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"Metamorphosis." Reviews/Comments [ 1272 ]
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 Reviewed By: Cynbad146  On: November 24, 2004 21:49 PST
This storyline is really taking an interesting curve. I can just imagine Sesshomaru kicking some bad girl butt. His protectiveness of Rin is so endearing. . . and Inuyasha declaring his possessiveness regarding Kagome. . . I wonder what Kagome will make of that. Ooooooo, this story is really on a rollercoaster ride!!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. You work so hard and we fans reap a lot of benefits from same. It's amazing how you update almost dailey with quality writing. I hope you can ignore the immature flamers not worth your attention or time. A sincere fan or critic would give you reasonable comments that would critize but not flame. Enjoy your time off and Thank You again. Cynbad146
 Title: can't write a review and keep up with a chat....o.0
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate  On: November 24, 2004 21:44 PST
my favorite chapter so far... only InuYasha claiming Kagome so openly has saved Miroku from feeling my hands around his neck... my girl has made a reappearance and she didn't hurt Rin, so we're good. The flaming really needs to stop people... either sign it and leave a classy flame or just walk away... don't tick Sueric off with pointless unsigned flames that can be deleted so easily. I'm too distracted to type more now, so until next time!
 Reviewed By: SusanLitten [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2004 21:11 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
"Damn you," InuYasha snarled, covering Kagome's mouth with his hand to keep her quiet. "She'll be fucking living in this tree till your pup's born, then I'll toss it to you, you fucking pervert." OMG....I nearly died laughing at this... It just seems like something he would say! Keep it up!!! L
 Reviewed By: jessicca  On: November 24, 2004 21:09 PST
I was just wonderin, in your story Kagome doesn't have the guts to ask Inuyasha about Kikyo why does she have the guts to fiind out if Inuyasha really wants to stay with her. She goes from like "pansyass scholgirl who is afraid" to like "kick ass girl who doesn't need anyone. I just thought it wierd how he character changes so quickly. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
 Reviewed By: The Rose Society  On: November 24, 2004 20:56 PST
I'm a recent addition to the Inuyasha fandom, but not to the fanfiction one. In the time that I've started reading fics, I have come across certain authors that were exceptional and YOU are one of those authors. Metamorphosis, Chronicles, I have enjoyed every single one of your fics. They are well-written and planned out. The level of angst is amazing and always welcomed, as are the happy endings. As a would-be author myself, I know that flames are not welcome and I feel for you if you are receiving any over this fic. Sometimes, people just can't accept any one else's version of "their" characters. They should just hit the back button and stop trying to burst your bubble. Fics are personal things; I am glad to hear that you enjoy writing. I am also glad that the plagiarist has been dealt with. I just wanted to say that I enjoy all your stories and I hope to see more in the future.
 Title: ch14
Reviewed By: Flames101  On: November 24, 2004 20:38 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter! Thanks for the extra update before Monday!
 Reviewed By: Sari15- who can't log in...ever  On: November 24, 2004 20:33 PST
Run Miroku RUN!!! I never imagined Inu would yell out that she was HIS miko *gasp* That was awesome!!! Poor Miroku didn't even want to DO this to begin with. This fic keeps getting better and better. It is a complicated topic that many people are very close minded about. I applaud you on tackling it, no matter what other's say to you. Is something only people with maturity and understanding can comprehend...I can't wait for your update....This villianess cracks me up!!!
 Reviewed By: kalaong  On: November 24, 2004 20:33 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
This is a pretty good fic. Seems to me that characterization is spot-on for all the characters concerned, especially Inuyasha and Kagome. It seems to me that what Inuyasha loves most about Kagome is her compassion, and he couldn't spite her for that, even in such an extreme case as helping her friends have a baby. Kikyo's affections came with a price tag, and she clearly saw him as some kind of used car that needed to be overhauled. And this is perhaps the first surrogate pregnancy in history! Back then, a barren woman was considered useless for anything but a quick lay. A man was considered justified in leaving her. I guess because Miroku and Sango have spent so much time around a modern woman, they've acquired modern morals. I just have three non-judgemental thoughts. 1. What would Inuyasha have thought if they had somehow been able to use one of Sango's eggs? He'd have smelled all three of them in the baby, but none of them on Kagome herself! 2. Kagome gets flustered enough under stress as it is. How will she react now that she's pregnant? I see hot pregnant sex in the future! 3. In all your other fics where Kagome gives birth, Inuyasha is either outside in the waiting room, or off chasing shadows. Will he be there this time even though he's not the father? Ironic.
 Reviewed By: ixchen [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2004 20:12 PST
i loved it.. can't wait to see what you got for us on monday..
 Title: back off assrags i love this story
Reviewed By: piscesanela007 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2004 20:03 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love your idea for this fic, for Kagome to carry Sango & Miroku's baby, and this isn't even the central idea/plot of the fic. You have nailed all the characters in terms of their actions and choices. The people who have flamed you are such morons they aren't worth the typing we waste on them. This is an amazing story and we are just in the begnning chapters. You have this awesomely revolting villianess i just wanna bitch slap and be like you nasty ho stay away from the inu-youkai/hanyou boys. She is the type of villian you love to hate, which makes her great. Then you have the tension between Kagome and Inuyasha about admitting their feelings, which you write so well. Change is definately good because if it was all the same then after awhile even the best of writing(which you possess) would get old and trite. There are so many readers out there, who like me wait for every update, so all of these flamers and morons who don't actually read or understand the story can go sit on tetsusaiga sharp side up. I feel these morons are assrags, dumbasses, turdmonkeys, who have their heads so far up their asses they can't seem to read the story for what it is, need to get off the computer and stop reading if they don't like it. You should always write for you, because that is how some of the best stories emerge. Don't let the idiots get to you. You have an amazing talent that makes these stories seem so real. I look forward to your updates in this fic, because of its excellent conte
 Reviewed By: peachykeen(not signed in)  On: November 24, 2004 19:22 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was going to say something on deviantart but i thought you probly perfer me saying w/e on here...this is really different from what you've done before, to all those people who dont like the then screw them, i love your writing and i will definitly keep reading this so :P keep doing what you're doing cuz you rock!
 Title: O.O *glares and steams*
Reviewed By: Kitsu Kurasei  On: November 24, 2004 19:19 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sueric... *growls* WHY DID YOU HAVE HIM SAY THAT!? I don't think he'd say that no matter how mad he was, that was cruel beyond words and beyond his capabilities of evilness. Sorry, but I've seen him in some fanfics as 'uncapably evil' and those chilled me to bone but that... I'm sorry, but that was just a giant pissoff!-Kitsu
 Reviewed By: LeeLu  On: November 24, 2004 18:55 PST
Just go and have fun this weekend and eat all the turkey your stomach can stand! LOL I know I will! I have a question...did Sango gasp because she didn't know Kagome was officially declared "pregnant" and that they didn't know for sure if she was? Did that make sense? LOL If it didn't don't worry about answering it. I'll just die of curiousity. Just kidding!! LOL
 Title: JAFAR!
Reviewed By: nymphminxgoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2004 18:45 PST
Final Thought fromMiroku: I think he took that rather . . . well . . . . Jafar says that in Aladdin! lol So funny. Oh but your story. It just. Wow. I dunno how to say it.
 Title: Wait a second...
Reviewed By: RHCP RULES!!!  On: November 24, 2004 17:32 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
With Sango's garden thing being in the future. The first conclusion I jumped to is that if Sango tried to have another baby, she would suceed. If the garden couldn't change ie. nothing Kagome or the others do in the past seem to change the future, than there is no way if Sango tried to have another baby, that it should fail, or else there would be an eight plot, and the future would have to change. I guess this has to do with your view on the whole time travel thing, but you get my point. I don't think that Kagome would just jump to that conclusion when the one I did is so much more evident. Also why not actually just pay someone to be the suragate mother. Then you would not have all this unpleasentness. It would seem to be kind of uncomfortable for Kagome to do it, so why not someone else. She did not even consider this option. Hope you can respond either in AN or e-mail me at a49erfan_80@hotmail.com Thanks. Also I love your writing.
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