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"Purity 3: Forever" Reviews/Comments [ 1105 ]
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 Reviewed By: Jason C  On: April 14, 2005 18:36 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What an excellent twist on the plot. Couldnt Ryo just like jump on the nearest biulding and get away? Anyway great chapter as alwats Sueric
 Reviewed By: koga52  On: April 14, 2005 18:36 CDT
This chapter was so sad. I hope things are better in the morning. Thank you.
 Reviewed By: machallROCKS  On: April 14, 2005 17:54 CDT
 Title: Wow. . . . . . . . . .
Reviewed By: inuyashasluverforever [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 17:12 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow. . . .. . . . . . . That was. . . . . . intense. . . . . . Need ot shut up my jaw. . . . That was probably one of your best chapters yet. I was so impressed that I didn't even cry! *sits in shock*. . . . . . . . . wow. . . . . . . . . .
 Reviewed By: Inuyashas kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 16:46 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, such a good chapter. I feel so bad for both of them. For Nezumi because she's so confused and for Ryo too. Does Nezumi even realize how much she's hurt his feelings recently too? Oh and I never got time to comment on the last chapter. Hehe I love that you used Mad Skillz in the title! I laughed my butt off. (Pfffffft *blows a raspberry at the pervs asking for lemons.* )
 Reviewed By: trinigirl524 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 16:37 CDT
omg...thats so sad...goodness those two just need to express their feelings more i guess...but dang that ending is soo sad!!! : ( but at least ryo got off easy for being accused of rape, but things dont seem to be going easy for him and nez though....
 Reviewed By: OROsan7706 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 16:35 CDT
Awww....She made him cry. Our poor Ryomaru, now who will cheer him up?
 Title: wow
Reviewed By: inu-kitsune_youkai  On: April 14, 2005 15:28 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh my gosh, ok this is the first time that I've ever left a review for you but this chapter just got me for some reason. I love your purity stories. They are awesome. I can't believe how tortured both ryo and nezumi are. Doesn't it hurt you to write these things and cause pain to your characters? No doubt you have an incredible talent to writing. I'm sorry if my review sounds a bit cheezy but they are really really good. I can't wait to see what comes next.
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: April 14, 2005 15:17 CDT
Awww! This chapter almost made me cry. When does Ryo get some comforting? Yeah, he's an idiot, but he's also a good guy who's heart is in the right place. He has a bad day where there were no good chioces for him and instead of a shower, cuddle, and rest he gets blame, guilt, and responsibility. Awww. Poor guy. Hopefully things will start looking up for him soon. Thanks for the great chapter.
 Reviewed By: Suze-nsi  On: April 14, 2005 13:27 CDT
Oh boy...well now she knows. I feel so badly for both of them here. I think this was the best job that Ryo has done in explaining his feelings (both about sticking around with the injured woman and why he does what he does for Sesshy), but it's still a huge thing for Nez to understand and accept. Not only does she have to deal with what he does, but that he kept something so huge from her all this time. I think you're doing a fabulous job of having them fumble their way to understanding, trust and love in a realistic way. Can't wait to see what's next!
 Reviewed By: foamyfan15010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 13:00 CDT
*sniffles* They're so sad!!! :o( If they would just learn to talk to each other instead of jumping to conclusions and overanalyzing EVERYTHING, situations like that would not get so out of control... Arg... Bakas...
 Reviewed By: Turtle Dreamer [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 12:28 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Poor Nez, that's alot to take in. But then I don't imagine there is really any easy way of explaining Ryo. I thought "human/youkai relations" was a pretty good euphamism (sp? O_o ) lol I loved how he stood up to his uncle about not leaving the woman alone. Thanks for the update. ---Official "Purity" Junkie TurtleDreamer
 Reviewed By: rowan_lynn [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 12:17 CDT
Awesome chapter Sue! I love this line :"Sesshoumaru is gonna blow an ass gasket" Ryo is so much like his dad sometimes. Again awesome chapter Sue and thanks for posting! ~mackie
 Title: Darn...to slow...now this will have to suffice for 2 chapters. :)
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2005 12:16 CDT
I hate not having time to R&R in a timely fashion. I could not believe it! I think I felt as shocked as Nez when she saw the news report. The media got ahold of that quickly, and unfortunately I think that Japan, like most other countries, you are guilty until proven innocent. Good thing someone was on the ball and Uncle Sess showed up fast. There will be no more beating around the bush for Ryo. His compassion keeping him with the vicimized woman is commendible, no matter that in Sesshoumaru's opinion it was considerably foolhardy and rightfully so considering all that is at stake, but now Nezumi knows unequivocally what he does for a living and the rest will shortly follow...as it must if she is to completely understand. Her comment, "...I used to think that I knew you" was devistating at the least, for her and him both. Hopefully by morning, she will have settled herself enough to listen to what Ryo needs to tell her. -- As to the crass demands on your creativity and the abhorrant persecution you have undeservedly recieved from small-minded boors and juvinile delinquints that know nothing about the world and haven't got a lick of courtesy in thier twisted little hearts, continue to disgust me. Who do they think they are? You are a talented writer, generously sharing your 'mad skilz' with other fans and voracious readers like me *wink* and I cannot stand to hear the pain that they have inflicted upon your sensitive soul. Shameless bullys! If it were up to me - -lost tran
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: April 14, 2005 08:47 CDT
Oops, forgot to weigh in on the lemon issue. I likes 'em when the time is right. Your stories are exactly what I like. It's the build up of tension before the lemon that makes the reward so satisfying. I don't generally read citrus free stories (unless I am a fan of the author or the story has been recommended) but straight porn is just boring (and generally poorly written). Your stories are perfect for me. They have loads of plot and character development along with great story lines. The sexual tension you build up between the characters is made even more compelling because it's not just a tease. Eventually something wonderful will happen for the characters. They (and the readers), however, get to have a great rollercoaster ride before the always beautiful and tastefully written resolution. Hats off to you and your amazing stories!
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