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"Purity 3: Forever" Reviews/Comments [ 1105 ]
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 Reviewed By: serendith(NSI)  On: March 23, 2005 12:57 CST
another fantastic chapter ... I can't tell you how many times your stories make me go "awww!". I love it! I am not going to go into another tirade about idiots on the web - I will say that I hope you don't actually stop posting your stories. Being in grad school I don't have a lot of time to do pleasure reading and your stories have given me the daily fix that I previously didn't have time for (if I buy a book I will ignore work/school until I am done). I hope you find some way to still make your stories public (for example - I have a paid msn community that I can give you access to to post your stories and you can make it a members only site ... that might be a plausable option. I am sure if you wanted to do a member's only community elsewhere for your writing your fans would donate some money to buy space - hell I pay for physical books why not this!) but I will understand if you stop - this shouldn't be a painful thing for you. And now I am really upset with myself for having not read the one chapter of Desideratum you posted...
 Reviewed By: Deirdre  On: March 23, 2005 12:55 CST
I heart you, Sueric. I know it must really irk your nerves to have people be so inconsiderate. I love your stories. Even if I'm not the biggest fan of a particular pairing I still enjoy reading them because they are so well written. What I'm trying to say is, keep your head up, brush off the jerks and keep writing. Your fans love it!
 Reviewed By: Sharibet [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 12:33 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's been a while since I reviewed--swamped with the day job--but I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it is to log in every morning and find a new chapter to devour along with my toast and coffee! This story is charming--I like Nezume and Ryo a lot (and you've captured the sibling dynamic between Gin, Ryo, and Kich so well), and I like the obstacles you've set up in the relationship between Nezumi and Ryo. Yeah, they're friends, but they still have a long way to go before they can truly become soul-mates. Anyhow, sorry to hear you've been receiving hurtful reviews--you're a popular author and some people just seem to let envy and resentment get the best of them. I do hope it doesn't discourage you from continuing this series...after all, poor Gin is going to be virgin forever if Oyaji Inuyasha has anything to say, and then there's Kich...
 Reviewed By: kyonarai(nsi)  On: March 23, 2005 12:33 CST
Sueric, you are a great writer! I don't give a damn what anyone else says. They are all stupid, I love your inu/kagome fics, and I really wish you'd post all the ones you write. Or if not, email them to me, my email is ratsofire@yahoo.com. I know I'm only one person, and I know I can't make up for what those other people said, but if it helps at all, I trully aprieciate your stories. They are some of the best I've ever read, and I'd love it if you kept writing them. Please? For all the people who love your stories?
 Reviewed By: PrncessS [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 12:09 CST
I'm so sorry you got such horrible feedback! I'm literally shocked. I truly like your stories, pairings, writing style etc, and I read Desideratum and liked it. I'm truly sorry people were so mean to you, that was completely uncalled for. In any event, I still support you and your stories and I'm very eager to read more of Purity 3 and Desideratum. Please keep writing, don't let stupid people get you down because they're just not worth it.
 Reviewed By: QueSaraSara  On: March 23, 2005 11:51 CST
I'm sorry people have been being so hurtful to you. I enjoy your writing tremendously and hope you won't let the few drown out the voices of the many who genuinely like and respect you and your writing efforts. I got the feeling, as odd as it sounds, that at the end of Metamorphosis, you were tired, the joy had gone out of it. I'm getting that feeling again here in Purity. I hate that stupid comments and insensitivity are draining your sense of joy and enthusiasm from your fiction. Cause it's a palpable feeling Sue, you make the words come alive, I would truly hate to see that exuberance gone forever. Please know that you're appreciated, by those who leave many reviews and others, like me, who are a bit shy about writing. It was so vexing to see a great writer being brought down by the thoughtlessness of people. Don't give up on us all, for many you make their day by posting a chapter. I know you've brightened up my otherwise dreary day more than a few times. Ultimately, I know you must do what you feel is best for you, but please, just be aware there are many out there who care about what you do and care about you as a writer and a person too.
 Reviewed By: IfICouldMarryInuyashaIWould (nsi)  On: March 23, 2005 11:39 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
GOD NO! Please please please don't stop posting online. Your writing honestly means the world to me. I haven't been able to comment for a while, but I can honestly say, with no reservations, that YOUR work is by far my favorite thing to read, hands down. You inspire me. Your work gives me the drive I need to write because I know that with practice, I could someday have the skill to manipulate atmosphere and develop characters so skillfully as you do. I've never posted any of my own work, though I write every day, so in many ways, you are 1000 times more brave than I will ever be, because you put yourself out there. Your work makes me laugh out loud, cry, and think long after I've stopped reading. Please please please don't take that away from all the people who enjoy it just because of a few ignorant bakas. I understand you not wanting to post where you feel you're being treated badly, and I don't mind, but just don't stop! Your devoted fan ~I.I.C.M.I.I.W.
 Title: Great chapter *goes of to kill morons*
Reviewed By: Lady_Yukiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 11:23 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love that this chapter gives us a closer view of Kich and how his friendship is effected with Nez is effected by her being Ryo's mate. Considering how perceptive Kich is, he had to have gotten that from Kagome.^_~ Hmmm... poor Nez, she's still confused about how to deal with this new relationship, and baka that Ryo is, he hasn't figured out how to smooth things over and convince her that what their relationship is "forever". *sighs* Anyways, I have to tell you how much I love this story and all your others. All my bad days become better because of them. You are one of the most talented writers that I have ever had the pleasure of reading and I'm sorry that the stupid and immature bakas of the fan fiction community have caused you pain. *hugs Sue* Thank you for being such a wonderful writer and know that your stories have touched lives and made better people out of all of us intelligent and mature enough to enjoy the beauty of your stories. ^_^
 Title: So sad...
Reviewed By: nymphminxgoddess not signed in  On: March 23, 2005 11:19 CST
The end of this chappie was just so sad. I wish she could trust herself and I wish Ryo wasn't such a baka. lol. And I'm sorry you are having idiots review your work. *hugs*
 Reviewed By: heartbroken notzathros  On: March 23, 2005 11:04 CST
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I was really enjoying your stories and was really, really looking forward to Desideratum. Depressed now. And it's raining. And the kids are home on spring break and can't go outside. Depressed that even the fantasy world of Inuyasha is just like the real world where a handful noisy idiots ruin everything for everybody. It's a friggin Inuyasha fiction group! If people don't want to read I/K parings they should read DragonballZ or somthing. Sheesh. Settling down under a heavy blanket of crushing depression I grimly await the next chapter and the eventual end of this story. Sigh. Did I mention it's raining. Sigh. Well, I guess I'd better post this as all I seem to be capable of doing is staring blankly at the screen. Stunned and depressed. This notzathros needs a cookie. Maybe a bag of cookies.
 Title: I'm sorry
Reviewed By: inu2kag86 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 11:03 CST
Hey wow I love this story! You just keep getting better. I read your a/n and I hope you know that countless others really like your work. It's hard when so many ass whipe are out there huh? Well I just wanted you to know that I love your work and I hope that you don't take too many of the bad reviews to heart. Obviously they don't know anything. Once again I love this fic and your others. Have a good day :)
 Title: well well
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 10:59 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hi sue, I loved this chapt. It seems as if nez is coming to a realization abt her inner feelings about things. I love ALL of your characters but I think Nez is wonderful. I like how you have made her personality -beautiful and yet complex. You truly make the characters just so alive. ( Sigh! I wish I could write like that.) I also liked the start of 'Desideratum' and hope you will change your mind and repost it. Shippou was right you know when he said That "it was the `baka gene'" and it seems a lot of people have it. On a personal note Sue, I work from 4:30 to 1 am at a depressing job where I am constantly stressed out. I work there to put a roof over my head and currently trying to finish up on associate's degree online. Other than my cats, I have no family and very few friends. I am more of an introvert and one of my GREATEST pleasures is reading excellent fan fiction. I have many authors I tend to like but you Are my # 1 author. I get up every morning and sit down at the computer looking forward to read the next chapters of your current stories. That is why I was so excited to see your next story 'Desideratum'!!!. I also started to read 'Coming Home' which is equally good. Sue please, I would be very sad if you decided to stop writing as I know others would be as well. No matter what you decide, thank you giving me a "vacation" in reading. J
 Reviewed By: Lokelani04 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 10:54 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First of all, I'd just like to say I've been an avid fan of you since your first fic. Flamers will be flamers, they don't have anything better to do. I think you are a great author, and am sad to see you leave AS, but of course it helps, because there are alot of idiots over there. Pleeease continue after Purity 3! I won't have anyone else to read if you dont! lol Much love, Amber aka Loke
 Reviewed By: Akihana [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 10:50 CST
Ya know, there are assholes out there. They tend to screw up everything for everyone else. i know that i liked Desideratum. Maybe, the flamers wanted to make you give up, or stop writing. Then, you would only be encouraging them to keep doing it. i suppose I'm biased, because i write, but have yet to get flamed, and i love reading your stories. Its my release, something that makes me happy after coming home from a crappy day at school. Besides, you write too well to just stop because of malcontents. It is your choice, of course, but thats just my thoughts on the matter. i did love this chapter too. Ryo is rather protective, ne? Especially since it was just his brother, then again...that might be why he reacted so badly. You do a wonderful job with these characters. i hope you keep writing, you have my support.
 Reviewed By: spookeymelichan [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2005 10:38 CST
Okay well we all know I am a bit of a sucker for stuff with Kichiro in it he's just sweet. And boy did Ryo get the baka factor I always figured his jealousy would be worse then Inuyasha but... lol He went after his brother for hugging Nez!! I guess he's just jealous cause he doesn't get to hug Nez often enough for his own likeing ;). As for everything else I would like to personally shred those people that left those revews they make me so angry. I'm sorry this is something you have had to deal with. Thank you for going on with P3 I can't blaim you if you decide to not post anymore fic after that. IY fanfic readers (the ones who are not idiots)will miss their fav author.
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