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"operation sex" Reviews/Comments [ 264 ]
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 Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 15, 2003 00:07 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
that was surprising!!!!!!!!!!!!!Inu has a sister that he didn't no of wow i thought i was the only one.................well really great chp can't wait till u up-date ^_^
 Reviewed By: Samantha  On: December 14, 2003 08:36 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Really good. Keep the story going. It's one of the best I've ever seen.
 Title: I forgot something
Reviewed By: MissNikki  On: December 12, 2003 23:56 CST
This fic is sooo good and i just read Hououza's review...I realize two things...1-I spelled his name wrong and 2-he talked about the chapter the whole way through and i didn't does this mean he wins???? Mine is longer it's just wonders off topic and then off again and then back on...Well anyway i love the story and in case i haven't told you Keep up the good work. and i want to apologize to Hououza I didnt know your name had two 'ou's in it...well anyway i better get typing i have 9 more paged to type......*finger cramp* and i don't think I'll make it...byebye and luv you!!!! ^_^
Reviewed By: MissNikki  On: December 12, 2003 23:42 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey it's me again...I can't believe some1 has a longer review then me...well that just won't do! I could some1 try to top my review lenght not only did he try he did!!!! I'm apalled at this behavior. I'm sending out memos that tell ppl that their reviews can't be longer than mine or 5 lines...which ever comes first. OK...NOW WITH THE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM-- why did Inu get down on his near...? and what is a near? and I think you meant month not mouths...who has four mouths anyway? I noticed it before but it didn't bother me i just need to babble to make my revew longer than Houza's or what ever his name is (no disrespect intended) --THAT'S IT FOR THE CRITISM Cocoa: Here Amica use this Amica: but someone wrote on it already... Sassy: Well it is going on the wall....ppl won't see the back... Amica: I guess your right...What i like was on the front...i'll just pu this on my wall MissNikki: Have you guyz seen my memos? Sassy: No. what do they say? MissNikki: they read, to allwho review Operation Sex your review can not I repeat can not be longer then mine! and if mine is only 5 lines that mean you have a minimum of 4 1/2 lines. follow rules or face the conquences. Cocoa: that's funny... MissNikki: whats so funny about it Cocoa: Amica's new wall paper says the samething that your memos says MissNikki: *steaming mad* WHAT!?! NOW FOR THE REAL REVIEW I loved this story and I'm glad you liked my reviews...and you should accept that I'm right only I count and that memo *shakes head in disappointment* my other personalities just can't keep their paws off things that don't have their name on it. Oh well there is nothing i can do about it now...I loved the poem and the idea of putting it in a locket with his favorite picture of his hanyou Kagome. And the fact that the mother actually blushed...shit i didn't think she did that but then again it could have been because it was her father talking abot her and her husband...that would be embrassing but she should have thought about that before taking all the pictures of her 'hanyou babies' naked. the sprinklers...that was priceless...especially since we just use the hose...it works just as well...I am really enjoying this fic it's one of the best so far...and your loyal to your fans!!! and i love that even more...btw did i tell you that i'm in love with this fic...ahhh...do yo know with this review and Houza's you owe us 2 chapters or one really really long one!!! ;p yes i'm a pain in the ass and proud of it!!!! MissNikki: How could you do that??? I mean my memos this is the second time you did this Cocoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cocoa: Huh? Why do you blame me? MissNikki: Because I know in some wierd twisted way you had something to do with it Sassy: Actually it was her fault she gave it to Amica MissNikki: can none of you read???? I mean how could you not tell it was a memo...it says MEMO right on the top!!!! Cocoa: Well shouldn't memo be in the mailbox anyway...it's easier for ppl to read them when they have them MissNikki: *attacks* I was gonna mail them but you messed it up again...How did you think ppl was supposed to read the last memo that you lined your bird cage with IT...ARE THEY TELEPATHIC???? you stupid idiot...DIE DIE DIE Sassy: you may want to let go before she dies MissNikki: WHY SHOULD I?????? YAY!!!! YOU UPDATED--in case i forgot to state the obvious ^_^ MissNikki: Maybe I should just email the memos out and to remind you i expect a really really long chapter or 2 chapters uploaded during the weekend!!! BTW I like your idea of including me into your story but your shortest chapter? What am i suppose to do reread every chapter? and i hoped you enjoyed your partying after finals or midterms...now if you get through the semestra you'd be on a roll...do you write stories for your english class and if you do I know you get 'A's your writing is sooo goooood but your grammar and spelling could use some work...but don't mind me...i'm no better...i just don't realize it because i don't read my own stories which is probably the same thing you do...or should i say don't do ^_^ well anyway if this isn't longer than Houza and I know it's not I'll Make it the longest next time...how about a whole page...you win this time Houza but next time you go down!!!!!!!!! way down...OH YEAH AND BEFORE I FORGET UPDATE AND MAKE IT A REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG CHAPTER...I KNOW I KNOW I ADDED ANOTHER REALLY ON THERE BUT *POUTS* I CHANGED MY MIND AND I BET HOUZA AGREES WITH ME AND IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG CHAPTR IT COULD BE 2 SEPARATE CHAPTERS--AND I ADDED ANOTHER REALLY HUH? WELL GUESS WHAT I CHANGED MY MIND AGAIN!!! ;P I'M A PAIN IN THE ASS AND PROUD OF IT AND I SAID THAT ALREADY HUH? oh i'm really saying good bye this time...i have to go...and type my story it has to be done tonight but it's not going to be well bye bye
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: December 12, 2003 21:27 CST
Hello again! Just to say one slight problem...for some reason it doesn't like return so all the lines are bunched up, sorry! Better go, nice chapter once again, better go this time lest I crash my computer by falling asleep on it!
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: December 12, 2003 21:26 CST
*Well that's somewhat of a challenge ne? A review at least as long as your shortest chapter...let's have a go then...* The lead in is very funny as it leads on from the last chapter perfectly. The sprinklers adding an unexpected touch. Then as you move into the description of Inuyasha and Kagome and their position once agian you continue to reafrim the bonds between the two and continue to convey the deep bond between the two,most of all focused on the remarks about the eyes. I like the way you give more impact to the division that was between them when Kagome was human as when she would look at him they were from different worlds. Now they are the same and so the divison that held them apart is severed and the bound between them is deepened. *Next part...take a deep breath...* The sex scene, usually I wouldn't coment on one of these but as I am going for the longestreview in the history of the world here we go...it was beautfil the way Inuyasha first takes a moment to think of his children andthe coming time in which he will become a father for the second time (Shippo being the first in a way). Even after as he moves to make love to his mate and wife you still convey the depth of his passion for her and the concern he has for the lives yet to be born. Even more as she passes away the activities that heighten the arousal to simply reafirm their bond to one another. Next you suddnely shift scene into a light and humor enducing bit, a great departure from a moment before yet it fits perfectly as you cover the confusion of a younger brother at concept that he is yet to understand. Not only that but the comment bytheir jii-chan rounds it off perfectly giving Kagome's mother a little of her own medicine for once. *Puff...puff...gotta keep going...* This is where an unexpected twist comes into play, last time we saw them they were still very much appart and now in the time that the others have been gone their relationship has progressed and they tow are now bonded together. In a way it was like an immovable object and an irresistable force (see if you can guess which is which! ^_^) A fully anticipated an wonderrfully executed revelation of their altered status, particularly the comedy element as Shippo comes calling for his 'aunt' and 'uncle' only to find them like that, not only that but the fact that it has happened before! Once again a very funny interlude but also a stark comparison to the way Souta reacted to Kagome and Inuyasha earlier on showing the difference between the two. *Just a bit further...* I really enjoyed the way you have them try and hide the change in their relationship from the others, even though it only last for a moment its fun to see how they are so nervous at first as Shippo calls out to his parents. *Help...running out of words!* The scene that follow thats is absolutely brilliant, Inuyasha simply walks up to Sango and start listening to her stomach...wonderful! Thus in one fell swoop you managed to cover the fact that she and Miroku are together and that they will be having pups. The only thing I wonder is whythere wasn't more of a reaction from the two, however when I think about it with all the ground work laid it would seem almost natural that they too would fall for one another sooner or later. (Btw, the thing about the length of the pregnancy, very interesting...now if only human women worked that way...^_^...) *Runs dodging sharp objects thrown by all the females in the area* Finally the last scene as Inuyasha one again reafirms his love for Kagome, everything he feels summed up in a simple poem to show the her that he will love her forever, beautiful! I really loved the chapter, sorry I couldn't review immediately but I was at work when I first read through it. I really am looking forwards to the next one, Good luck & best wishes, Hououza PS. That is officially the longest review I have ever written, I hope you like it! Please excuse my bad spelling and grammer, typing at 3:30am can do that to you! Just in case I'll leave you my e-mail... hououza@msn.com Night!
 Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2003 06:16 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
yay yay yay yay i luv this fic can't wait till u up-date again yay yay yay ^_^
 Reviewed By: WinterWolf7  On: December 11, 2003 22:52 CST
I would really like it if you updated more offten
 Reviewed By: Jillian  On: December 10, 2003 15:33 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 4 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 6 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: general 51  On: December 10, 2003 02:15 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i wish i could put 11 but i cant and guys rule and hurry and up date
 Reviewed By: Sammy -.-zzz  On: December 09, 2003 20:08 CST
 Reviewed By: Hououza  On: December 08, 2003 16:41 CST
Nice chapter, can't help wondering what the gift is though... Can't type much tonight, had five hours sleep so my coordination is bad. Typing at about a word a minute! Nice work, look forwards to the next. Good luck & best wishes, Hououza
 Title: just in case
Reviewed By: MissNikki...you know me  On: December 07, 2003 22:24 CST
I'm writing another review just in case you don't get all 5 reviews...you shouldn't care about other ppl I love you and you story...you should just update because of me and my obsession with this story...and i reall do love it...I read it everyday and I'm even down loading it to read in between you updating or if my computer wanna act bitchy and doesn't wanna log me onto the net but...I love this story and I want you to know that I need more story from you as soon as you can..any way way must you have 5 reviews didn't you get the memo only i count...I thought I sent that memo out two weeks ago...-Cocoa: you mean this one? *Holds up soild piece of paper* I use them to line the bird cage...-MissNikki: Damn you Cocoa I need those to give to the author of my favorite stories...so they'd know who to update for and now they still want reviews because of my ditzy counterpart...seesh! Well you know the drill I review you update...this two reviews plus the other one from a nice review who is not me btw..should count as 5...my reviews are longer than anyone elses and if you take the lines or the average amount of word that most reviewers write *hopeful* this review counts for like 3 chapters aleast, right?
 Title: Did you miss me?
Reviewed By: MissNikki  On: December 07, 2003 22:12 CST
Personnally I don't think we should have to wonder as the author you should already know. I'm really liking this story and I like the part were you killed of Kouga's reincarnation Hojo or Hobo whatever it is. Can I ask what's going on in the Warring States Era with Sango and Miroku? I love the mother...Why?...beacuse she love InuYasha and I'd bet anything that she'd hate Kikyo...Oh yeah I have another question...the guy hiding in the shadow waiting to kill the newly-wed couple wasn't Hojo was it? I mean how could he wanna kill Kagome or was it just InuYasha...Please answer this queation *down on knees* I'm begging you Please please please please please please...I thin you get the picture...and keep up the good work
 Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 07, 2003 21:32 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
can't wait till yur next up-date^_^really luv this fic
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