hahahaha I found it! Wait I forgot I just did some doodles of Inuyasha and I killing my Japanese teacher. Well I guess I better get back too my computer.... uhoh *looks out too an endless sea of junk that's been culminated (another big word, I'm good) over the past 9 years* Well I guess I should start going back... hey what's that... it's yellow... OMFG it's a PIKACHU DOLL AHHHHHHHH, SAVE ME!!! FUZZY SAVE ME!!! The Fuzzy Green One/*uses mystical fuzzy pillow powers too bring Bre back* Bre/ OHHHH, THE HORRER, THE HORRER!!! ~1 minute later~ Bre/ *Devouring teriyaki chicken* ~2 minutes later~ Bre/ Okay here's me idea for Sakura. Hair- As long as Inuyasha's hair but midnight black except for the tips which will be silver like Inuyasha's. Eyes- The same as Inuyasha's except they're girl eyes. Ears- Black except for the tips which are silver. Skin/ A light tan, a little lighter then Inuyasha's. Other- Fangs and claws, of course. Features are a half and half of Kagome and Inuyasha's, though she's very beautiful. Personality/ Wickedly smart clever, and alot like her dad, loves too run and is faster then her brothers, her brothers love her alot and her dad loves her beyond reason. Loves too sit on her father's shoulder slightly covered by his hair, and loves too sit in trees. Has a bad temper like her parents and is really stubborn. Loves beef jerky as much as Inuyasha loves Ramen. Likes training with her dad and uses a sword, though her attacks have Kagome's miko powers in them so she's constantly destroying hay bales at practice. Really good at stealth, and sneaks up on Uncle Fluffy alot. So what do you think? Is it good? I really really hope so. I can't wait for the pups too come. Must see them. Would you mind if I e-mailed you. That would be cool. I love you fic and I'm so happy you let me design Sakura *does shappy dance*. I must go though because Naraku has escaped his torture pit and is trying too get with my boyfriend and Sean's gonna kill him any minute and if he does that then I won't be able too torture him anymore. Bre/ runs over too a big arena that suddenly popped up* Get away from my boyfriend you gay bastard! Naraku/ kukukukuku Bre/ Why do you say that all the time. Naraku/ kukuku, I'm president of the kuku birds fan club. Bre/Ohhh, that makes sense. Sean/ *demonie and growling* I will render your flesh Naraku. Bre/ *sighs and snaps fingers, Naraku disappears* Sean/ I'm thirsty. *accidently grabs sake instead of coke* Bre/ NOOOOOOO, we're hanyous we can't drink... hey I'm a hanyou, THAT ROCKS!!! Now having a demon side makes sense, maybe I'm not insane. The Fuzzy Green One/ Nope your nuts, after all you talk too pillows. Bre/ True, true.... ~3 hours later~ Bre/ Okay I have a drunk hanyou boyfriend too exploit what should I have him do?..... I know clean my ocean of JUNK!!! ~5 minutes later~ Sean/ All done mate of mine. Bre/ *eyes go sparkley* It's beautiful!!! OMG I am so going too marry you!!! Sean/ WOOHOO!!!
 Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 03, 2004 19:21 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
really great chappy and such a twist letting ppl pick names of characters but that sound like an insteresting way 2 do it^_^
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