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"Purity 3: Forever" Reviews/Comments [ 1105 ]
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 Reviewed By: fruitcake  On: March 13, 2005 14:15 CST
okay. i know this has NOTHING to do with purity or your fanfics..but, i just finished watching ep. 132, and in it, Miroku tells Sango that he never thought of loving her, but just thought of them as partners and friends. but then he says that he wants to live with her and for her to bear his child. so is he saying that he only wants Sango so he could continue his family line, and that was the only reason? for heirs? and then sango goes on to ask if he'll ever cheat on her. and he doesnt answer. so, miroku doesnt have any feelings whatsoever towards Sango than just being friends, and a physical attraction? i thought Miroku would have fallen in love with her by now..so, my question is, does miroku ever fall in love with sango? Other than having an attractiveness towards her body? ~~Email: Holyhipporider@hotmail.com
 Title: da baby beta
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 13, 2005 12:10 CST
O.O d-e-a-d pup. LOL. I love Nez, she has so much spunk and Ryo... how can one not love his badness? Wonder how Ryo will smooth over this act of idiocy? I don't think Nez is going to be very happy with him at all, that I don't ^_~
 Reviewed By: suzehowe [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 13, 2005 01:47 CST
One of your previous reviewers mentioned something similar, but I was thinking about how Ryo could possibly not remember the "mating" (drunkeness aside). The only idea I could come up with is that his youkai took over - similar to what happened to IY when Tessaiga was broken. His idiotic human side might not know what he wanted, but his youkai did! LOL Am I close? Would you tell me if I was?? Anyhew...another awesome chappie. Poor, poor Nez...chauvanistic Japanese males on one side, overbearing hanyous on the other. And stuck in a skimpy dress and killer high heels to boot! Lordy... Lastly, I wish you wouldn't hate Meta so much. ::cries:: I love that story! I'm sorry that so many jerks ruined it for you.
 Reviewed By: Cynbad146  On: March 12, 2005 22:34 CST
I really, really, like this story. The characters seem so real. Looks like there is going to be some kind of heated discussion or nondiscussion. Wonder what Ryos' going to think about the 'outfit', not to mention how good it looks on Nezumi. Can not even guess what Nezumi is going to think about the new 'look'. I think these two are perfect for each other. Never a boring moment. (Probably said that before, but it's how I feel.) I hope your enthusiasm stays high throughout this story. You have done such an outstanding job so far. If you have any negative jerk reviewers, let me know, and I will use my anime frying pan on them. Thank you for all of your sharing. Cynbad146
 Title: ouch!
Reviewed By: FUDGE  On: March 12, 2005 20:41 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Damn that was intense how about you update really soon. Pleaaase! I can't wait to see what happens next at the party. Keep up the great job.KAREN
 Reviewed By: Ladyblade [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2005 18:14 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I just wanted to drop a simple, but true "You're stories are great" review. ^_^ Cheesy I'm sure, but from my POV, it's the honest truth. I've read just about all your IY fics and love them all. I finally remembered (a.k.a. smacked myself) to give proper due respects to the creator of such a wonderful 'series' of sorts. The alternative for Sierra's marking was well thought of. Just when I think I see where you're going with a story, it heads off somewhere else which turns out to be far more enjoyable than the version I'd thought it might be. Did that even make sense? LOL Ok, well once again, you write beautifully and I can only hope to gain such a following as you have. I'm sure I don't need to tell you to keep up the good work :)
 Title: ?????
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2005 17:16 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sue, I like all of your stories and as always, each one is so original. This one is so funny and it is nice to see how this relationship is going to develop. I read that you wished " Metamorphosis" 'is just something you wished would die' is how you put it and I was a bit curious is why you felt that way? I felt that the story was one of the best I have read on the forum and I hope that doesn't upset you. I know you were upset with the flack you got about people wanting a "lemon". However, just about ANYONE can write a lemon and you dont need to have a lemon for it to be a good story. I felt that Metamorphosis showed me a very compasionate side of Kagome and a funny side of Inuyasha. In fact it was Metamorphosis that enchoraged me to read your other stories besides Chronicles. So although you want it to die, I am glad that you gave Metamorphosis life!! Keep writing and be encouraged. Just one of your avid readers. Joyce
 Reviewed By: Shadow_Within [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2005 16:36 CST
If i was Nezumi i would have faked sick. Jeez that desciption of the dress! *shivers* i hate dresses. And yyou made it sound like it stopped right at her butt! I but Ryo's going to pass out when he sees her in it. Haha! That'd be great! I can't wait for other people to actually see what she looks like under all the baggy clothes. She kinda reminds me of myself. I wear baggy clothes all the time and usually overalls on the weekend. (my work doesn't "recomend" it's emploies to wear overalls. Doesn't make them look professional, or something.) Like you really needed to know that. hmm... maybe i should become a mechanic so i could wear what i want... Anywho great chapter! Can't wait for the next!
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2005 16:05 CST
*smacks head* Damn...Ryo has absolutely no tact, does he? *laughs* I think I'm just shell-shocked from the switch from Toga-main to Ryo-main. Oof, what a difference. I reinterate...poor Nez.
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: March 12, 2005 15:06 CST
How embarassing to be so uncomfortable at a party and have the jealous (and loud) show up to make things worse. Makes me groan just thinking about it. These two have a long way to go. Sorry to hear Metamorphosis is still troubling you. I enjoyed it (though Chronicles is my favorite too). All your stories have been beautiful and I've enjoyed every chapter!
 Title: Intersting
Reviewed By: xenus [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2005 14:44 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I definitely liked this chapter the most. I can't believe that she slipped away without him knowing. He must have been really busy with that phone call. So this is this the last continuation of Purity? I mean, there aren't any other characters that can be followed up on, unless you give them another challenge. But I would read it anyway! Excellent chapter as always!
 Reviewed By: Kyonarai(nsi)  On: March 12, 2005 13:07 CST
Ok, I think Ryo desperately needs some brownie points...Nezumi needs to believe him about being a hanyou. Then someone needs to hit ryo on the back of the head with a wrentch...and so on.
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: March 12, 2005 11:49 CST
Ryo is not winning any points for himself. But at least now see has seen his human side and that can add more proof to his story of being mated... but she'll just try to kill him outright for being such a bakakuso
 Title: dang...automatic un-logger...I was signed in...
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion (nsi)  On: March 12, 2005 11:12 CST
Favorite comment for today: "Legs or boobs...Kami, what a choice..." LMAO!!! --- Oh. My. Goodness. Ryo just called himself her "mate"...in front of a hall full of people...while dragging her off. *falls off chair* Oh, he is sooooooo going to catch it over that one!! Can't wait--ROFLMAO!! Love it!!
 Reviewed By: serendith (NSI)  On: March 12, 2005 11:07 CST
*giggles* Oh my ... this has got to be one of my favorite stories thus far! I LOVE Nezumi! She seems like the kind of girl that would smack Ryo on the back of his head when he was being stupid - *snicker* - I can relate so very much to her!
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